Ben-ben/Of over protective brother.

Ben-ben/Of an overly protective brother.

Title: Ben-ben/Of over protective brother.
Pairing: slight Hunhan, Taoris
Genre: Slice of life, humor?
Length: One shot
Warning: Unbetaed, unproofread, failed!humor.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the kpop idols used in this fic.
Summary: When Kris turns to his overly protective brother mood.


The cafeteria was a rich profusion of exuberant students. Freshmen to senior students sharing the same period of lunch hours, mingling with each stereotypical others. The jocks idly draping an arm around their cheerleading uniform clad girlfriends’ shoulders, the nerds silently reading their comic books about Spocks and his girlfriend as if it was a reader’s guide on how to gain one, while the rich and popular sat on their table, checking manicured fingers and fiddling with their phones probably scheduling dates or spa appointments, if not plastic surgeries and whatnot. And the norms being their usual self.

Their boisterous laughter, healthy yet annoying giggles and zestful gossips filtered the air just like how the normal days goes by each week. Every table were filled with gregarious students, as per usual filling each other’s petty worries and sharing their cockamamie of stories. It was always the same every day and it was starting to take a toll on one particular junior student as his everyday life slowly turns to border with boredom.

A junior who’s born and fed with silver spoon his entire life, already the captain of the school’s basketball team, a person who loves to read inspirational books and a high school student that exudes power by just one look.

So what does that make him? A nerdy rich, snobbish jock?

Nah, he’s just him. The school Kingka. He hadn’t undergo surgery nor did he need to read and learn on books on how to attain himself a lover, not to boast but he have so many admirers already and he could just pull one of them and be his flavor of the day.

Meet Yifan or better known as Kris by the student body. But mostly known and called in their household by his two younger siblings Yixing known as Lay and Liying better as Tiffany and their older brother Luhan, as little Ben-ben. He hates and loves that nickname at the same time. Why? Because he’s too old to be called “Ben-ben”, he’s already sixteen and turning seventeen in a couple of months for Pete’s sake, and he had towered all his sibling with the height of 187cm. He was no longer little and that also applies with the package supported by Calvin Klein inside his black slacks.

If you would think that this day was no any different with his everyday life you are wrong. This day is probably one of those days that is a rare sight to behold upon the eyes of every student finishing their lunches in the cafeteria but rather domestic for the four people sitting with him on their usual table. The popular table albeit atypical to the stereotypes out there.

“Stop that.” A whispered warn after a light nudge on his rib.

“Stop what?” Kris feigned innocence with his best friend, looking at his left to look at Jongdae. “I’m not doing anything.” He insisted before averting his gaze and turning once again to the raven head boy standing adjacent to their table.

Chen, Jongdae’s nickname, rolled his eyes at him even though Kris’ attention was already back at the lanky Korean boy. “Staring,” It should really be glaring. Really. “You’re making him uncomfortable.” He pointed out as he forked a green grape in his mouth.

“Good.” His simple reply.

“Oh for heaven’s sake just let the kid sit.” Luhan, the oldest in their table pipes in, making a wide space for the boy as he opted on settling on his boyfriend’s lap. “C’mon Chanyeol-ssi, have a seat. Here.”  He smiled that innocent smile of his as he patted the bench.

Gege!” Came a protest from Kris as he straightened on his seat, shoulders squared. A pointed look with a silent pout, a rare sight to see on his face. For a daily basis Kris had always wore a domineering and friendly façade that gain the hearts not to mention numbers of admirers. But that façade always ebbs whenever his family is with him. “Don’t intervene with my business.” He spat, earning him an I’m-older-don’t-raise-your-voice-at-me-or-else-I’m-telling-dad eyebrow lift from his brother.

“I let you date that oaf you’re sitting at. This,” He darted a thumb over his shoulder towards his sister’s direction while his eyes focus on his older brother. “This kid is my territory, don’t meddle with it when I had let you with the decision about Yixing dating that e excuse of a brother Sehun have!”

Stubborn Kris is stubborn despite his brother’s silent demand for respect. Not that he’s disrespectful to his elders but this day is just different from any per usual days.

“Hey!” Yixing’s cry to defend his lover fell only upon deaf ears. Minseok just leered at his brother’s best friend at the accusation. He wasn’t the only ‘pedo’, as he was accused of in their clique. Kris’s hyung was a cradle robber as well. His cousin Sehun was just a sophomore with Luhan being eighteen just a few months ago and his brother freshly fifteen. He didn’t even protest like how Yifan is acting.

