

The first time they met was when Sungyeol was freely skating in the middle of the night.

It was a snowy winter and Sungyeol decided to sneak out of the house. His mother told him about a lake not too far from their house that always freezes whenever winter comes. After hearing that, Sungyeol became excited. But it died down when his brother mentioned about skating together sometime. Normally Sungyeol would jump at an opportunity to do something with his brother but he didn’t know why on that particular time and activity – he wanted to be alone. There has always been something about that place that is nostalgic to Sungyeol. But he doesn’t know what.

And that’s how Sungyeol found himself skating alone in the middle of the night.

He had been skating for some time now and he swore someone was watching him. But being the scaredy cat that he is, he decided to ignore it and continued to skate. It was only when heard the familiar click of a camera that Sungyeol finally looked behind him – a white flash greeting him and blinding him for a moment – leading for him to lose his balance and fall into his .

He could see the person who was previously taking pictures of him lower his camera and look at him in worry. The man attempted to go to him but only managed to fall flat on his face due to the slippery ice – making Sungyeol worry and skated towards him.

“Are you alright?” Sungyeol asked when he reached the man. He extended his hand – to which the man accepted with a whispered thanks and wobbly tried to balance himself upright. When he and Sungyeol already reached the snowy land did he look up to Sungyeol.

And boy did Sungyeol stop dead on his tracks. And it wasn’t because – for once – of the man’s handsome face but something else. There was something very famili-

“Do I know you? Because I swear I have seen you before.” Sungyeol blurted out and which he immediately regretted and bit his lip when he saw the man look at him curiously. Sungyeol closed his eyes – expecting some sort of backlash because what he said really sounds like a really cheesy pick-up line and the man looked like someone who doesn’t take any kind of .

“This is the first time we met but I agree with you. You also seem familiar.” The man replied and gave Sungyeol a smile. It was just a normal smile – Sungyeol was sure. But he didn’t know why that simple smile affected him greatly.

“Sungyeol…” Sungyeol muttered. The man blinked at him on confusion before Sungyeol cleared his throat and said in a clearer and louder tone. “My name is Lee Sungyeol.”

The man gave Sungyeol that smile again before replying.

“I’m Kim Myungsoo.”

There was no one who didn’t know the name NamWooyeol, the greatest writer of the Century. But no one also knew what he (or she) looked like. And that’s what KimSunggyu– a very famous freelance detective – was tasked to find out.

A lot if Nam Wooyeol’s fans have given Sunggyu a hefty amount of money – because he was the best detective out there – just to know the man behind every brilliant book ever published.

And Sunggyu was not the one to refuse. No matter how absurd the request was, Sunggyu still set out to fulfill his task.

And to his surprise, he found him not even a month has passed.

The second time they met was when Myungsoo was out buying new lenses for his camera.

Well, they technically didn’t meet in person but Myungsoo sure met Sungyeol in the form of a very big billboard. And that’s when Myungsoo found out that Sungyeol was actually the world renowned model, Lee Wooyeol.

‘No wonder he has natural expressions in front of the camera’ Myungsoo thought – thinking back to that night where they first met and Sungyeol agreed to let Myungsoo take more pictures of him as he continued skating.

It has already been a week, and Myungsoo still couldn’t forget about Sungyeol. There was just something really familiar about Sungyeol and that’s bugging Myungsoo so much. What he started that night as a walk for inspiration turned out to having met Sungyeol.

“Here you go sir.” Myungsoo thanked the cashier before getting out of the shop and started walking back to his studio to stare at Sungyeol’s pictures get some work done.

Myungsoo was already halfway to his studio when a certain thought floated on his mind. Why didn’t Sungyeol tell him that he was Lee Wooyeol?

Woohyun always knew there will come a point in where his fans – or anyone at that – would be curious enough and would send someone after him.

That’s why he wasn’t surprised to find out that the greatest detective is after his tail.

To be honest, Woohyun wasn’t even trying too hard to hide his identity. And it was only his fans delusional mind conjuring different assumptions about him. He had dropped a lot of hints on his books yet none have taken them.

Except Sunggyu

And that’s how Woohyun found himself face to face with the cute deceiving detective.

