Woaini / Saranghae

First Snow Memories

Don't forget to listen to the songs I posted. It really helps with the mood :)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAmgpoA3rv8 (EXO - Don't Go Instrumental)

Luhan was sleeping soundly but then, he shudders as the cold wind enter through his window. Luhan slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He yawned as he looked out the window. 

Luhan's eyes softened as he saw the pure, clean, white snow falling. He pulled his legs out of his blankets and got up from the bed. 

He walked over to his window and pushed his windows, opening the windows wider. The cold blew some more and Luhan gently shut his eyes. He let the wind blow his face.

A soft smile spread on his face. He opened his eyes and focused on the falling snow, "It's snowing again this year..." 

Luhan turned around and walked back towards his bed. He sat at the edge. He opened the nightstand's drawer. He pulled out a picture frame. 

Luhan held the picture frame with both his hands. It was a picture of his you, Jung Taemi, his ex-girlfriend.

Luhan softly smiled as he caressed your face against the glass. *Merry Christmas, Jung Taemi.* 

He gave out a loud sigh and he put your picture on his lap. Tears began to form in his eyes and Luhan quickly shut his eyes. A tear shed from his left eye and he quickly wiped it. 

Sobbing, Luhan placed the picture back on the nightstand and he stood up. Luhan took off his shirt and grabbed his towel.

He walked to the bathroom and took his bath. 

Done, Luhan came back out. Wearing only towel around his waist, he walked over to his closet. He opened one of the doors. He looked inside his closet. His heart ached and he shut his eyes, *Luhan, stop.*

He sighed and opened his eyes again. He grabbed a grey sweater and wore it over his body. He pulled out one of his favourite black jeans and he put it on. 

He looked in the mirror as he fixed his hair. 

You fixed Luhan's hair. You stepped back and smiled, "You look good in blonde.."

Luhan smiled to himself. "Maybe I should dye my hair blonde again.." He said as he fixed his black hair. 

His smile dissapear and he cleared his throat. Done, Luhan grabbed his coat and wore it over him. 

After he wore his shoes, Luhan grabbed his iPhone and wallet. As he was just about to step out of the house, he suddenly remembered something. 

Without giving a care about his shoes, Luhan went inside his room. Luhan opened one of his closet drawers. He pulled out his white beanie and white scarf. He put the beanie over his head and wrapped the scarf around his neck. 

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. With that, Luhan went out of his house. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSSwkhYoyXw (BTS - Coffee)

Luhan made his way to B~Cafe, a cafe Luhan and you always go to before going to his house. 

Luhan pushed the door and stepped inside it.

"Oh, hi, Luhan."

"Hey, Luhan."

"How's it going, Lu?"

"Ayo, man?!"

The workers greeted him as he was a regular customer. Luhan said nothing but just gave a smile to everyone. He walked towards the cashier. 

"Oh? Luhan~ Hey." The cashier smiled. Luhan gave a soft smile, "Hey, Lina."

Lina is actually Luhan and your cupid. She was the one who helped the two of you get together. She noticed that Luhan had been different eversince the break up. He did not smile anymore. Even if he did, it would either be a fake one or a small, simple one. Lina could not help but to feel sorry for the both of you.

"So, um, you want your regular?" Lina asked. Luhan shook his head. "No. Give me hers(regular)." Lina blinked at him. She read his eyes, there was no sign of hesistant. 

"U-um, okay.. One Caramel Macchiato with vanila muffin, right?" Lina asked. Luhan nodded, "Yes."

Lina nodded in understanding and told him the price. He paid and got his orders a few minutes after. Ater that, Luhan excused himself. 

Luhan took a sip of his Caramel Macchiato and the warmth of the coffee sooth his throat. Luhan walked to his left and made his way to the bus stop. 

After a few minutes, you walked in B~Cafe. 

"Hi, Taemi~"

"Oh my! Hi, Taemi."

"Oh my gosh, Taemi. It's been a while."

"Kim Taemi, my girl. Whats up?"

You responded with a simple wave and soft smile. You walked towards Lina. 

"Hey, beautiful." You greeted. Lina held her head up and blinked with round eyes. "Oh my gosh! Kim Taemi!!" She beamed. 

You chuckled. "Hi~"

"Hi? How long has it been? A year? Oh my God. How are you?" Lina asked. "I've been well. Yeah, a year, you could say." You nodded.

Eversince you and Luhan called it quits, you went to England to study. 

"When did you come back from England?" Lina asked. "Two weeks ago." You gave a small smile.

"Aww. And you didn't even call?" Lina pouted. You did not reply to that. Lina took the hint and patted your hand, "I'm just playing with you."