“Chillax, Kris. Just let him join us.” Sehun, his other…best friend? His gege’s boyfriend, rasped. He was still contemplating whether to still consider him as his best friend.

“By ‘join’ and ‘us’ do you mean, him, be like you and that stupid kid right there, who went behind my back and dated my siblings? I am not letting some unknown kid date my only baby sister!” He sounded scandalized.

Gege,” was Tiffany’s whine, prolonging the last vowel for effect and attention. He loves being pampered by his sibling, how she was being babied by them and buying things she requests to them. Tiffany basked at the bliss of it, especially whenever his Kris-oppa buys her, her favorite dessert.

Between the two of his older brothers, she had always been close with Yifan. At times, her twin brother would even tell her his jealousy of their closeness. But at the moment, she’s starting to loathe him as she was utterly embarrassed at how his brother was reacting. She swore to his deceased nanny’s grave, her brother is worse than their father right now and that’s a lot coming from her; being the apple of the eye of their father.

“Please don’t be rude. Chanyeol-ssi is really nice.” She mumbled, lowering her head as she starts hoping that the floor under her would open up and eat her whole. If not for her, for him. Yes for him, for his ex-favorite brother, Kris-gege.

Her brother was generous enough to share the glare he had been sending the tall boy that was probably the same height, he noted, whom is rumored to be courting his favorite sibling. “Why didn’t you tell me this creature exists?” was his question to her as he pointed an accusing forefinger at the boy. He also made it sound as if Chanyeol was a foreign being not from a different country—despite himself being the foreigner as the and his siblings were Chinese—but from out of this world and yet to be discovered.

Tiffany groaned helplessly inwardly and outwardly. She said please didn’t she? “Gege, don’t be like that, he has a name.” retorted his sister.

Chanyeol just kept mum. Albeit slightly scandalized but just opted to sink at his seat, his plate of ddeokbokki set aside as he tried to ignore the daggers being thrown at him by the brother of the girl he had liked since the first time he saw her in the compound of the library of their school.

“You don’t know him?” Came the muffled voice from Chen as he shoved a mini cupcake in his mouth, the frosting, clinging at the corner of his lips making him seem as if he’s frothing in the mouth.

Yifan just shook his head nonchalantly at that. “Why should I?”

“Seriously?” Chen looked at him as if he had grown an extra nose. Tiffany wanted to bang her head on the sturdy wooden table.

“You’re the school basketball team captain and you seriously don’t know him?” He was starting to question his best friend’s ignorance...and social prowess.

Kris just shook his head again innocently. Jongdae’s jaw just dropped as he gape at him.

His best friend was a hopeless case.

“His father owns the school.” Minseok provided for them, he was listening but more like waiting for any insults Kris would throw at him, after leaving Yixing’s lips for a second. “And the student body vice-president.” Luhan added, pushing the knowledge to his ignorant brother’s head with a raised eyebrow.

Yifan’s face look dumbfounded as his lips formed into an ‘o’ and his older brother wanted to just shoot a balled tissue inside. He felt slightly ashamed for having such an idiotic excuse of a brother. “Pabo.” Everyone at the table agreed.

Kris just shrugged it off and squared his shoulder. Not a single mirth in his face but a defined scowl was very much present as he return his gaze back to the subject of his deep scrutiny.

It was Chanyeol’s turn to wish the floor would open up and eat him whole. Why did his subject of affection had to have a brother like this? Wae?

“So? I don’t care even if he’s the first son of Korea’s president.” Was Yifan’s denigrating voice as he perched both elbows on the table, hands entwined as he propped his chin in the back of his hands. Assessing the boy in front of him with discriminating gaze.

The lanky boy shifted uncomfortably on his seat before he pushed up his eyeglasses up the bridge of his nose. Liying just wanted to run at the other side of the table and pull the boy out of the cafeteria. This was insane. She could’ve just said yes to him yesterday when he ask her to be his girlfriend but his twin just have to show up and tell her to ask for their geges’ permission like how he did. She was elated to have her Luhan-gege agree immediately but now…she sighed before throwing a side way glare towards his twin.

Tiffany wanted to get rid of his twin and his Yifan-oppa. Why can she just have his Luhan-gege as his only brother? Life was unfair. All his brothers have lovers and she doesn’t. She wants want, too! Yes, the bratty side of her demanded that.

