A Dongsaeng's Concern

I'm Not Backing Down

-Please forgive me for any typo's or grammatical errors because I'm too lazy to double check anything-


Heechul POV


I jolted awake and unshed tears fell from my newly opened eyes. I rubbed them dry and looked around to find myself in my bed; a bed that was now unfamiliar to me. The blanket that had been carefully thrown over me was now a mess on the bed and my pillow had fallen onto the warm, carpeted floor of the room I had shared with the person I had just dreamt of.

The only reason I had stayed on that couch for all those weeks, was because of this room. It held so many memories of the things, and the people, that were most important to me; and I hated being reminded of the things that had just broken my already fragile heart. More tears formed in my glassy eyes as I spotted a familiar picture on my bedside table and I hurried to squeeze them shut, allowing the warm droplets of tears to run down my face.

I took a deep breath and wiped my face with the soft blanket that was already slightly wet from stray tears. I groaned at the memory and slammed the frame face down onto the bedside table. It made a thump as it hit the wood and a figure on a far corner of the room seemed to move, as if annoyed by the sound.

"H-hello?" I coughed out hoping that it was just my imagination. The figure moved again and I barely made out the silhouette of a younger man. Shorter that me and hair tousled to make him appear sleepy, which he probably was. His frame was rested peacefully on the computer chair I shoved into the corner and he held a small stuffed bear that I had seen with Donghae several occasions.

"Anyone there?" I spoke again; though, I already had a good idea about who was there. I looked closer and saw that the figure was sitting up and looked like it was rubbing it's eyes.

"H-hyung? You're awake?" I knew it.

"Yes I am, Donghae. What are you doing in here and how did I get to my bed?" I rubbed my head in confusion and watched as Donghae looked around the room; taking notice to the bear that he was still gripping tightly.

"Yah..answer me. And what's that bear you're holding?" I raised an eyebrow and he looked down to his arms to find himself still clutching the said item like a little boy. His face turned a bright red and he shoved it behind him with an embarrassed expression.

"N-nothing hyung!" He smiled "I-I didn't have a pillow a-and I didn't want to take one from you s-so I grabbed this!" He held it up again before throwing it back onto the computer chair, just the least bit gently. I rolled my eyes, obviously he was lying, but there was no point in trying to prove him wrong now; he would just get upset.

"Sure, sure. I'm going to the comfort room, if you don't mind" I stated.

"But I do mind, hyung." His words kept me from walking closer to the wooden door that I was headed for. "Who knows what you might do in there! You're depressed and really, really lonely; you might start cutting your wrists!! Then, then! You could kill yourself!!" He waved his arms in the air and jumped in front of the door, blocking it like a 5 year old boy trying to protect his noona from boys. I chuckled lowly at my dongsaeng's concern.

"I assure you, Hae, that nothing bad is going to happen to me in there." I gave him a soft smile and he surrendered, dropping his arms with a sigh of defeat.

"Fine. Nothing bad, ok?" He pointed a finger at me.

"Nothing bad will happed." I walked forward and grabbed the doorknob, turning it and walking into the bright room. I turned again to face Donghae and held the door open with my left hand "Unless, of course, I decide that life is now useless and I should just end it before it gets worse" I teased.

"HYUNG!!" He screamed as I shut the door closed and locked it with a small click. The next thing I heard was Eunhyuk grumble something about being noisy and waking him up. I chuckled again.

"Sorry hyung." Donghae spoke "Now shoo, go back to sleep. You have schedules with Teukkie hyung tomorrow"

"Yah..Donghae..stop pushing me..I can walk out by myself.." Eunhyuk's tired voice was hinted with annoyance. "Night. Oh, and Hae," I slightly opened the door and, very carefully, peeked at the two "I hope you don't mind if I take this with me!!" Eunhyuk held up the Teddy bear I had seen with Donghae and frantically ran out of the room; Donghae following close behind him.

I cracked a small, genuine, smile as I remembered how things used to be, but it was a happiness short lived before I, once again, caught sight of the picture frame I had slammed onto the bedside table, set up again, by Donghae, I assume, and glass slighty cracked. I frowned.

Locking the door once more, I slid down to sit on the cold tiles on the bathroom floor and winced at the temperature of the ceramic against my skin. These times were going to be the hardest to get through, but I knew that whatever happened, has happened. I can't, and probably never will be able to, change that. So I needed to it up and deal with it myself.

My heart ached deeply and felt like it was being ripped out, but I needed to forget what happened and just let go. I didn't realize that my sudden change of mind had brought me to tears. But these weren't tears of pain. It was as if all my trauma and sadness was sliding down with the small droplets of warm water cascading down my pale face.

This was just what I needed, a change of mind.

I buried my face in my knees, took a deep breath, and let it all out. I felt a wave of comfort wash over me as I realized I was being a complete idiot. All this pain was in my head and I was being a drama queen. That was it. I wasn't lonely because I had my members here with me. He didn't leave. I know he didn't. I still felt him with me all the time. Maybe that's why I'm in here right now; with my face in my knees and my breath hitched in my throat. 

I looked up and wondered how long it had been since I told my members how much I cared for them and how much they mean to me. Maybe if I had told Hankyung how much he meant to me I wouldn't feel as terrible as I do because he left without a proper goodbye and without so much as a simple Thank you to show him how important he was is to me.

How arrogant I was to not even tell my best friend that he meant the world to me when I had the simple chance. This was a lesson learned the hard way and an event not worth ignoring. It's highly unlikely for anything this painful to happen again but I won't let my guard down.

I stood up with much difficulty caused by the pain in my knees for keeping them bent for so long and dusted my clothes before taking hold of the doorknob and twisting it gently. I peeked outside and found that Donghae had found his way to my computer chair again. I smiled again and tiptoed my way back into my room; makig my way to my bedside table and taking the picture out of the cracked picture frame.

I'll find a new frame tomorrow. Right now I need my rest, if Hangkyung was here he'd be nagging about it. I smiled softly, studying the picture. I layed it it down on my bedside table and weighed it down with a book to make sure it doesn't move as I sleep. I crawled back into bed and fixed my pillow, breathing in the familiar scent and silently wishing he was still here. I let one more wark tear slip down my cheek as I fell back into dream land, where I met, once again, a person who would remain much more than just my best friend.

If it wasn't him that left we'd be going through this together. I can picture our tearful conversations and silent promises that no matter how rough things go, we would never back down.








A/N I'm so sorry guys D: I got stuck half way and just kind of lost inspiration. But I didn't give up on this because I didn't want to disappoint you guys. So here it is :) I hope it isn't bad considering the amount of time I spent procrastinating about it :\ So..yeah. There you go.

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COOkIelOve #1
omggggg!!!! almost forgot about this, chingu!!!
sea0horse #3
Chapter 1: This was beautiful. Thank you for writing it.
Infinite_8 #5
congrats~~ ;)
NadoSarang #6
congratulations ^^
Congrats on being the new daily story!
congrats~ (: