Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the Rain

“Yongguk, I’m bored.”  You were sitting next to your boyfriend, watching him staring intensely at his laptop with professional headphones somewhat on.

“Wait Babe, I’m almost done with this song.”  You sighed; Yongguk said the same thing over an hour ago.

Tonight was a date night, at least that was what you thought initially.  You were pretty excited; you and Yongguk haven’t been on a date for a while due to B.A.P’s busy schedules.  You dressed extra nice, wearing a brand new dress you recently bought, and went to the recording studio to meet your boyfriend.  When you entered the room, Yongguk was in the middle of finishing a song, and told you to wait.  You didn’t mind at first, but as time dragged, you realized the date has become between your boyfriend and the recording studio, instead of you and him.

You pouted.  Sometimes, it was difficult to date an idol.  You knew how much Yongguk loved what he did and how much music meant to him.  You had no intention of ever getting between Yongguk and his music career, but you do wish sometimes, he would stop being such a workaholic; and you especially wished he could pay a little attention to his lovely girlfriend right now.

Sighing again, you placed your chin on the table, and your phone.  9:02 p.m.; it was way passed dinner time.  You felt your stomach growled and your patience was growing thin.  Trying to remain an understanding girlfriend, you decided to go to the convenience store a few minutes away to buy some snacks. 

“Yongguk-ah, I’m going to go buy some snacks from the convenience store down the street.  I’ll be back.” 

“Alright Babe.”  Yongguk turned to look at you, but you were already gone.

A few minutes later, Yongguk’s phone vibrated; he received a text message from Himchan: “Yongguk~ It’s raining right now.  Make sure you and your girlfriend stay dry~ ^^”     

“It’s raining right now?” Yongguk thought, as he stared at the empty chair next to him, suddenly realizing his girlfriend probably didn’t bring an umbrella with her.  He quickly got up, grabbed an umbrella, and went out to find you. 


After thanking the cashier, you left the store with a bag full of unhealthy selections.  You were a little upset from Yongguk, making sweets and salty snacks your best friends at this moment.  You stepped outside, noticing the light rain.  You glanced at the wet streets, and then your outfit.

“Great, I have some luck today…” you murmured sarcastically.

While staring at your phone, debating whether to call Yongguk or not, you failed to see a certain someone walking towards you with an umbrella.

“May I this pretty lady to her destination?” Yongguk asked, flashing his infamous gummy smile at you.


Your mood quickly picked up with the appearance of Yongguk.  You had your arms linked around Yongguk’s, happily singing B.A.P’s “Dancing in the Rain.”

“We’re just dancing in the rain~”

Yongguk laughed.  “Someone’s in a good mood.”

“Of course!  I was feeling a little upset earlier because you were so caught up with work.  But now since you’re here, it makes me feel a little better!” you said to him with a big smile. 

Seeing you smile like that, Yongguk started feeling guilty.  He mentally cursed at himself for being so engrossed in work and pushing you aside.  With over a year of dating, this wasn’t the first time it has happened, and Yongguk really appreciated your patience and understanding.  Ruffling his hair, he knew he was a bad boyfriend. 

“Hey ____...”  Yongguk stopped walking and turned to you.  Stopping as well, you looked at him with curiosity. 

“I’m so sorry, I know we were supposed to have a date tonight, but I got so caught up with work.”

You laughed.  “It’s okay Yongguk.  Since you rescued me from the rain today, I forgive you this time.  But, it better not happen next time!” 

“I promise.  Oh, by the way, you look really beautiful.  Is that a new dress?” 

You nodded, happy that your boyfriend noticed.  You two resumed walking, and you started to sing “Dancing in the Rain” again.  Yongguk stopped walking. 

“Babe, do you know what my favorite lyrics are for that song?” Yongguk asked, looking at you; his eyes filled with adoration and affection, creating butterflies in your stomach. 

You shook your head.  Still looking at you, he smirked, catching you a little off guard.


We’re making out,” Yongguk said, as he leaned towards you, kissing you under the rainy skies.

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