You gave a small smile. Lina sighed, "So? What will it be? Your regular?"

You shook your head. "His, please." Lina looked up at you. You repeat, "His regular, please."

Lina blinked as she keyed in the order. "Uh, one Hazelnut Coffee and three pieces of big macadamian nut cookies. Right?"

You nodded. Lina calculated the price and told you. You paid her. After a few minutes, you got your orders and you excused yourself.

You took one of the cookies out and you took a bite of it. *His taste.* You smiled in contentment.

Night fell. Luhan had went to Han River. 

He was sitting on a bench while looking up on the night sky.

Luhan took out his iPhone and pressed gallery. Luhan tapped on the Us = LOVE album which is an album full of your pictures and the pictures together with him.

He slide from one picture to another. Then, Luhan came across a picture of you smiling while holding a bouqeut of Gerbera Daisies he gave you with snow on your hair.

Luhan looked to the side at the bouquet of Derbera Daisies he bought.

He picked it up and looked at it. The snow sprinkled on the bouquet. *Come back, so I could give you these.* Luhan sighed as he heart started to ache again. His eyes formed hot tears and tears shed. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w9ZxL9Z2Og (EXO-M - Baby)


"... Why do I have to close my eyes again?" Luhan asked. You rolled your eyes with a smile, "Could you just chill, Lulu?" 

"Babe..." Luhan whined while stomping his feet. "Wait, wait. We're almost there!" You beamed. 

You finally stopped and Luhan accidently bumped into you. "Ooh, sorry, baby." You giggled and shook your head, "It's okay."

"Alright." You exhaled. "Ready?" 

Luhan sighed, "I've been waiting long enough."

"God, you can be such a girl." You teased. "Baby.." Luhan curtly called. You laughed. "Okay okay. Open your eyes!"

Luhan sighed and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes softened as he saw his first snow ever. 

"Oh my God! Snow!" Luhan beamed as he held his palm out. You smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Snow~"

"Wait.. How come.." Luhan blinked at you. You shrugged, "I did my research. Plus, you said you've never seen the snow before." 

Luhan chuckled and ran to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you. Luhan picked you up and spun you around. 

"It's snowingggg!!!!" Luhan beamed. You giggled as you tightened your embrace around his neck. 

Luhan put you down and looked up at the sky. The snow was falling so beautifully until Luhan was mesmorised. 

"It's so beautiful." He whispered. "It is, isn't it?" You hugged yourself. 

Luhan took his gaze away from the falling snow and he turned to look at you. His eyes softened and a gentle smile spread on his face.

He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a kiss. You widened your eyes but quickly fell into the kiss. After 20 seconds, Luhan pulled back. 

You giggled and hugged yourself tighter, "Ooh, what was that about?" 

Luhan smiled, showing his teeth as he rubbing your arms. "For being mine." You scoffed, "Ugh. Cheesy Lu!" You playfully hit his chest. 

Luhan laughed. "Ohh! Baby, baby!" He excitedly jumped while taking out his iPhone. You blinked at your monkey-like boyfriend. "What, Lulu?"

"Take a picture of me, take a picture of me!" He pressed on the camera and held out the iPhone to you. You took the phone and held it up. 

"1.. 2.. 3!"

"Kim~~chi.." Luhan smiled. 

You laughed and shook your head. "Aigoo, why are you so cute?" You asked as you held out the phone to him. Luhan scoffed and ruffled your hair, "Me? Cute?"

You rolled your eyes, "Right, right. You're manly. Not cute~" Luhan smiled, satisfied. "That's my girl." 

You chuckled. "Okay, now, your turn!" Luhan held up his iPhone. You put your hands in your jacket's pockets and just gave a simple soft smile. 

"Aigoo, so pretty~" CLICK

You sighed and turned around to enjoy some more of the falling snow. Luhan saved the picture and he kept his iPhone away. 

He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You looked up at him. He looked down at you. 

Luhan gave a quick peck. You giggled and looked back infront. 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S7osyuYY7A (EXO - Miracles In December instrumental)

Sniffling, Luhan stood up and left the bench with the bouquet too. 

What Luhan did not know was that you had been watching him. As he walked a few feets away, you approached the bench. You picked up the bouquet and tears welled up in your eyes and you choked on your sob.

"He still remembers.." You chuckled softly. 

But slowly, your smile dissapear as the pain in your heart was controlling your emotions. You shut your eyes as you plopped down on the bench. 

You cried softly with the bouquet in your hands.

Just then, a beanie slipped on your head. Surprised, you looked up. 

Without a word, Luhan took a seat next to you. He unwrapped his scarf and wrapped it around yours instead. As he fixed the scarf around your neck, his eyes did not met yours at all. 

You kept your gaze on him and was mesmorised by his every move. 

Done fixing the scarf, Luhan took out his gloves. He pulled your bare hands and curled them into his hands. 

He leaned in and put his lips near your hands. Quietly, Luhan blow air into them. After doing that a couple of times, he then, rub your hands together to warm your hands. 

After doing that, Luhan took his gloves and put them on your hands. 

Done, Luhan coughed and put his hands in coat's pockets. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Luhan stood up and turned around. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7jo8ELqKm8 (EXO - First Snow)

"Luhan.." A soft voice called. Luhan stopped. He shut his eyes as his teeth gritted. *God, her voice...*

You stood up. "H-how are you?" You asked. Luhan slowly turned around. He quickly faked a smile, "Taemi.. I've been well." He lied.

You gulped but managed a smile. "That's good." You walked closer to him. Luhan turned rigid. *Please. Don't. I don't want you to see my tears.*

"You've grown so skinny." You lightly chuckled. Luhan smiled, "I have?"

You nodded. "You look.. Well, the same.." Luhan pointed out. You bit your lower lip. "Oh, really?"

Luhan shook his head. "No, not really. You've grown more beautiful. I like what you done to your hair." He said. 

You chuckled. "I'm glad." You said as you played with your hair. 

There was an awkward silence. Luhan knew all too well that he can not just stay still and let you go again. You were right infront of him. And all he wanted to do is actually run to you and embrace you as tight as he could, but he knew that he could not.

"Taemi.." Luhan called. You looked up, "Hmm?"

"I've missed you." Luhan confessed. Tears started welling up in your eyes and you smiled, "I've.. M-missed you too." Your voice croacked.

Luhan smiled, satisfied knowing that you actually feel the same way.

"Lulu.." You cooed. Luhan's ears literally perked up at that name. His cold heart melted hearing you calling him with that nickname again. "Yes?" Luhan asked. 

"Could you do me a favor?" You looked up at him. Luhan stayed silent and waited for your request. 

"Take me home." You said. Luhan's eyes slightly rounded. "O-oh.. Uh, yeah. Sure~ Where do you live now?" He walked closer to you.

"No." You gulped. "Take me home as in take me to your house." You said. Luhan blinked many times. "O-o-oh.. My h-house.. O-oh.. Okay.. Um, let's g-go.."

The two of you made your way to Luhan's house.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHAvTl1xSZQ (F(x) ft. D.O - Goodbye Summer)

Luhan opened the door and you walked into the apartment. You took off the beanie and scarf along with the gloves. Luhan shut the door.

You placed the stuffs on the dining table. "It's still the same.." You said. Luhan lightly chuckled. 

"Sit down, I'll make some hot chocolate." Luhan said, removing his coat. Your eyes sparkled. *Lulu's famous hot chocolate...*

Luhan went into his room and changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a blue pullover. He came back out. 

He smiled, "Sorry." You shook your head with a smile, "It's okay~"

You sat down at the dining table facing Luhan.

"You look good with black hair." You complimented. Luhan smiled, "Thank you~"

Luhan took out two mugs from the cubbet. One is red while another one is white.

*He still keeps ours mugs?* You blinked at the mugs Luhan was using. Luhan smiled to himself after glancing at your expression when he took out the mugs.

*That's right. I still keep them, Taemi-yah.* Luhan continued making the hot chocolate.

After a few minutes, Luhan was finished. He put the two mugs on the table. "Enjoy." He smiled as he sat down. 

You thanked and wrapped your hands around the warm mug. You picked it up and took a sip. 

"Mmm~" You smiled with eyes closed. Luhan looked at your expression and softened, "Is it.. Okay?"

You opened your eyes, and looked at him. You nodded and smiled wider, "It's amazing." *How I miss it.*

Luhan smiled, satisfied. He took a sip himself.

Luhan put down the mug and cleared his throat. "So.. Uh.. How's studies?" He asked.

"Well, it's okay. I mean, I decided to come back and continue studying here. I miss Korea too much." You said. *I miss you~* You did not have courage to say it.

"Oh, I see." Luhan nodded. "So, where are you staying now?" He asked. 

"For now, I'm just staying at my sister's. Haven't found a place to stay at yet." You answered. Luhan took a sip as he nodded.

"Luhan.." You called. Luhan looked up. You sighed as you looked down. You broke into small chuckles. "What?" Luhan asked. 

"I know this might sound crazy and stupid.. But, I don't care." You looked into his eyes. Luhan waited. "I miss you and.. I want us to be together again." You felt like a big bag of stones just lift off your shoulders.

Luhan froze. You looked at his expression-less face. "Lu..Han?" You called.

Luhan did not move or blinked even. You got the hint (you thought) and stood up. 

"Um, yeah. I understand. I get it. Don't worry about me. I totally get it. I should leave." You pushed the chair inside and took a step towards the door. 

Luhan finally came back to his senses and stood up. He ran towards you and turned you around. 

Luhan wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. You widened your eyes for a few seconds. 

But as you felt Luhan's soft kiss, you slowly fell into it and kissed him back. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

You felt so happy knowing that he responded to your confession. You began to shed tears.

Before the kiss could heat up, Luhan stopped and he pulled back. You opened your eyes. 

Luhan softened and wiped the tears on your cheeks with his thumbs. "Baby, don't cry. Just smile. Crying don't suit you."

You giggled at Luhan's famous line whenever you cry. "How I miss that.." You said. "How.. I.. miss.. you.." He pecked you at every word.

You giggled. "Lulu.." You called.

"Yes, gongju?"

"Woaini." You smiled. Luhan smiled, "Saranghae, gongju."

It has been a thing between you two, where you would say 'I love you' in Chinese, he would reply in Korea. 

"Gongju..." Luhan called. "Hmm?"

"Wanna sleep here tonight?" He asked. You smiled wider, "I thought you never asked."

Luhan put his forehead againts yours. 

After chatting until midnight, Luhan and you finaly grew tired. 

You changed into more comfortable clothes. Luhan gave you a pair of his sweatpants and his big red t-shirt, but of course looks like oversized t-shirt on you. 

After you washed up, Luhan and you climbed into bed. You put your head on his muscular arm and he wrapped his arms around you. 

Luhan pulled the blankets over the two of you. "Good night."

"Good night, Lulu." You smiled. Luhan sighed in contentment and kissed your forehead for about six seconds, just the way you like it.

With that, the two of you fell asleep. 


Morning came. It was Christmas Eve. Luhan slowly opened his eyes. He looked down and saw you were not there. 

Luhan sat up in panic. "Wait.. Don't tell me I was dreaming the whole thing. Please, no." Luhan jumped out of bed. Luhan walked out of his room.

Then, he heard sounds coming from the kitchen. He pinched his eyebrows together.

Slowly, Luhan walked towards the kitchen.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu1rGU05IBk (EXO-M - Peter Pan)

He sighed in relief as soon as he saw you. 

You were busy cooking breakfast for Luhan. You tied your hair into a ponytail and was wearing the apron you bought a year ago for Luhan.

You were washing the tamatoes when suddenly, "Good morning, gongju~" A pair of arms s around your waist. 

You jumped a little. "Oh gosh.. Lulu..! You scared me!" 

Luhan giggled and tightened his embrace. He buried his face in your neck and closed his eyes. You squirmed, "Don't do that. I'm smelly from all the cooking and sweating."

Luhan ignored your statement and just continue doing so. "I don't care. I want to."

You sighed, annoyed. "God, you're still that stubborn." Luhan giggled into your neck. You chuckled listening to his giggle. You could not help but to miss that adorable giggle of his. 

Just then, Luhan turned you around. 

"Omo!" You widened your eyes. "Lulu, what?" 

"I got something to ask you." Luhan said. You blinked, "What? Shoot."

Luhan lifted you up and you gasped as he set you on the table. "Jung Taemi." He called.

"Yes, Kim Luhan?" You tilted your head cutely. 

"Would you do me the honor of becoming my roommate for the rest of your life?" Luhan asked. You raised an eyebrow, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Listen to me carefully." Luhan said. You nodded. "Would you.. Do me.. The honor of becoming my roommate for the rest of your life?" He repeated.

At first, you were still confused. You did not know what he was trying to deliver. But slowly, the expression he gave started making you understand.

You gapsed, "You mean...?"

Luhan nodded. You covered your mouth. "No, you're joking." You said. 

"Nope, I'm not. I've let you go once. I'm not going to repeat that stupid mistake ever again. If you say yes to this, you are literally mine. For eternity." Luhan sincerely said. 

You put your hands down and bit your lower lips. Without a word, you nodded. 

Luhan blinked, "Really?" You nodded, "I hope I don't have to pay for half of the rent."

Luhan laughed, "Oh, baby, you don't have to worry about that. I've already talked to your boyfriend, he said he'll pay for everything." 

You laughed and jumped off the table. You jumped on him and wrapped your legs around his waist. 

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Luhan laid you down on the couch and pulled back.

"Saranghae, gongju." Luhan said.

You smiled, "Woaini, Lulu."



Thank you for reading! :D


Exoeffect88 :)

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Chapter 1: The song really helped in building the mood. Really nice story. /two thumbs up/ ^_^