Chapter 24: That moment when you finally see him and yet

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 24: That moment when you finally see him and yet

Minji woke up to find herself in her own room. ‘How did I get home?’ She thought. She remembered what happened. She shuddered at the memories of last night. How Kikwang took advantage of her and despite her pleas to stop, he didn’t. She was relieved to see Hyunseung come to her aid but even if Kikwang did that to her, she feared for his life. She has seen her Hyunseung oppa mad before and it wasn’t practically the usual Hyunseung that people see. Let’s say it was his dark side. She remembered she went to the hospital with Hyejun and she cried next to Taemin. After that, she doesn’t know what happened next. 

“Oh, you’re awake. Let’s eat. I cooked breakfast.” Bom said brightly. Minji groaned at her unnie’s brightness at this time of the day. She got up from her bed and followed her unnie to the dining room. 

They started to eat and awkward silence was looming over the two. Bom couldn’t take it and slammed her chopsticks. “Minji-ah, who did those marks on your neck?” Minji didn’t notice it and she stuttered. “I-it w-w-was.” “Don’t you dare say mosquito or insect bite. Did Kikwang do this to you?” Minji stopped her movements. 

“Okay, based on your actions, it’s a yes. I just need to hear it from you. Continue to eat.” Bom said nonchalantly. Bom knew it was Kikwang. Her rage last night can’t be controlled. How did she knew? Simple, Hyunseung called her. He explained everything to her yet she doesn’t seemed satisfied with the beating he gave for that guy. She wanted to do more than that. No one disrespects a girl like that and gets away with just that. She could make him a cripple if she wants to especially when she saw her maknae so broken. She can’t tolerate that but for now, she’ll let him off. Her maknae needs her and Big Bang would take care of him since they’ll be back in 2 weeks. 

“You go take a bath now. We have practice.” Bom said


“Seriously, how can you beat us? We have serious vocals?” Jonghyun said to Key as they walked to Taemin’s room.

“Just because you and Onew hyung are together in this sub unit project doesn’t mean you’ll win. Minho and I have the charms to beat you in sales.” Key retorted. 

“How can that be?” Onew countered. 

“Try to have my rap skills and charisma, hyung.” Minho joked. They all laughed as they entered the room. 

“Yah! Taeminnie! Stop sleeping. It has been a month. You have plenty of rest, already.” Key nagged the maknae’s sleeping frame.

“Key is nagging you again. Taeminnie wake up already.” Minho said.

“Taem, wake up.” Jonghyun whined and Onew just smiled. 

“Seriously hyung, after a one month of you guys nagging for me to wake up and add f(x) and SNSD noonas. I’ll wake up.”

All of them stopped and looked at him. 

“What? Why are you silent?” Taemin asked as he got up.

“You” Key said.

“Are.” Jonghyun continued.

“Finally.” Minho said.

“Awake.” Onew finished the sentence and they all ran to hug the maknae.


Minji’s phone are full of texts and missed calls. All from Kikwang. She just concentrated on practicing her craft until she was exhausted. 

“Mingkki-ah, you perfected the routine already so just take a shower and rest.” Jaewook, their choreographer said. 

She took a shower and came back to the practice room. She finds it funny when Bom is out of breath and Chaerin suddenly pouts cutely. Dara however was sitting next to her and munching on chocolate bar. 

“Unnie, I told you that right hand goes first before the left one.” Chaerin explained for the 20th time to Bom.

“I did.” Bom retorted.

“No, you didn’t.” The three answered and Bom sat on the floor. “I’m not doing it anymore.”

All of them laughed. Bom’s phone rang and she answered it with annoyance.

“WHAT?!?” She listened to the other line and her eyes widened in surprise. 

“Okay, we’ll be right there.” She said with her tone being serious and hung up.

The other three stopped laughing.

“Mingkki-ah, Taemin is awake.” Bom said.

Those three words made the maknae sprint to their van as her unnies tried to catch up with her.


He was smothered with the hugs of his family and friends. He was glad to see them happy yet he yearned for someone’s hug but that face of that someone was blurred from his memory. 

“Taemin, are you missing someone?” Jonghyun asked.

“What do you mean? Is there someone in particular I have to miss?” Taemin answered back.