“Nam Wooyeol right? I’m pretty sure you already know me but I’ll still introduce myself anyways, I’m Kim Sunggyu, A detective.” Sunggyu said with an eye smile. Making Woohyun blink stupidly at him before sighing to himself.

“You mean the detective.” Woohyun corrected as he opened his apartment door wider – an open invitation for Sunggyu to get in. Sunggyu nodded at him with a smile and went towards the over used couch and looked around as he waited for Woohyun to arrive from the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t expect the greatest writer to be living in this dump.” Sunggyu commented as he accepted a glass of iced tea from Woohyun.

He was right; Woohyun was living in one of the poorest districts in town. His house was the very definition of a shack and not really what you expect the greatest writer in history to be living in – the only indication that a writer was living there was the existence of different pieces of paper with writings pasted everywhere and also the different phrases written on the walls to.

“Well it’s much more comfortable living in a big mansion by myself where everyone tries to stay away from it because the owner almost never gets out and is rumored to be haunted.” Woohyun – who sat opposite of Sunggyu replied with a laugh.

Sunggyu didn’t comment at that and instead studied the writer in front of him. He really didn’t look like any writer Sunggyu has ever seen. Most writers would be deathly pale and very lanky. They would also look older than their real age, while this Nam Wooyeol looked the opposite. He has the body of an athlete and is tanned skin. And he looks a lot younger than most writers Sunggyu has encountered.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer.” This stopped Sunggyu’s assessment as he stared at a smirking hot writer. Sunggyu only snorted in reply.

He’s also conceited… “So what should I call you?” Sunggyu asked while taking a cookie from the platter Woohyun placed at the small coffee table earlier.

“Woohyun. My real name is Nam Woohyun.”

They met again at a launching party of one famous brand name. Myungsoo was invited as one of the press and Sungyeol was one of the models for the said brand name. Both didn’t know the other was there until they met at the buffet table.

Sungyeol was busy stuffing his face of food when he heard the familiar click of a camera followed by a flash. He turned sideways and was greeted by the grinning face of Myungsoo.

“You look like a Chipmunk storing food for the winter.” Myungsoo commented as he picked some Panini’s from the platter and ate it in one bite. Sungyeol snorted – a certain memory coming to him but he didn’t notice the other guy there was not Myungsoo.

“Have you seen yourself devour a basketful of strawberries? I swear I was about to have a heart attack because you didn’t even pause to chew and kept on shoving more strawberries on your already full mouth.” Sungyeol replied as he smugly watches Myungsoo frown at him and grumble a short ‘Shut up!’

But like how they always met, the both of them stopped doing anything and stared at each other – surprise adoring their faces.

They don’t know each other that well and have only met twice – including now – but why did it feel like they have met each other for a long time?

Sunggyu was happy – sincerely happy. And it was all thanks to one hot ball of grease named Nam Woohyun.

The past two months that Sunggyu was with the writer was filled with nothing but pointless verbal fights, getting to know each other  and – Sunggyu’s favorite although he would never admit that aloud – shameless flirting here and there.

There were also times when they would go out together and hang out – Sunggyu always denies it as a date but Woohyun new better – and it was safe to say Sunggyu was already smitten with the writer.

But of course life is a and all things must come to an end, the ones who hired Sunggyu in the first place are already pestering him about his progress with finding Nam Wooyeol and he doesn’t think if he could keep it any longer.

Woohyun didn’t know that all these times Sunggyu still didn’t expose his identity and he was also pretty sure Woohyun already forgot the reason why Sunggyu was looking for him in the first place – blinded by the times they spent together.

And Sunggyu preferred it that way.

This was his problem and he would never drag Woohyun into this. Sunggyu said to himself.

“Gyu?”Sunggyu blinked, Getting out of his thoughts andlooking questionably at Woohyun. “You alright? It looked like you were thinking something ocean deep.” Sunggyu only smiled while shoving popcorn on his mouth. They were at one of the theaters watching a movie.

Woohyun didn’t buy it. But he only shrugged as he turned back at the movie – the movie was based on a book that Woohyun wrote. It was about the sinking of a really big ship and Woohyun couldn’t help but comment here and there – because there were a lot of things that were changed.

