A Sigh of Relief

A series of Suho fics

The hallway was silent, not a soul in sight. A distant sound could be heard, as the soft rumbling of the heating system kept the building warm during this cold winter evening. 

The careful click of a door being unlocked suddenly filled the quiet atmosphere, as a small figure slipped through the opening, shutting the entryway with meticulous attention. As the young man started walking towards the elevators at the end of the hallway, he stowed his set of keys inside the left pocket of his snug winter coat. Joonmyun passed the elevators and made his way through the staircase leading to the roof of the edifice, wrapping his scarf more tightly to cover the lower part of his face. 

At last, he arrived at the top of the stairs and reached in his right pocket, pulling out knitted gloves as well as his music player. He frowned at the sight of his tangled earphones, and proceeded to undo the mess before putting each one in his ears.

Joonmyun was greeted with a brisk of wintry air as he pushed the door and lied down on one of the long chairs available to the residents of the building. For a while, his interest was in the little clouds produced by his breath vapor, how they twisted and twirled and disappeared in a matter of seconds. Then, Joonmyun remembered the music player in his pocket and turned it on, going through the titles, looking for a specific tune. A smile appeared on his lips when he found it, letting the melody take over his thoughts. His eyes were focused on the clear sky, looking at the endless sea of stars, twinkles of light in a sea of blue. After a while, his eyes fluttered closed and Joonmyun let his mind concentrate on nothing but the calm and soothing music piece.  

Joonmyun let out a sigh of relief; he felt at ease, momentarily away from the fast-paced world he was living in. Sometimes, he needed time to recharge his energy, listening to music being one of the methods to do so. Despite his preference for the fresh breeze of autumn, he welcomed the cold air of January.

The last notes of the tune were replaced by the sound of silence. Joonmyun lazily opened his eyes and gave a longing look at the sky before unhurriedly making his way back to reality.



A/N: Based on this prompt from creativewritingprompts: Begin a story with: ''The hallway was silent...''. 

The song that Suho was listening to was 'On A Sunday Morning' by Jacoo, you can listen to it on Youtube. However, if you had a relaxing song in mind, please feel free to share it with me! :)

'Sea of blue' is a reference to Joe Hisaishi's song of the same title, a really soothing one as well. 

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