Return & First Meeting

Lucky to have you !

"Waah! its nice to be back! Seoul, here I am again" you said smiling as you step out in the departure area of Incheon International Airport. You are so happy that after a long vacation in America, you can now go back to your home town that you missed a lot.

"Eun Soo-ahh" you heard your umma calling you from the car waiting for you to come. Your eyes widen because you didnt expect your mom to fetch you. "Eommaaaaaaa~ " you called as you run towards her.  " Eomma, pogoshipta ! hmmmmmmmm~~" you sang as you hug her.  "I missed you too Sweetie" your mom said as she pulled off from the hug.  "Ahhm, Mr. Park, kindly put Eun Soo's luggage in the car." she said to Mr. Park, your family driver. "Yes, Maam." he said. your mom turned to you, "are you okay sweetie? are you hungry? would you like to eat? would you like to rest now? " she said. "HAHAHA, eomma, its fine, im okay dont worry, i just missed you, appa and Eunjoo." you smiled sweetly. "aigoo ~ but you sure you're okay?" she asked. "errm, honestly eomma, im a bit hungry, and i wanna eat food you personally made, i missed it a lot! " you cheerfully said "okay, okay. lets get in the car so that we can go home and you can eat, you must be very tired. lets just talk about yourlife in America tomorrow, mmm ? " she said. "arasseo eomma" you smiled,  " i really wanna go home early, i missed my dongsaeng so much ! " you said as both of you hopped in the car. "we'll be there soon, just take a nap first and i'll wake you up when we're home already" your mom smiled and patted your shoulder. "thanks eomma" you smiled and slowly closing your eyes.

When you got home, you were greeted by your dongsaengs loud scream as she run towards you. "Eonnniieeeeeeeeeee!! " you bent down so that she could hug you. " i missed you so much eonnie" she said pouting, "i will leave you two there, im going to cook a food" your mom said. "Ne, eomma" you replied. you turned to your dongsaeng with a frown face "why? whats wrong?" you asked. "i have no playmate because eomma and appa is so busy in their work, i dont want to disturb anybody in this house they're maybe busy too,  so i just play alone. Eventhough eomma ang appa played with me sometimes, it doesn't take too long because they are tired from work, i dont want to bother them when they want to rest. It is so different when you're here eonnie" she explained while pouting. "Aigoo, youre such a good kid, dont worry, from now on, we will play always, together, arasseo? " you said brightly. "really? " she asked. you nodded . "yeeeeeey ! thank you eonnie" she said smiling. "lets go to kitchen first to eat, after that lets walk around okay?" you said. "Ne" she replied smiling. you smiled back.

After eating, you rest for a while then you go walking with your younger sister. "do you want to go to the park?" you asked. "yes eonnie, i wanna go there and eat ice cream and play" she said happily. you smiled then suddenly, you heard your phone rang, "wait a minute Eun joo-ah, eomma is calling. 'dae eomma, wae?' , 'aahh, araseo.' , 'ne.'" . you put down you phone and place it back in your pocket. "eonnie, why did eomma called?" she asked. "just to say that be sure we will be at home before 6, she wanted to have dinner together, all of us." you said. "ahh" she nodded, "oohhhh! eonnie, were here, waaaaah ~  there are lot of people" she said. "dae, it been a long time that i've been here, lets sit there." you pinted at the empty bench in the park. you walk towards there and carried your dongsaeng up in the bench because she cant hopped in. "just wait here and i'll be buying our ice cream, araseo?" you asked. "ne" she said smiling. as you reach in the ice cream vendor, you ordered 2 scoops of ice cream, then you pay it. as you turn around to go back to your dongsaeng's place, you bumped into someone that makes your ice cream thrown to your shirt same as well on him. "WHAT THE HECK !! WILL YOU PLEASE BE CAREFUL ! YOUR SO CLUMSY" he said while sending you a death glare. "hhyaaaahh ~ youre the one who bumped in  me,  its your fault! you should saysorry, not accusing because it was you fault!  " you hissed.  "whatever, it was you fault and you .. you dont dare mess up with me."  he argued. "whatever, dont you dare mess up with me too, you dont know who I am, and get out of my way! i dont want to see you face again, forever, even if its just a coincidence, i wont let that happen!" you argued back. "same with you, i dont want to see your face again either. silly girl!" he said as he walk away from you. you were boiling inside and your face was so red in anger. you go back to your dongsaeng with an abstract face. "eonniee what happen to your shirt? and why are you so red? " she asked. "Im sorry Eun Joo, the ice cream was thrown away because i bumped into someone who is a careless jerk." you said with full of exclamation mark. "eo ??" your dongsaeng lower her head " sorry Eun Joo, im not angry at you. lets go back home. " you said. "dae eonnie" she replied. as you reach your house, you went upstairs to change your shirt. you were so annoyed remembering what happened, so you just fall on your bed and sleep.


"why does he have to be with me, he always annoy me,  and now,arrrrgggh !! i have to find him because he run away from me. aissssshh ! i hate this life! " he said while walking and looking around to find his nephew. he was annoyed but he is still worried because he cant find his nephew, because he was in a hurry, he bumped into someone and who's holding two cones of ice cream. Baekhyun was shocked when the ice creams was thrown on his shirt. "WHAT THE HECK !! WILL YOU PLEASE BE CAREFUL ! YOUR SO CLUMSY" he saidto her angrily. "hhyaaaahh ~ youre the one who bumped in  me,  its your fault! you should saysorry, not accusing because it was you fault!  " she hissed.  "whatever, it was you fault and you .. you dont dare mess up with me."  he argued. "whatever, dont you dare mess up with me too, you dont know who I am, and get out of my way! i dont want to see you face again, forever, even if its just a coincidence, i wont let that happen!" she argued back. "same with you, i dont want to see your face again either. silly girl!" he said ang walked away, he was so annoyed of that incident, he didnt think that there's much more annoying than looking for his nephew. "what a life ! this is not what i wanted to be. arrrrggghhh ! where the hell is Leo !" he groaned. he keeps on lokking around then he finally found his nephew. "where did you go? did you know how worried  i am? maybe you liked it much when Im anoyed! arrrrgggghh! hurry, lets go back home." with that, Baekhyun and his nephew went back home, Baekhyun go upstairs to change his shirt  after that, he texted his friends to go some place to chill. then his friends agreed so he grab his car key and drove off to their meeting place.





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crying omo , is it bad? its my first timw writing a story, im sorry sad


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Chapter 2: Arrange married >< hoho i love it xD
Chapter 1: Woahh it's so interestng ^^ first chappy is good =) update soon ^^ ~
Chapter 1: it is good :)
update soon~
Sifany21 #4
uuui naa na cya'y upvote :)
can't wait for it. update soon~~
Hoegaarden #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
update soon !!