Here Be Dragons

The Great Adventure ***DISCONTINUED***

The touch of mist against his cheeks dissolved with the overwhelming fear that had him clinging to something very real and solid. Heechul assumed that since someone had grabbed his hand that someone was now who he was holding on to, but he couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes when his mind was still coming to terms with the fact that he’d been into a book.

“I’ve got you milady,” A soft voice said. Heechul didn’t respond, prompting the man holding him to push him back gently. “Do you live?” He asked, only to shove Heechul back, dropping him in sudden alarm when he realized he wasn’t holding a lady. “Pardon me kind sir.”

Heechul groaned, rubbing his hip from where he’d hit the ground. Pulling himself tailor style, Heechul sat on the rocky surface, brushing dirt from the hem of his black pants until he realized it was useless trying.

“You’ll have to excuse me.” The man standing near him said. “I was sent to rescue a maiden-“

“Through a wizard’s portal,” Heechul finished for him. “Yeah. I know. Must be some shock to you finding me here.” He chuckled and finally looked up into the face of his would-be rescuer. “And your name is Leeteuk.” He was exactly as Heechul had pictured him. Soft-featured and strong bodied, though the look of suspicion he was laying into Heechul now made him look more masculine and threatening.

“Are you a sorcerer?” He asked, holding the hilt of his sword at his hip.

Just as it had been night in his world, Heechul noticed that the light he was seeing by was a full moon high in the sky. Standing up, Heechul remembered that this part of the book was set in a high mountaintop, the home of giant eagles and rock trolls. Heechul didn’t even have to walk to the edge of the cliff face to realize he was in a new world. The air was so clear he could see for miles at this vantage point.

“Speak, fiend,” Leeteuk yelled, impatient.

“Yeah, sorry.” Heechul reeled back, meeting with rock and breathing hard to get his bearings. He was here. He was really here. Glancing at Leeteuk, Heechul realized for the first time how completely different they looked. Heechul was dressed business casual with a long coat to protect him from the winter cold of home. Leeteuk was dressed in a medieval tunic with coarse material pants completed with leather boots and accoutrements. They weren’t Louis Vuitton boots either, no; these were handcrafted out of animal skins the leatherworkers had killed and tanned themselves.

“I’m sorry,” Heechul continued, offering a bow to Leeteuk. “I’m the twin of the maiden you were sent to save,” he quickly lied. “The wizard wanted me as an apprentice, so I know things it seems I shouldn’t. I broke free of his control to warn you about the trap he’d set for you.” He was debating on whether or not he should give spoilers to a cannon character, but Leeteuk looked pretty serious about running him through if he didn’t like the story Heechul told. “You see, he’s sending a demon troll after you even as we speak. And the maiden you’re looking for, is actually in another castle.” Okay, so that last part was from Mario, but Leeteuk wouldn’t know that.

Leeteuk eyed him for a few suspicious seconds before letting his hand down from his sword hilt. “I suppose I should offer you a ride back to the city with me. We can there talk about the validity of your statements.”

It was clear that Leeteuk didn’t trust him and that was okay. He was actually supposed to have pulled the maiden from the void. Heechul wondered anxiously what had happened to her if he’d been pulled in her stead. The other thing he wasn’t sure about was whether or not he should leave this spot on the mountain. What if it was the only way he could get home?

Not waiting for a response, Leeteuk his heel to lead back down the mountain path he’d come by. Heechul debated for a split second, deciding he was way too excited to see more of his favorite book in the flesh than to sit on top of a mountain wondering how he could get home. He stumbled along after Leeteuk, struggling to keep up on out-of-shape librarian legs.

Heechul knew what was coming next, at the foot of the path they climbed down, but it didn’t stop him slowing and staring as he saw it. Leeteuk and his people were dragon riders. They weren’t the dragons that loved treasure, took human forms sometimes and could talk. These were magnificent flying beasts with hearts of gold and a willingness to serve only one rider. Leeteuk had raised his dragon from a tiny egg. The mother had rolled it out of her nest, fearing the worst for its future. But Leeteuk had saved it and it was now the impressive beast pawing the ground before them.

Kirialstrasz, she was called. Her serpentine body was massive, even though she was small for her breed. If you stacked two draft horses on top of one another, that was how tall she was at her shoulder. Kirialstrasz’s long neck muscles coiled as she lowered her large head for Leeteuk when he approached. Her scales were burnt red in color with her underbelly a wash of white and gold. She flexed out her wings and regarded Heechul at her full height, lifting her front feet off the ground with a short burst of her wings in his direction. The gust of wind the simple action sent to Heechul nearly tossed him to the ground as easily as Leeteuk had before. Bowing before the great dragon, as was the custom in this land, Heechul waited for her to accept him. It was the equivalent to letting a dog smell your hand before you pet it.

Leeteuk watched as his best friend looked over the newcomer. When she finally bowed her head in return to Heechul, Leeteuk smiled softly. She could just as easily have eaten him in that moment, but Kirialstrasz seemed to like the man. Her acceptance eased some of Leeteuk’s worry and he motioned for Heechul. “Come on.”

With his heart still thundering in his chest, Heechul dared a glance at the beautiful dragon. He’d been too scared to look during the bowing, but Kirialstrasz obviously hadn’t wanted to eat him. Watching Leeteuk climb the harness on his dragon and easily alight into her saddle, Heechul gulped and came closer to her withers to figure out how he’d done it. Just as he was about to give up and offer to walk, Kirialstrasz lowered herself onto the ground. Getting the distinct feeling he was being watched, Heechul turned to look into the great dragon’s eye. She blinked at him, waiting and Heechul flushed as red as her scales.

Laughing now as he sat atop his dragon, Leeteuk watched Heechul tug at straps and eventually clamber his way up the harness into the saddle behind him. Heechul found a comfortable place to cling for dear life against the straps of the dragon harness. He didn’t want to try and wrap his arms around Leeteuk, especially after he’d just been laughed at. Nudging Kirialstrasz’s ribs with his knees, Leeteuk got her to stand again. “Home Kiri,” he said.

Desperately trying not to scream like a girl, Heechul held on for dear life as with a few beats of her mighty wings, Kirialstrasz had them up in the air, leaving the mountaintop behind.


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Swiftwind #1
Chapter 4: Great story, I enjoy the plot and language flow! Patiently waiting:)
siezzy #2
Chapter 4: will wait~
Chapter 4: I'll re-read from the first chapter then~
Iamanasianfreak #4
Chapter 3: I really like the story^^ waiting for the next update :)
Great job! I like this story!!
Chapter 3: It took me awhile to understand a fantasy story. I have to picture what things you meant in this story in my mind lols. Heechul's lies have gone so far I guess lols
Chapter 3: Oh well.. Now i want a dragon too..
I really think Kiri is cute, despite the fact she can blow up fire from kkkk
can i have one .. Another Kiri... Pretty please....
*focus on Kiri and forget about HeeTeuk thing kkkkk
Chapter 3: Pleas update soon^▽^
siezzy #9
Chapter 2: I keep picturing the dragon as krystal from f(x) XD idk maybe the name sound so much like krystal XD

new story from youuu!!! rly can't wait for more..and I have a feeling it will be more teukchul than heeteuk XD

mmm..Hee will featuring on wgm? is it already confirmed?
Chapter 2: interesting
can't wait for next update