twenty one

Mr Player and I
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It had been two weeks since Jongin had been sent to hospital and Soeun had a long list of texts compiling on her phone; her phone vibrated again, signalling her for her to answer- she ignored it. After countless of practically the same texts from Hayoung, Minhee and Sehun, she decided that she'd completely ignore them. It was strange how her ex-friends all of a sudden started to contact her, and Soeun wasn't quite ready to face that situation at the moment. 

Soeun had found a home in the mass pile of blankets and hardly saw the light of the sun, her dad hardly even noticed her existence and so their life carried on. She was awoken by the sound of tapping; her eyes squinted but realised afterwards that it was no longer the afternoon. Darkness evolved and her eyes soon adjusted to the colour, the tapping continued. It took several attempts to finally make her way out of her blankets, and Soeun had just about made it to the sound.

After running away from the scene Soeun begun to finally understand the situation, it was all her fault. If she wasn't on the other side of the road, and if she had continued to walk back and if- there were too many reasons. She couldn't quite understand why she was feeling this way, but Soeun came to the conclusion that she was some sort of danger hazard, Jongin would just get hurt with her around. And so her plan begun, ignore anything to do with Jongin.

"Yah! Soeun!"

She froze, instantly she had recognized the voice- her plan would begin to crumble. Soeun tried her best to camouflage into the wall but failed miserably.

"I can see you by the way." 

Oh Sehun. The moon gave a light source and she noticed the rocks in his hands, Soeun sighed loudly before turning her back to him and making her way to her room. She cringed, remembering why she never used the balcony door. She was locked outside and the cold winters air seemed to be crawling up her pj's, Soeun faced away from him, hoping that he would leave in a few minutes. She was mistaken. Almost like on cue Sehun appeared out from the shadows,

"Are you locked out? Climb down, I'll catch you." His arms stretched out and motioned for Soeun to climb down the drain pipes, she shivered once more before reaching out to the pipes. Unlike Sehun, she was awful in gym especially during the rope climbing. She had been the only one who didn't make it to the top and had barely even made it halfway. 

"I can't. I'll fall-" 

"I'll be here to catch you." His response was firm and made her feel safer; she inched closer to the pipes, her fingers suddenly latched onto the peice of metal and her other half of her body was still on the balcony. A small gasp leeched itself out of her, 

"I can't do it. I can't." Memories of gym class flooded her mind and Soeun was soon chattering, but not because of the cold but because of her nerves. 

"Just concentrate on my voice. You'll be fine, I promise." Sehun's voice travelled it's way into her ears and a soothing sensation took over, her legs finally gave way and she slid down the pipe. 

"I told you I'd catch you." Soeun could barely open her eyes, she was still in shock of what had just occurred. A pair of arms held tightly onto her body and gave her some sort of protection from the frosty air, it was dead silent. Her face pressed into his chest, Sehun's heart was about to break out of it's shell.

"Since I saved you, can you please stop ignoring me?" His voice brought Soeun back to reality and her eyes opened to find themselves locked with his, there was no reply. 

"Jongin is awake by the way, I think he'd really like it if you visited him." The mention of Jongin was her cue to leave, her eyes left Sehun's and she pulled away from his reach. "By I think- I mean he wants to see you, Jongin wants to see you. He needs to see you." 

Her body stopped but her mind told her to carry on, her hands curled into fists and she continued walking away. Each foot step away from him left an aching in her heart, the angry sobs finally unleashed once making her way back into her house. 

"He needs to see you." The words ran through her head like a scene in a movie, maybe the best way to stop her heart from crumbling was to finally say good bye. 


Soeun awoke to the sound of snores, she had found herself in an unfamiliar bed. In fact it wasn't a bed, it was a sofa. She automatically got up, expecting some kind of villain like person next to her. It was her father. He had found a home on the living room floor, Soeun frowned. 

Why would he be there? Why am I on the sofa? Did he- no... 

Her mind went back to last night and remembered how she had fallen aslee

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 30: You did really well authornim:) thank you so much and please contact this!!
likatulay #2
Chapter 30: Aww.. Poor them.. Kai and sound.. This is good, love it.. Thanks for the update... Update soon.
Chapter 5: Aww...just when I was looking for a cute story to just enjoy, I ran into yours! I love your story so far. Light and fluffy. Just perfect. It's very entertaining and just what I need after my long day working. *heart sign*
likatulay #4
Chapter 29: Hehehe., you're doing fine! Anyways close your eyes, take deep breath, relax and then you can do it.. Hehehe..I do love your story...
likatulay #5
Chapter 28: thanks a lot for the update,, please don't separate so eun an jongin.. lol,, anyways please update soon..
likatulay #6
Chapter 26: You did a good job!! That was great..update soon please...
likatulay #7
Chapter 25: Awww.. That was great.. Thanks for the upda.. Love it!!!
DreamerGirly #8
Chapter 24: Oh nooooooo
likatulay #9
Chapter 24: ooh. no more Kim so eun in this chapter?? lol.. please write some more about Kim so eun.. thanks
Sandara05 #10
Kai :) "his smirks is best" hehe :-D