
Mr Player and I
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"Kai?" Soeun called out towards the silhoutte in the distance, but she got no reply. Her eyes squinted- an attempt to see the figure, however it was past midnight and it was winter. The only source of light was the flickering lampost which had now came to a low dim; Soeun called out Kai's name once again. No reply. Now that she had thought about it, why would Kai wait for her? It had now been more than an hour- why would he still be here? A shiver ran down her spince once coming to the conclusion that the silhouette could be some kind of murderer. 

She backed away and started walking home, but the footsteps were still behind her. Her heels clicked and her grasp around her phone tightened, she paused for a second. There were two paths- two different endings. One path was the quick way to getting home but she would have to go through a forest section, and the other was longer but had cctv for the majority of the way home. She naturally chose the longer way home. But the person was still following her. 

After watching numerous crime dramas she had gotten even more suspicious and decided now was the time to start running, but her heels made that very difficult for her. Maybe I'm just too paranoid?... I bet their not even following me...

Soeun stopped and turned, there was nobody there. Her eyes trailed along to the convenience store that was a few metres behind, she decided that instead of running away she would confront the problem instead.

She arrived outside the store and shoved her face into the glass windows; her eyes searched for a suspect. Instead Soeun's eyes found somebody else. His hands were curled around a cup of coffee and he was grinning wildly at the girl in front of him- Kai was grinning wildly at the girl in front of him. The girl had the convenience store uniform on; Soeun could just about see the back of her head, it was average looking hair- dark brown and long. She glimpsed down to look at her own hair, dark brown and long. 

Her eyes shifted back to the pair; it seemed that the girl was funny because Kai was laughing for the majority of the time, Soeun stood on her toes as an attempt to get one final glimpse at the mysterious girl but failed and instead tipped the boxes next to her over. She winced at the slight pain panging at her ankles; small tears brimmed the edge of her eyes but she quickly shook them off. Soeun didn't like people seeing her cry, she thought she looked ugly when she cried. 

Soeun had just about made it back on her two feet but not without diverting the attention towards her, she glanced back to the store but she didn't see Kai with the girl anymore. Instead she saw a flash of messy hair making its way towards the exit. This was her cue to leave the store. 

"Yah, Soeun." Her body froze, but her heart started to race. Soeun turned, she knew who it was but she just needed to see it before she could believe it. They stood a couple metres apart with a road crossing between them, they were just looking at each other almost like they nee

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 30: You did really well authornim:) thank you so much and please contact this!!
likatulay #2
Chapter 30: Aww.. Poor them.. Kai and sound.. This is good, love it.. Thanks for the update... Update soon.
Chapter 5: Aww...just when I was looking for a cute story to just enjoy, I ran into yours! I love your story so far. Light and fluffy. Just perfect. It's very entertaining and just what I need after my long day working. *heart sign*
likatulay #4
Chapter 29: Hehehe., you're doing fine! Anyways close your eyes, take deep breath, relax and then you can do it.. Hehehe..I do love your story...
likatulay #5
Chapter 28: thanks a lot for the update,, please don't separate so eun an jongin.. lol,, anyways please update soon..
likatulay #6
Chapter 26: You did a good job!! That was great..update soon please...
likatulay #7
Chapter 25: Awww.. That was great.. Thanks for the upda.. Love it!!!
DreamerGirly #8
Chapter 24: Oh nooooooo
likatulay #9
Chapter 24: ooh. no more Kim so eun in this chapter?? lol.. please write some more about Kim so eun.. thanks
Sandara05 #10
Kai :) "his smirks is best" hehe :-D