Finding Us

Taeyeon stared at the sky. There were no stars tonight, it felt sad. Tiffany wasn’t with her, because the latter decided to leave her alone for quite some time. To cool off her hot head, she said. But ironically speaking, Taeyeon needs her by her side and she didn’t even show up.

Taeyeon let out a heavy sigh and lie down on the cold pavement, “Stars. Where are you? I could use some wish…”

“What are you going to wish for?”

“For more time…” Taeyeon faced Tiffany, “I wish I won’t be too late to find you…”

Tiffany smiled slightly, “That’s very thoughtful of you…”

Taeyeon looked at the sky again, “What do you wish for?”

Tiffany chuckled, “Me?”

“Hmm…” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany again. Tiffany scrunched her nose as she thought of a good wish and then finally, she met Taeyeon’s eyes and smiled wholeheartedly

“I just wanted to be touched




The sun peeked again; Taeyeon and Tiffany talked all night at the roof. It was nice to talk to Tiffany like that for quite some time, it gives her lots of calm feelings, and it’s as if Tiffany’s alive for once. Taeyeon stood from the cold ground; she felt the gentle sun rays penetrating to her skin, it’s nice to feel the sun again.

“You gonna rest Taetae?”

Taeyeon giggled, that was the new nickname Tiffany has given her last night, “Thinking about it…”

“You should rest, dark circles are visible… It makes you look old!”

“Yah! I’m not old…” Taeyeon pouted as Tiffany just giggled at her, “I’m just gonna take a shower… Then we’ll find you again, okay?”

Tiffany nodded meekly, “Sure…” Taeyeon nodded at Tiffany and went downstairs to take a shower. As soon as the warm water met the latter’s skin, it made her feel drowsy all of a sudden. Taeyeon decided to sit on the tub once again.

“Told you, you should rest…”

Taeyeon scoffed at Tiffany and then closed her eyes, “I’m not that tired…”

“All that seven-hours of not sleeping… You should rest Taetae, you would wake up anyway…”

“I tend not to waste time Fany…”

Tiffany shrugged, “Suit yourself…” Tiffany disappeared suddenly and Taeyeon just closed her eyes, feeling all of the exhaustion kicking in. She was half-asleep, half of her mind wanted some sleep, and half of her mind is stuck with Tiffany…

How to even start her search?

I don’t know too. And if I knew, I can’t tell you since her family want to keep it private’ It rang in her mind. She opened her eyes, “Mrs. Cho…”

Taeyeon quickly stood up from the tub, forgetting all of the fatigue she felt. She’s got new leads now… Maybe today they’ll get lucky…

Taeyeon quickly looked for Tiffany and struggled to wear her coat, “Hey Tiffany! I think we have good leads for today!”

“What?!” Tiffany suddenly appeared behind Taeyeon’s back, “What do you mean Taetae?”

“I’ve got it now; maybe Mrs. Cho knows something about you!”


“Right before I’ve occupied this apartment, she said something to me, and maybe that could help us into finding you…”

“Okay, we should get going then!” Tiffany said enthusiastically, Taeyeon nodded and went outside of their apartment, heading towards Mrs. Cho’s office




Taeyeon arrived at Mrs. Cho’s office; she rang the bell, indicating she needs some assistance. Minutes later, she met the old woman’s eyes

“Oh Ms. Kim! How may I help you?”

“I wanted to ask you about the old tenant that lived there before me?”

Mrs. Cho’s face turned grim, “Why?”

“It’s important…”

Mrs. Cho let out a heavy sigh, “Come ‘on in, Ms. Kim…”

Taeyeon went inside the office and Mrs. Cho let the latter sit on the couch, “Her name is Tiffany Hwang”


“She’s a very, very sweet girl you know…”

“Okay… But Mrs. Cho, where is she now?”

Mrs. Cho pressed her lips together, “She’s confined at some hospital. From what I’ve heard, she’s been involved in some accident, I don’t know what kind. Tragic as they say…”

“Can you tell me where that hospital is?”

“I’ll write you down the address…” Mrs. Cho wrote the address on a piece of paper, but even before she handed the paper to Taeyeon, she retreats her hand, “Why are you doing this Ms. Kim?”

“I have to do something really important about this. Thank you” Taeyeon snatched the paper away from the lady’s hand and bowed politely as she tried to go back to her apartment. As soon as she arrived in front of her door, Taeyeon turned the knob. It was locked…

“Oh god no!”