“Are you feigning ignorance because you are embarrassed?” Kyuhyun asked teasingly.

“Of course he do.” Ryeowook answered for him.

“Seriously hyungs, who am I supposedly be missing?” he asked. 

It puzzled the people around him. Then there was a loud bang of the door opening revealing.


“NO RUNNING AT THE HOSPITAL HALLWAY!!!” The nurse shouted at Minji but she didn’t care. 

Her unnies ran to catch up with her causing the head nurse to faint.

“I have never run this fast my whole life.” Bom said as she panted heavily and still running.

“Unnie, you have never run or jog with us to be quite honest with you.” Chaerin said and Dara nodded in approval. Before Bom could answer back, Minji halted in front of Taemin’s door. She was panting but she composed herself. She opened the door but she underestimated her strength and it opened with a bang. All of the people inside the room looked at her yet she only longed for his gaze. To see his eyes full of life. She didn’t know what came over her and she ran to hug him.

Taemin was surprised yet he felt at ease. He looked at Minho with a questioning look. 2NE1 came in and bowing for Minji’s rudeness but all of them understood.

Taemin couldn’t take it anymore and asked, “Why is 2NE1’s Minzy hugging me?”

All of them looked at him and Minji released him.

“Are you my girlfriend for a week or something? Did you know I’m just playing a game? I’m sorry and I don’t want to mess with the YG guys.” He said.

“Taeminnie, you don’t remember Minji? I mean aside from her being a 2NE1 member?” Key asked.

“Is she an important person to me?” He asked again. Minji stood frozen while looking at him. 

“Call the doctor.” Minho said urgently. Minjung looked at her cousin and she noticed something odd about him.


Kikwang was in the car on his way to their MV shoot. He kept thinking about Minji. He called her about a hundred times today and she wouldn’t pick up. He sent her a hundred messages as well but they were left unanswered. He was sorry because he was guilty. Guilty of loving her to the point of obsessing over her and drove him to lie on who really saved her during that kidnapping incident. He kept shaking his head. He wasn’t like this before. He changed because of him. Lee Taemin. Now, he cannot undo what he did, the lies and last night. Minji is his closest friend and because of that guy he lost her big time.

Now his thoughts went to Taemin. The guy woke up and it was the time he made something bad to Minji. In other words, he was nervous. Nervous that Minji would go to Taemin at this moment. He kept denying it to himself. Good thing he talked to Taemin about this and hoping that Taemin would keep his end of the bargain. 

But, seriously will that guy keep it? 


“Mr. Lee seems to have selective amnesia. He doesn’t remember Ms. Gong, it might be because he was thinking of her when that ice sculpture fell into his head while saving her.” The doctor said as he finished assessing Taemin.

“I saved her? Why would I do that?” Taemin asked Minho who simply shook his head in frustration. 

“How can you not remember her? She even became your slave.” Minho said and that earned a gasp from the people inside the room. 

“What slave?!?” Chaerin, Key and Seohyun said. 

“She’s my slave? Cool!” Taemin said and he earned a piercing stare from Krystal and Luna pinched his thigh. 

“I just need to get some fresh air.” Minji said and she tried to walk out of the room. When she was about to step out of the door, she fainted. Fortunately, Kyuhyun caught her. As all eyes were on Minji, they never noticed what Minjung noticed, Taemin’s reaction when Minji fainted. 

“Doctor, can you check up on her?” Leeteuk said as he helped Kyuhyun bring her on the watcher’s bed. The doctor assessed her quickly. 

“So far, her vitals are good and I think she was just in shock and tired. I’ll just give her a prescription for a sedative to calm her a bit and let her rest.” The doctor said and then he left. 

“She was practically sprinting to get here after dance practice that’s why she’s tired. Not to mention the ordeal she had last night.” Bom explained to the people in the room. 

Minjung didn’t take her eyes off her cousin. He maybe fooling everyone but not her. She knew him all too well and now, he’s trying his hardest not to well hug the girl across him and say he’s just joking about forgetting her. What’s getting her puzzled is why would he be like this? Being her, she’s going to get to the bottom of this. 


