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Soobin blinked in disbelief. Was she starting to imagine things? She was thinking about Jongdae so much that she saw him everywhere. She closed her eyes and shook her head, hoping to shake him out of her thoughts. But when she opened her eyes again, he was still there. She wasn’t seeing things. Not only that, she had been rejected from the third audition she went to that day.
She began to walk down the stage in disappointment. When all of a sudden, an unfamiliar voice called her name. She looked up and the director motioned for her to stop. “Listen kid, you seem promising regardless of what Jongdae may think and I would like to have you as a part of our theater. Would you like to join us as an understudy? We will train you well and in no time, you’ll be able to play a leading role in our future productions. So what do you think?” The director smiled reassuringly as he spoke. Jongdae was surprised, of course. He stood there in silence with his mouth agape.
Soobin couldn’t wait to tell her parents about her new job. She was really excited but at the same time a little upset with Jongdae. She couldn’t help but think he wouldn’t give her a chance because he didn’t want to work with her. Even if he didn’t want to work with her, he didn’t have the right to cold heartedly reject her. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.
Jongdae sighed in frustration. How could he be working with her? How could it be so coincidental? He was trying to get over her by working hard but now, it would be impossible, as he would be seeing her every day at work. Despite working together, their relationship would definitely not return to how it was two years ago. It would be hard for them to even be regular friends. A part of him didn’t want to blame her for not waiting for him but another part was angry that she made him think she was waiting for him. Regardless of what he felt, he couldn’t let the others know about his past relationship with her.
Soobin knew what it was like preparing for a musical. Although she wasn’t given a leading role or any role in the upcoming musical, she was an understudy to the leading female role. She did every thing the lead actress did except for performing during shows. She wasn’t discouraged though, as she thought it was a good opportunity to learn and practice before actually performing.
She was a little annoyed, though, by Jongdae constantly picking on her. Dance wasn’t a part of her major. She was trained in acting and everything else related to drama. And Jongdae, being the dance choreographer and the one teaching everyone the choreography, he had the right to correct her dancing.
“Stop!” Jongdae raised his hand in frustration. “The steps aren’t difficult and everyone is doing a great job remembering them but all the movements lack energy! You will be performing in a musical and the audience will not be just listening to the conversations. Part of the message will be conveyed through your body language, that is your dancing! Again from the beginning!”
Sighs were heard all over the dance studio as everyone moved back into the starting position. Soobin stood at the back with the extras as she wasn’t part of the main line cast but still had to learn the full choreography just in case she needed to perform.
After almost two hours of dancing, Jongdae allowed them to take a break. But it didn’t last long. “The rest of the cast, you are done for today. The main cast and understudies, please come to the front! Please dance your part again!”
Without a warning, he started clapping the beat and hurried to their positions and started dancing. The main cast danced in front while the understudies danced behind. He made sure to position himself where he could see everyone dancing.
This time, we a smaller group, Jongdae could clearer spot her mistakes. “Soobin, too slow. Again!” And when they started again, he would stop them because she didn’t have enough energy or expression. It continued that way for another hour until practice ended. Jongdae picked up his things and left without greeting anyone. Soobin wondered how much Jongdae had changed in two years. He definitely wasn’t like this before.
Weeks went by and Jongdae stopped picking on Soobin’s dancing skills as she had shown significant improvement. Deep down inside, he was glad she was able to learn and improve quickly. It was the only way to survive in the theater business. Soobin’s confidence increased, as the cast members praised her for her progress. She hoped in her heart that she would get casted the next time she goes for an audition.
Soobin sat on the side of the stage removing the medicinal patches she had stuck on before practice. Her body was sore from all the movement but she didn’t complain. She would be worried if she didn’t have any aches, as that would mean she wasn’t working hard enough. She gave her legs a quick massage before standing up. Just then, a familiar figure walked into the theater. She saw the person walk up to Jongdae and gave him a hug. Ana? Jongdae was still friends with her? All of a sudden, a strange feeling formed in Soobin’s tummy. She recalled what Ana did to her two years ago. For the first time in weeks, Soobin felt she did the right thing by ending things with Jongdae.

Posted 11th March 2014

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Chapter 12: starting from their 1st encounter,the whole story was really nice
Chapter 12: My favourite Chen fic :)
Chapter 12: Aww..this story is so simple and sweet ^^
wild_young #5
Chapter 12: It was so sweettttttt awww
Sallish #6
Chapter 2: omg ahaha cant take chen and dancing so serious
Chapter 13: ugh,can't copy the link..
Chapter 12: it's just so sweet that it made me like Chen more thought he was already included in my top one (i have a lot of top one exo bias XD) you are a great author. i wish i could write stories like you. i'm already inspired by this simple yet endearing story of yours. good job! :D
icedjem #9
Chapter 4: GHI is just... Daebak! I am so much in love with Jongdae. I like your story :)
gnoixeiluj #10
Chapter 12: I really like this!!!! :)