Do You Still Love Me ?


Every day, at the exact same time, a boy would always come to meet a girl. Their friendship was stronger than anyone else's.

That was until one day, he stopped visiting her, and from then onwards, her hatred for him grew and grew, thinking he abandoned her.

He, however, had to move unknowingly. It was last minute. He felt bad for not saying goodbye. But it wasn't his fault .. It was his parents'. But he swore to himself that he would come back and find her. His first love.

She cried the first three days, denied that he wouldn't come back that week, but stopped when she knew he wasnt going to come back. She hated him. He broke his promise. Her first love.



'You left me!' 

'I.. I hate you.'

'Leave me alone.'

'I love you.'

'I miss you so much.'

'I won't let you go anymore.'



Hello ! (: 

Here are the main characters that will be in the story. Other characters will also be introduced along with the story ^.^



-Minyoung (OC)

-Heeyeon (Minyoung's Best Friend)


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Great story!
Phi_Phi #2
Chapter 11: Would she have walked in on Sehun reading through her diary ;o
I wonder what Jungkook will be to her o-o
Phi_Phi #3
Chapter 10: Omg dammit my UB arrived .o. Oh shiet. Sehun you have some competition I feel~
pkachu #4
Chapter 10: omo! jungkook! yaay!~~
Phi_Phi #5
Chapter 9: OMG YAY <3
They got together c':
And she doesn't hate him, sao fluffy, much kisses huehuehue~
Phi_Phi #6
Chapter 8: Yes Sehun c':
Good question hehehe~
pkachu #7
Chapter 8: Sehun is making a move! HeheXD cute!~ update soon author!~
Phi_Phi #8
Chapter 6: Aish so stubborn ;~;
Just let him have his say, and maybe everything would be better *^*
ImLLee #9
Chapter 6: i like it:) hopefully sehunnie gets to explain everything~
Phi_Phi #10
Chapter 1: Awww its so cute right now c':
Until the hatred comes soon T.T;;