New Faces

PLAY: Pride Love And You


-Two weeks later-

Hyelin waved goodbye to her friends, got in her car, and drove away. It was the start of winter break and she knew they were going to be two weeks of hell. She just started training a couple days ago and so far, they’ve been easy on her. Now that school’s out of the way, her trainers would work her to the ground. Reaching the building she walked in to find Joona already there along with her dance trainer who warmly greeted her with a hug.

“Um…ok. What’s wrong Jenny? You’ve never hugged me before today” Hyelin questioned.

“Hyelin~” Jenny sang “I’ve got some news~ Some boys just arrived and I hear they are very very cute.”  Jenny giggled.

Hyelin laughed “Wow this is the first time I’ve seen you so giddy. They must be gorgeous!”

“Jenny you’re 28…and it’s just my cousin and his friends. Nothing to be giddy about. And by the way, they’re sort of too young for you” stated Joona. Howon was the same age as her and Hyelim. However, he did drop out of school to focus on his dancing and singing.

“What? Cousin? Howon?!” Hyerin was happy to see that Howon came. It would be her second time seeing him and he was basically the one to mention the audition, which was reason she was even accepted to A-Lim. She was grateful to him. “Best day ever! Beginning of break, Howon, and trainings cancelled for today!”  Hyelin looked up at her teacher and friend with hope in her eyes and a smile plastered on her face.

“You wish!” Jenny exclaimed back “Breaks here so your butts are going to get it” she smirks. Yes, Jenny loved have power over her friends like that. She found it entertaining, though of course she’d never overwork them.

Just then, CEO Park came bursting in.

“Hey girls! I’m cancelling your training just for today because I have some people to introduce you to” He happily chimed.

“Yes!” Hyelim and Joona quietly cheered much to Jenny’s dismay.

Behind CEO Park came 3 boys walking in. Hyelim recognized one dark haired boy wearing purple of all colors. The other one, she noticed had dark skin and a big smile. The last one to walk through the door she noticed had the smallest eyes out of the three. Jenny was right. They were cute.

“Introduce your-selves boys” Mr. Park said in full on Korean.

“Hello my name is Howon, but I prefer you call me Hoya”

“Yo yo I’m Dongwoo” the one boy flashed the biggest smile you would ever see.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Sunggyu” the last boy smiled straight at Hyelim. His eyes were small, but this smile just made them practically disappear.

‘Forget Howon this guy’s cute’ Hyelim thought as she replied with her own smile.

“These Woolim boys just arrived from Korea and will stay in America to train for the time being. They don’t speak English so communicate in Korean. It’ll be beneficial in the future. I hope you will familiarize with each other and not have those uncomfortable senior-hoobae relationships in the future.” he pointed out. “Now go on and get to know each other. Jenny come with me, I have some new dance lessons you can use on the girls” Park and Jenny walked out leaving just the two girls and three boys in the room.

“Howon! You remember Hyelim right?” exclaimed Joona.

“Right right that girl who tripped and fell while I was trying to teach her simple dance moves! How are you clumsy?!”

Hyelim turned red ‘Oh my gosh why does that have to be the first thing he says to me…and in front of these guys!’

Everyone else laughed at Hoya’s innocent statement.

“Wait you guys know each other?” Dongwoo asked baffled pointing at Joona and Hoya.

 “What? Of course! We’re cousins. We’re even the same age.” Joona was shocked that Hoya’s friends didn’t know the simple truth.

“How come you or CEO Park didn’t tell us anything about that?” Sunggyu asked.

“Because I never told him hehe” Hoya began explaining while everyone listened…







 “hehehe hold on here, I don’t think Hoy-” Dongwoo was interrupted by Hoya.



And that’s how rest of their time together was spent. Both cousins fighting and Dongwoo left to mediate. Hyelim knew about Joona’s quick temper and didn’t bother to help. She knew Joona would calm down eventually, Hoya was her cousin. Instead, Hyelim opted for sitting down on the nearby couch and watching. Sunggyu soon joined her.

“A…Are they always like this?” Sunggyu asked surprised at how scary Hoya got when he was angry.

“I guess that quick temper thing runs in the family…” Hyelim was starting to get a bit worried, but not enough that she had to stop it. “So we’re all the same age I suppose?”


“Oh no, I turned 20 this year and Dongwoo’s turning 19” Hyelim nodded in agreement and thought ‘he’s cute, but it’s so damn awkward! Why isn’t there anything to talk about…...’







“So… now...what?” Sunggyu finally spoke up.

“Oh! Idea! Wanna leave? CEO gave us the day off but that doesn’t mean we have to stay here and listen to these two bicker haha”

“Alright where to? You have to be the guide, I don’t know my way around here as you can tell”

“Let’s go, I know of a few places” Hyelim smiled and got up, Sunggyu right behind her.


Hyelim and Sunggyu left the room leaving poor Dongwoo to try and calm Joona and Hoya down.



-A while after the two left the room-





“hey hey guys…. Where did the other two go?”


All three quieted down and looked around. They were the only ones in the room.

“See what you did?”

“Me? It’s was your fault you started it!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”


Dongwoo sighed. “Ok I give up.” And left the room leaving the two to bicker.



A/N:  Booyah met 3 Infinite members! Time to fast forwards about half a year :D Any questions, suggestions, comments, words about it?

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_DebbieBear_ #1
I'm liking it so far!!! kekeke~ Update soon :)<br />
Inspirits in the houseee :)