“I’ve locked the key inside…” Taeyeon pouted while Tiffany giggled at the latter, “There’s a spare key under the fire extinguisher”

Taeyeon cocked a brow at Tiffany and went near the fire extinguisher and lifted it up. To her surprise, there really was a key, “How’d you know that?” Tiffany just shrugged and both went in to their apartment

“Look, you going there Taetae? With you exhausted?!”

 “Yes! I’m going there Fany-ah…”Taeyeon tapped the floor with her foot impatiently, “Where the hell did I put my car keys…” Taeyeon then flicked her fingers

“Aha!” Taeyeon went by the shelf and put the keys inside her pockets and went outside of the apartment

“Taeyeon, if you could just rest!” Tiffany tried to argue, “Look at the address…”

Taeyeon went inside her car and started it and as soon as she started it she looked at the piece of paper and suddenly, her facial expression turned bleak

“This is way out of town!”

Tiffany crosses her arms, “Told you. Get out of the car and get some rest Kim Taeyeon” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany sadly, “Not a chance” And with that, Taeyeon drove towards their destination




The two has passed two miles already, and they’re almost near to their destination, “I don’t get it why do you have to do this search without any sleep…”

“I’ll just find a hotel there Fany… Trust me with this”

 “I don’t want you sleeping in this car and get involved in some kind of accident, yeah?”

Taeyeon let out a deep sigh, “Not gonna die Fany-ah… Stop being such a paranoid”

A car then honked at Taeyeon and luckily she was able to make a turn quickly and avoid the unwanted accident, Tiffany glared at Taeyeon while the latter continued to sink in her seat.

“Better find a hotel quickly” Tiffany said with an irritated tone

“You were talking to me…”

“What?! You’re trying to argue with me Kim Taeyeon!?” Tiffany shouted while her nostrils flared

 “N-no ma’am… I-I’ll find a h-hotel as soon as possible” Taeyeon stuttered. Minutes later, they’ve arrived at a near hotel; Taeyeon has now decided to check in.

Taeyeon bowed at the lady politely and went to her room. It was already dark it’s a good thing Tiffany nagged at her, or else she might be sleeping in her car tonight.

“This place is cozy Taeyeon”

“Yeah… It feels like home…” Taeyeon plopped herself on the bed, feeling its softness, “Taeyeon…”

“Hmmm?” Taeyeon answered with her eyes closed

“Sleep well” Taeyeon nodded slowly and now Tiffany could see some steady breathing from the latter, it indicates that Taeyeon was now asleep. Tiffany peeked out through the window and saw a shooting star

She looked at the now sleeping Taeyeon, “Please let Taeyeon find me already…”

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 18: Aww this is sweet and genuine
Chapter 18: Wonderful plot! Hope there’s an epilogue where Fany will remember everything hahaha a fluffy wrap up of the story~ ;)

It would also be better if you put the dialogues in separate lines so it wouldn’t be confusing to know who’s the one talking :)
Arkhora-wang #3
Chapter 18: reread this story again after a year and it's still one of my faves
kakuzu #4
Chapter 18: I thought we were in the middle of the story but it was the ending, your really got me there Author-nim. Anyway I was eating but seriously I choked and coughed for my life for like 1-2 mins when Fany miraculously went back to life, I mean I was expecting it but still it caught me off guard. Thank you for the story, it has a very very nice plot.
AngelPhan #5
Chapter 18: Nice story author - sshi. Open ending but to me that is a happy ending
Chapter 18: Bwoyaaaaaa. Author! I was shocked when I knew you were a Filipino! Daebak, you've got nice English skills author ^^ I just read this fanfic of yours just awhile ago and yeah it's end now. T^T I'm a PHsone too, kumawo author! This story is great and I hope you'll still continue 'I'm for Auction' ^^ I'll keep on supporting you! *waves*
Chapter 2: Is good..but i have the feel that i saw a movie with reese witherspoon that looks kind similar with your story...but what i like is that you put taeyeon an tifany as the main characters..good
tipco09 #8
I was lucky to find this story after it has been completed so I read it in one go. I luv it! Yes, an epilogue would be so nice.
Chapter 18: omg.. T___Tmake a sequel please?? or maybe an epilogue? this is great. <3
Chapter 18: omy I hope you ll make a sequel for this ('n') but anyways your story is really nice thanks for sharing a wonderful story