Because, even Kris has one!

“So, who are you and what are your intentions with my sister?” She was pulled away from her musing when she heard his brother’s stern voice. Full of mandate and exuding power.

By how Kris’ words sounded. Lay almost pushed his lover off him, his face paled as he searched about the room for a certain forty year old man. Tiffany snapped her head to look at his brother and if jaws were detachable, hew bearings would have probably be rolling at on their table as she gapes. Luhan on the other hand burrowed his head on the crook of his boyfriend’s neck to stifle his laughter. Amused at how his brother sounded and mimic their father’s voice in flawless perfection.

Oppa!” was his sister’s cry, but Kris just waved her off and watched the lanky boy facing him gulped in trepidation.

Chanyeol almost fell down on his seat. Now contemplating whether to pursue his love or not. Would it also sound like this if he was to face Tiffany’s father? A mental sigh of relief as he recalled his friend, Lay, saying that all their relationships were kept as secrets from their father, save for their mother, their uality on the other hand wasn’t and approved. They were their children, they love them as who and how they are.

The student council vice president chance a look at tiffany whom had an apologetic look on her face, hand clasped and rubbing as she made a kicked puppy look, telling him to endure it. He nodded at her, averted his gaze and returned to face the brother, he cleared his throat as he schooled his features but deep down inside he’s fretting immensely if the shaking of his knees wouldn’t go by.

With his future girlfriend’s gesticulations, Chanyeol schooled his features into a form that almost rivaled the one that Yifan is wearing…almost.

Annyeong haseyo, Park Chanyeol-imnida.” The lanky boy no taller than Kris stood up and bow formally at the junior across his chair. “I’m fifteen years old, the student council vice president and I would like to have your permission to take Tiffany out later and the following days after.” He took a sideway glance on Tiffany’s direction, a smile on his face that soon was replaced by a look of a shock by the sudden outburst of the man in front.

“No.” So plain yet so well-founded.

“You’re being too strict with her.” Reminded Luhan as he leans his back comfortably against Sehun’s chest.

“More like over protective.” Jongdae’s voice joins them. “Remember when it was Lay, he was like…” and his voice died down and killed by Yifan’s death glare. “…never mind.”

Seriously the impressions the man exudes are lethal!

“Just let her date.” Came the blasé advice from Sehun as he popped a rectangular fry in his open and awaiting mouth insouciantly.

“Please hyung, I really like your sister and I know she likes me too, so please let us date.” Chanyeol was getting ready to kneel on the floor if the man still refuses too. He was bordering on the edge of desperation.

“Date? Are you insane? How old are you and how old do you think my sister is? She just a baby, okay?” Kris could still remember—albeit faintly—on how he first held his little sister’s small yet strong grip on his fingers when she was till an infant. Just seeing her honey browned eyes made him swore that he’d be the best brother anyone could ask for.

In his eyes she will forever remain that little bundle of joy wrapped in a pink blanket and laying cutely besides her twin. She was young, sweet and he will not anyone take her away from him just yet. If he let her date, there won’t be any more Kris and Tiffany shopping time, no more cooking time and most especially, no more the amazing Kris and his assistant Tiff when they have their weekly family gathering. There wouldn’t be anymore spare time for them to practice if she starts dating. He knows she’d focus on this boy more than him when that happens. And Kris can’t possibly let that happen.

No just No!

“No! You’re not going to date my sister, she’s not allowed to have a boyfriend yet!” By this time their table had gained a lot of eyes, patronizing him, listening to every words spoken.

His shoes, planting themselves atop their table as he stands on it for all the students body to see and hear. His food was thankfully pulled away from his feet by his sister and his best friend the moment he stood up from his seat and put the first foot on his chair to haul himself up and on to the table.

“And this goes to everyone. My sister is a ‘no dating zone’, so buzz off!” He finishes, throwing death glares at each student boy or girl crowding the room before he stooped down the table before a teacher could even tell him off. A smug smile on his face as he turn to face Chanyeol again. “Did you under…”

“What in the hell is going on here?”

“…stand…?” At the stern voice, Kris suddenly felt cold sweat filtering his forehead and scrolling down his sideburns, his face paling and his knees almost bucked in trepidation as he scrambled down and settles on his chair, behaving quietly like a wrought child.

Incriminating pair of raven eyes darted at the boy sitting silently as if nothing had even happened. “Yifan,” the voice was velvety yet held a silent accusation in it. “I know you’re to blame for all this attention.” The man said, referring to the audience of people flocking them.

