"that arrogant "

It's hard being 'us' [ON HIATUS]


3rd person POV;

As Hyunseung rounded the studio in the pouring rain, a chestnut haired boy could be seen exiting the building. He seemed to keep to him self as he kept his gaze focused on the ground and hands in his pockets. Something about this guy was significant. He had a distinct look about him. Glossy brown hair, prominent cheekbones and strong body frame.

"Anneyong" he nodded as he grazed past Hyunseung and continued on down the lighted street.

Hyunseung continued into the building, swiping his card and reserving studio 2 for himself. This studio was the biggest and most updated studio; only on rare occasions you would find it vacant. He turned away from the reception desk and made his way over to the vending machine. As he searched for the coordinating number for water he heard a person entering the building. 

"Yong Junhyung, studio 2, 1 hour" The man said, as a bag being dropped on the floor could be heard.

"I'm sorry but studio 2 has been taken Mr. Yong. The only available studios now are studio 5 and 9" The receptionist replied.

"I regularly book studio 2 at this time, should it not already be reserved?" The man's tone of voice sounded harsher the second time.

Hyunseung very slowly, dropped the coins into the machine one by one, while ease dropping on the conversation behind him. He wasn't the type of person to cause a scene and didn't want to walk into the studio while that arrogant , was obviously refusing to take any other studio. 

"This is bull" he spat "just give me studio 5 then.." he demanded. 

Once it sounded like he was gone, Hyunseung grabbed his bottle of water from the machine and made his way into the studio. Studios 1-5 were set on the first floor; every second room faced each other in the narrow corridor and studios 6-9 were upstairs and took up more space. They were used for group rehearsals and weren't open for public use. They were mainly used for well renound stars and on exceptions; well-known solo dancers could reserve them but not often. Hyunseung pulled his iPod out from his tracksuit bottom pocket and returned it to the dock. Automatically on placing it, a song with a hard beat blared into the room. He threw his jacket to the corner of the studio and began warming up. Each muscle had to be carefully stretched. Triceps, biceps, obliques, quads, calves, everything. Even while stretching, Hyunseung couldn't help but tap his foot lightly to the beat and slowly rock his body side to side. Finally he started to move his body to the beat. Dancing was something that came naturally to him. Popping and locking was like breathing, almost automatic, yet so natural. Regardless of the body part, it would snap to a particular beat almost like he had heard the song a million times.

It was an hour and a half before he realized he had stayed too long. As he warmed down by once again stretching lightly, he heard the door open and close behind him. Turning to see whom it was, he found only but his jacket on the ground and the door closed.

“That’s weird. I could have sworn I heard someone come in” He said quietly to himself. Pulling the iPod from the docking station, he threw his jacket on over his shoulders and switched off the light before paying at reception.

“That will be 24,000 won Mr. Yang for the hour and forty minutes” She smiled.

Hyunseung reluctantly pulled out his wallet and gave the exact amount of change. He smiled at the receptionist before swiping his card and leaving. It had certainly gotten colder since he had arrived, and his moist hoodie certainly didn’t help. But small things like that didn’t get him down. Sticking in his earphones and zipping up his hoodie, he began the 25-minute walk home. It wasn’t the safest place to be at night, especially if you were on own, but Hyunseung knew the locals well, so it was a rare occurrence that he’d be harassed on his journeys. The brisk start of a car engine startled the doe eyed boy as the raging engine crept closer and closer behind him. Hyunseung glanced at the car. It wasn’t old, but it wasn’t new. It was obvious the car had some cosmetic work done to it and some of the glossy paint had been torn from parts of the car. The passenger window rolled down to reveal a covert looking man.

Hyunseung’s POV;

I stopped walking as the man in the car was trying to catch my attention. The car grinded to a halt but the engine still roared as he revved it.

“Yah! What’s your name?” He demanded.

“Jang Hyunseung” I sheepishly replied.

“Jang Hyunseung eh? You’re the guy who took my studio today” Fear was written all over my face when I realized I was talking to the hot headed that was ing about not having his studio earlier on.

“Oh really?” I asked trying to sound oblivious.

“Don’t play dumb with me” He spat “I’d give you a ride but, you greedily took my studio today, so I guess you’ll be walking home alone” The man smirked at me and revved his engine. “Take my studio again, and there will be consequences Jang Hyunseung” Were his last words before he sped off down the main road.

I didn’t even mean to take his studio. If I’d known he booked it all the time, I wouldn’t have even bothered. Maybe he’s having a hard day and it just got to him? Wait. Why am I feeling sympathy for him? He’s the one that made a big deal out of it. You really are a push over Hyunseung. That’s the problem with you, you take other peoples feelings into consideration than you do of your own. I’m timid when I meet new people and tend to react badly in particular situations.

After a brisk 20-minute walk, I finally reached my housing estate. I prayed to god my mum wasn’t waiting for me, I was 35 minutes late. She was going to beat my . I quietly crept inside the dark house and tip toed into my bedroom. Unfortunately my mum was waiting at my door.

[Note the mother has a really strong Korean accent so words are spelt phonetically lol This is my imagination at it’s best]

“Where were you huh? I told you an hour and a half! That’s all! No more! You’re 40 minutes late, wae you gonna do about that huh?” She stood there with her hands on her hips with the most god awful expression plastered on her face. I fidgeted with the end of my jacket as I scrunched it into a ball. “Go to bed naow. Manager called me and told me you have a meeting with some executive of CUBE tomorrow. You don’t go to bed naow, you don’t go tomorrow” and she slapped me hard on the back of my head.

Curling into my bed at night was nice. It was a time for me to gather my thoughts and somehow comfort myself. Sometimes I clasped onto my pillow, imagining it was someone else. Yes I did have an ex-boyfriend, and no it did not end well. He cheated on me with some girl claiming I had turned him off guys. Honestly I couldn’t have been more insulted in my entire life and extremely embarrassed. So now, I was going to show him, by becoming a dancer because honestly I didn’t need him anymore. I was sick of love and it was sick of me, I was going to prove to myself and him that I’m better off and when I get there, I’ll rub it in his face. I’ll show him that this rose has needles. Speaking of arrogant guys, that Yong Junhyung boy seriously gets on my nerves. I may not show it but I honestly wanted to hit him when I mocked me like that. I better not see him for the next few weeks or I’ll honestly be forced to confront him. But there’s not point in worrying about that when I have a meeting in CUBE tomorrow. Am I doing something right? Things are looking up for me again.

I’m starting to see the light.



How did that go? I think I can improve? Do you's like where it's going or will I change it? It's certainly like my last fanfic where you have to read it for a few chapters to get into it.. please stick with me ; _ ; ..and thank you for so many of the subscribers already before I even wrote a full chapter, I'm truly blessed with amazing readers <3

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improved only if u want it.but 4 me,your story's perfect...it isn't boring or random at all...won't miss the next chat...fighting!!!
not bad...but sometimes...i got confuse...<br />
but i love it...please continue author ssi...<br />