Sunggyu can only amusedly look at Woohyun as he – once again – complained. (It was about one of the Characters, the movie portrayed him was someone evil but the way Woohyun wrote about him was good and gentlemanly) Sunggyu chuckled to himself before going back to the movie – now watching the boat sink into the depths of the ocean and he made up his mind.

There was no way in hell he was letting these little things with Woohyun go.

It was one of those rare times when Sungyeol won’t have any schedule at all. So he decided not to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity and decided to take a walk.

As he emptied his mind and just let his long legs go to wherever they want to go, he passed over the frozen lake that he skated at a month ago. And just like when he first passed over here, that nagging nostalgic feeling is still there and it’s really beginning to bug Sungyeol. So against his better judgment, he strayed away from the sidewalk and walked towards the lake – straight into the forest beyond it.

It was an instant thing – he didn’t think of anything and just went straight towards the forest. His feet was taking him somewhere and Sungyeol had no idea where.

 A moment later he stopped at a tree and stared at it – letting a certain memory of him from a long time ago replay in his mind and show him stopping at this particular place and burying something.

Without another thought, Sungyeol looked for some kind of stick and started to dig below the tree and not even a minute later he found a small wooden chest – and along with it the rest of his “forgotten memories”…

A month has already passed and Sunggyu and Woohyun already made their relationship official when Sunggyu offered for Woohyun to leave his dump of a home and move in with Sunggyu .

(“You can also move into my heart.” Woohyun said after, which earned him a smack in the head – curtsey of a madly blushing hamster.

But the said hamster mumbled a faint and a shy ‘Yes’ making Woohyun’s smile wider so everything was fine.)

And things were looking brighter for the both of them. There was nothing more the both of them wanted more than what they have now.

“What are you writing Hyunnie?” Sunggyu asked one day as he just came back from one of his work and saw Woohyun diligently writing on a journal.

“A new story I was thinking about, although this is still the draft.” Woohyun replied as he pecked Sunggyu on the lips. Sunggyu stared at the journal before smiling back at Woohyun.

“Whatever that is, I’m sure it’ll be a best seller again.” Sunggyu waited for Woohyun’s normal egoistical reply but he was surprise when Woohyun only looked back at the journal and his face turned serious.

“I don’t know Gyu… I don’t want to publish this story. I think I’ll probably just bury this one after I finish this in some tree beside the lake for fun.” Woohyun laughed and Sunggyu was once again left to think about the sanity of his boyfriend. But he doesn’t care – as long as Woohyun is happy at what he is doing then Sunggyu won’t do anything.

“So what is the story about?” Sunggyu asked as he makes hot chocolate for the both of them. Winter is coming and the winds have gotten a little chilly.

Woohyun accepted the beverage before sipping it and letting the hot drink warm his body.

“It’s a love story that’ll begin in the middle of the night, at a frozen lake and between a photographer and a model.”

Myungsoo was running hard.

He finally remembers everything.

And he was beating himself mentally for being stupid and not recognizing Sungyeol, Lee Wooyeol and his own Lee Sungyeol.

His Woohyun.

And Myungsoo has an idea where that bastard is right now.

“Took you long enough Myungie~ or do you prefer Gyu?” Sungyeol said as he was busy gliding over the frozen lake when Myungsoo arrived. Sungyeol had on that smile that Myungsoo remembered would always be plastered on his face whenever there was something he was particularly happy about – back when he was still Woohyun.

“Myungie is fine. Kim Sunggyu is already dead a long time ago.” Myungsoo replied as he sat at one of the benches and contented himself at watching his choding trying those complicated skating moves professionals do in vain.

“Although I can’t help but wonder, you’re supposed to the greatest writer but why are you recycling your penname?” Myungsoo asked as Sungyeol paused at skating because he fell on his . Myungsoo wanted to help him but decided against it – too tired to get up from his place in the bench.

“Woohyun was the writer. I’m a model – there’s a difference.” Sungyeol shrugged as he stood up once again and – this time – skated towards Myungsoo. Myungsoo opened his arms and Sungyeol sunk into them. They stayed like that – both enjoying each other’s warmth.