2 weeks later:

“Oppa, why are you like this?” Minji rolled her eyes. Ever since Minho slipped her being Taemin’s slave, she became one again. Now, she’s the third wheel for the nth time for his dates. Well, to be exact she’s his designated driver. 

“Ugh, get a room or something.” She said as she saw them from the car’s rear-view mirror. All she got was a smirk from him as an answer. It gets on her nerves and she really wanted to just throw that girl out of the car and beat Taemin the hell up so that he remembers who she is. Then, she remembers that both of them weren’t in that kind of relationship YET and she has no right to just murder every girl she’s with besides she practically stomped his heart hard after picking Kikwang over him. She sighed. Maybe it is her fault that he wanted to forget about her. After all, selective amnesia, as the doctor states can occur if that event that he/she forgot is painful enough to make his/her system forget.

“I had a good time, oppa.” The girl said as she got out of the car. “Me too. I’ll call you.” Taemin said and the car door closed. Minji stepped on the gas pedal and the car went fast that the force made Taemin fell on his seat.

“YAH!!” Taemin said and Minji, “Sorry, master, I accidentally stepped on the gas pedal.”

Taemin sat again when he heard Minji grumbled, “I’ll call you. Shizz. As if you are going to do it. It’s the last sentence she’ll hear from you.”

“Saying something, slave?” Taemin said. 

“Nothing. Not a thing.” Minji said.

“Go left and put your mask on.” She rolled her eyes and complied. She was to wear the mask to avoid being known by girls in which most of them are girl group members. There was another girl they picked up. This time they went into a club.

As Taemin ushered the girl inside, Minji followed. 

“Why are you following us here?” He hissed.

“Master, may I go inside?” She asked in her sweetest voice.

“Fine. But keep close and I’m drinking tonight.” He said.

He was busy flirting with the girl and she was really tired of it. It has been about 10 days that he’s like this. When she knew he wasn’t looking, she joined the people in the dance floor. She danced like there is no tomorrow. Maybe at this moment she’ll forget that he doesn’t remember her. She rocked her body to the music. She was having fun until she felt a hand dragging her outside. 

“What the hell are you doing?!?” He shouted at her.

“Dancing.” She answered truthfully. 

“A guy was grinding his body with yours. Aren’t you embarrassed?” He reprimanded.

“Why do you care? You don’t even remember me!!”

“You are my slave that means you are mine!!” He shouted. She was looking at him and smiled.

“What are you smiling at? Get the car! That girl is beyond annoying.” He said.

“Yes master.” And she went off. He got in and she drove.

“Pull over here.” He said and she complied.

“Get out.” He said.


“GET OUT OF THE CAR!!” He yelled and she got out and so is he.

“You are to stop with your side comments and stop being reckless, understood?” He said.

“What would you do when I don’t? You don’t hold anything against me unlike before. I’m of age now.” She contested in hope he remembers her.

He slammed her on the car with his eyes gleaming with anger. 

“That hurt and it’s going to bruise.” She said.

His grip on her arms are getting tighter. “Only answer yes or no, Ms. Gong.”

“No.” She said firmly. A part of her wants to say yes so to avoid the conflict but a bigger part want to test him that even he doesn’t remember her at the very least his body will. 

“I didn’t know you were that jealous.” He said and before she could have a smart retort on him, he kissed her. It wasn’t forceful or angry but something is telling her he missed her so much. 

He stopped and went back inside the car. Before he could start the engine, she opened the door and asked, “Why the hell are you lying to me?”

“What do you mean?”

“You remember me. I know it. I feel it.”

“I just kissed you to make you agree with me. Come by tomorrow at 4 pm.” He said while he closed the door and sped off.

“How the hell am I going to get home?” She asked herself and when she turned her back, it was her dorm building. 


Taemin stepped out of his car. He was humming Hello on the way back to their dorm. 

“Oppa!” He turned around and saw her. 

“Minjung? What are you still doing here?” He asked while he approached her. 

“Nothing. You know I can’t go when something is baffling me.” She said.

“And what is this thing that’s baffling you, my sweet cousin?” He said teasingly.

“Why are you saying that you don’t remember Gong Minji when you do?” She asked with a smug smile. Taemin’s smile fell and looked at her with a serious face. 

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: