⋆StepOn™⋆Review Request Shop⋆


Hi everyone <3~! I'm mswhatever =D. Welcome to my ⋆StepOn™⋆Review Request Shop⋆

Here is the criteria I will be judging:

Story Title (did it catch my attention?) : -/5

Appearanc (what was my first impression? Did it catch my attention?) : -/10

Forewords (did your forewords make me wanting to read more?) : -/10

Plot (was the plot cliche or was it interesting?) : -/15

Characterization (was I able to learn about the characters?) : -/10

Creativity/Originality (was it creative?) : -/10

Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary (was I able to understand what you were trying to say?) : -/10

Flow (was it too fast or too slow to my liking?) : -/10

Writing Style (did your writing style make it easy for me to read?) : -/15

Overall Enjoyment (did I enjoy this story?) : -/5

Total : -/100

Bonus : -/5

Overall Total: -/100


Note: I will PM you if I'm done and I'll tell you which chapter ;D

Don't also forget I have a poster requst shop as well. Link- http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/64631/stepon-poster-request-shop-apply-graphics-kpop-poster-request

Pick up's: (No one... yet)

















Thank you~!


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Hello,it's me scha_eyqa..
i really need someone opinion about my story..
if you interested,please pm me on my wall..
here is my profil link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/62325