“It’s not that, Peachie.” Zitao, Kris’s lover raised an eyebrow at the mention of his pet name as his focus was now on the now petulant boy whom had his arms folded across his chest and a profound pout jutted at his lips. They were keeping their relationship a low profile after what happened to both their past relationship involving with bullying from their posse. “I…” he trailed off as he try to have his brain work with their ingenuity for an explanation.

“You?” He sounded impatient and the way he had crossed his arms against his chest, his hips jutted at the side as he shifted his weight on one foot and the other tapping incessantly on the floor and all the while his perfectly thin eyebrow refused to go down would do nothing but attest it.

Yifan’s siblings swore they’ve seen that stance from somewhere and the three shared a knowing look with huge grins slowly creeping up their lips.

 Zitao’s posture looked rather too domestic and Chen even felt nostalgic at the display. He was familiar with the look but from a different person and he also smiled as he remembers that most of the time missis Wu holds a ladle and wagging it in the air whenever he reprimands her children and even throws it at his husband before crossing her arms when she scolds.

“I leave you here for half an hour so I could deal with the problem with the tennis club and when I came back, everyone’s nosing around our table with you standing atop it! What is wrong with you? The table is for eating not for standing!”

With his lover’s indignant appeal, Kris shifted on his seat and turned to look at the man standing behind him over his broad shoulders. “But you see, baby...” A few gasp, some squeals and a few soft hurrahs ricocheted in the cafeteria.

The school Kingka and the school’s student council president shagging it up were prayed to happen by almost the entire school. “This tall post wants to date my little Liying.” A whining Yifan was a golden sight to behold and every girls around them wanted to squeeze his cheek for being so, if their telltale squealing wouldn’t go by.

“Oh please, Yifan. She’s old enough already to date.” He told him with the roll of the eyes while Tiffany was dancing inside his head and he held a thumbs up with a matching wink at his future boyfriend, stating that everything would be fine now since her brother’s kind lover was there to scold at his gege.

Kris wanted to protest again, wanted to say that Tiffany was like his child and that Tao was her pseudo mother and that they can practice parenting with her in advance, had they be married someday and adopt little cute ben-bens and adorable peaches. But he just ended up getting tongue tied at the look he was receiving from his lover.

“And you!” Tiffany’s attention was diverted from his brother to his Chanyeol as an accusing finger was pointed at him. “So this is what you meant about “something” very “important” that you leave me to fend for myself over those idiots?!” Seething in anger, Zitao huffed before trudging the small distance between him and the seat where his boyfriend was occupying.

“I…” the student body VP stuttered. “I’m sorry, president.”

At the boy’s quivering tone a snicker was heard and the Student council President threw daggers at him as he glared at the basketball captain.

A caveat. “Shut up!” sliced through the air. It hinted the words say-one-word-and-you-won’t-get-some-tonight and a possibility of turning to a week, at the way he looked at Yifan with his raven stern eyes. The people seating on the table and not to mention the audience that had already gathered could see and feel the palpable controlling aura the man has radiates and even hear the silent warning in them. And they all decided, that the basketball team captain and school Kingka is a whipped pseudo husband.

Zitao returned his glare at his second in command as his hands found his hip in an akimbo posture. “Get back to the office and do your work.”

Haughty, Kris stuck his tongue out and snickered at the council vice president for being told off. “Remember my words, Chanyeol-ssi if you still want to be recognized by your friends…”

“Ben-ben!” Tao sounded livid, hearing the threat for his vice president while Luhan, Yixing and Liying could picture their mother in Zitao’s figure with his reprimanding tone.

Whoops. No for you. Dear, Ben-ben. Jongdae, Sehun and Minseok cackled.

Wu Yifan, childishly stomp his feet as he began sulking.

“But, peachie!”

Really, a whiny Yifan is really a sight to behold.


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A/N: I really shouldnt post things when i had a few drinks or under ungodly hours. I forgot to unhide it. OTL Gomen. m( _ _ )m



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Chapter 1: This really cute :)

Thanks for making my day
dingdongdeng5 #2
Chapter 1: This is just xDD (Y)
Chapter 1: I should be studying geometry and history but wow this.
monsterheart #4
OMG! This is so cute! i cant! lmao <3
Chapter 1: Oh god I'm dead tahaha Well done bby! <3 thanks a lot~ That was needed.
update soon...