Chapter 2 (Final)

There was Something about Her Face

       “Class! We have a new transfer student today! Please introduce yourself to the class.” Mr. Park announced to the class.

       “Hello everyone. My name is Sulli.” the girl said.  Kai rolled his eyes and glanced up from what he was doing. He stared at her.

        “What’s wrong with me?” he murmured as the girl smiled kindly at the class.

      “Sulli, there is only 1 seat left which is at the back of the class. Please sit beside the boy at the back. He’s Kai.” Mr. Park continued as he pointed in the direction of Kai. Sulli walked happily towards her seat and greeted Kai warmly. He could feel his heart thumping as she sat down beside her.

      Kai could not stop thinking about Sulli even after reaching home. “What’s wrong with me!” He finally shouted frustratingly. His mind was occupied by her and he could not do a single thing.

      “There was something about her face. Was it her mesmerizing eyes? Was it her full plump lips? Was it her perfect jawline structure? No, it was not.” He pondered out loud.

      “But why is she making my heart beat faster?” He wasn’t sure.

      Slowly, he looked forward to school every day. Unknowingly, he changed his behavior for the better, took time to dress up properly for school day by day. Kai found purpose to live his life, and that was when he realized, that it was love.

       “Good morning, Kai!” Sulli greeted brightly as she turned to put her bag down.

       “Good morning.” Kai said softly. Sulli turned to Kai in astonishment. He had never greeted her before. She was used to just some casual nods from him and she had not expected him to greet her.

      “Wow… You finally started talking to me!” Sulli beamed with delight. He breathed in and smiled. A genuine smile.  Sulli’s heart skipped a beat.

      For the first time, she realized how handsome he actually was, with his hair all tidied and his uniform neatly worn, and most importantly how much warmth he radiated when he smiled.

      “I… I have a confession to make.” He said breaking her train of thoughts.

      “I actually like you. A lot. I think I love you.” Kai said with more confidence. He bit his lips and waited for her response. She looked stunned at his sudden confession.

      “I have liked you since the first day you transferred here. There was just something about you that attracted me.” He continued when she did not answer.

      “I…I…like you to.” Sulli said after what felt like eternity.

      “Let’s try and date?” he asked, grinning at Sulli’s response. She nodded her head happily and smiled. That’s when Kai understood what he was attracted to.

       Yes, there was something about her face. But it was not the beautiful and prominent features that make her stand out. It was her smile. He realized.

       The enchanting smile that could bring so much joy to him.

      It was that smile that could heal his broken heart.

      It was that smile that taught him how to smile again.



A/N: Hi!! I finally updated and this is the last chapter :P I hope it's fine and you'll like it :) Comments would be greatly appreciated! ^^ and yes this is the final. I cant really think of how to end it so I hope you'll still like it. Replying to one of the comments, I don't think I will be writing a sequel as I cant really think of any idea right now. =

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korinna26 #1
Chapter 2: Plz make a sequel . Jebal *puppy eyes* ^^
Chapter 2: Nice kailli fanfic.....:-)
taengpea #3
Chapter 2: will you be making a sequel if this really is the end?
taengpea #4
Chapter 2: So this is the end right? I liked the ending but I find it a bit too quick how Sulli accepted his confession right away...
foreverjonginjinri #5
Chapter 2: Wow it's only chapter 2 but they already together? umm is this mean more drama ahead?._.
taengpea #6
Chapter 1: I agree with seiranti that it's too short but it's nice so far :) will be waiting for your update~!
Chapter 1: please update soon;p
this really interesting :)
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 1: More update juseyo keke^^
Chapter 1: Too short^^ no character build yet n no interaction.. No much to say but least the plot already create.. So fighting3x authornim^^ i will wait for your update..
foreverjonginjinri #10
Yay another kailli ff again^^