“I found the last book that Woohyun wrote and was not published. And I realized, he was writing about our love story.” Sungyeol said as he broke away from the hug and sat next to Myungsoo – taking his skating shoes and changing back to his pair of sneakers – before handing Myungsoo Woohyun’s journal. Myungsoo laughed at what he said before accepting the journal and skimming through it.

“I wasn’t aware Woohyun could predict the future.” Myungsoo commented and Sungyeol couldn’t help but roll his eyes at that.

“No, I can’t predict the future. I only wrote there what I think you would like. That book was for you idiot.” Sungyeol pouted and Myungsoo only chuckled before kissing Sungyeol’s pout away. And the both of them paused – having noticed it was their first kiss as Myungsoo and Sungyeol and they were no longer Sunggyu and Woohyun.

“You know, I’m not Woohyun anymore and you’re far from being Sunggyu but would you like to give this a try?” Sungyeol shyly asked, trying to hide his red face with both his hands. Myungsoo chuckled at the cuteness of the other before slowly taking Sungyeol’s hands off his face and looking at him straight in the eye.

“Sure, let’s make our own love story.” Myungsoo said while capturing Sungyeol’s lips for his own.

After a lot of years~

“Finally found you. Why are you always by this lake anyway? Can’t you think of any other place?” a figure said as he approached the other one who was sitting on a bench – holding two journals.

“That was fast! I was expecting it would take you years more before you remember me.” The other replied as he gave the one who just arrived a big gummy smile and gestured to the seat next to him – to which the other accepted.

“Please, give me some credit. I’m not as dense as I was before - when I was still Myungsoo nor when I was Sunggyu.” The man replied. The other man laughed and nodded.

“You were pretty dense before, you didn’t even notice I was flirting with you until I kissed you. And you still freaked out!” the other man exclaimed while laughing. The man only chuckled at the memory before the both of them were surrounded in silence – busy observing the scenery around them.

“This hasn’t changed huh?” the other man said. The man only nodded before turning back to the other man – extending his hand at the process.

“I’m named Lee Howon now.” The other man released another gummy smile before shaking Howon’s hands.

“Nice to meet you again Howonnie! I’m Jang Dongwoo!”

Another few years~

We have here today the great inventor of the newest model of super computers that will surely aid all of Humankind in the future. Let us welcome to our show Mr. Lee Wooyeol!” and a very pretty petit man appeared on TV. Cutely waving at the camera and started talking animatedly at the talk show host.

A handsome man was busy staring at Sungjong on the TV – his dazzling smile plastered on his face.

“Found you again Woohyun. Or is it Sungjong?”

A/N: Please tell me what you think and hope you like it! *^^*

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ReshmaNair356 #1
Chapter 1: Omg..that was some intelligent story!! Loved it!
Chapter 1: Lemme take a moment to process what I just read lol. Ohkay so this was about reincarnation right (?)

Chapter 1: this is my third comment now in 2016. I love this
Chapter 1: here I am, one year later reading this great story again and..jaja omg it's the second time and I almost cry 'cuz although it is beautiful how they end finding each other...when Myungyeol mentioned their pasts "woo and Gyu" it sounded so SAD! TnT jcdjsgvfdv! I will bookmark this... jaja
Chapter 1: hehe reread this and its still so cool. the whole reincarnation(?) thing is interesting! !
Chapter 1: it's a little confusing but I like this, a lot! Interesting and unique fic!
flickycute #7
Chapter 1: whoa... I like your idea for this story.. I really didn't expect it to turn out like that ~~
Chapter 1: kyaaaa!!!!!~~~~~ definitely the best story of love that I have ever read!!! really! at the beginning I thought that Woogyu and Myungyeol was different stories..but later I understood everything.... so cute all the encounters : first: Woogyu, second: Myungyeol, third : Yadong and at the end ... Sungjong...but I ask me....who will be the next? ok...the last sounds some terrorific XD but I like so much this fic..... is obviously that all the couples was destinated for each other no matter what.... was so cute and adorable and their love survived through the time.....
Chapter 1: ;u; I'm late to notice but I'm happy to see this again.
This is such a lovely story, creative too. And to be honest, I have nothing more to say cause I've said them already lol ;;
Thanks again <3
Chapter 1: Wow I was so confuse at first but when I finish everything made sense this is great
They are soulmates and that their DESTINY kekeke see what I did