Chapter 1


               'HEY! HURRY UP!''Don't drop the bag honey.''DON'T!', the bickering and conversations droned on around you. You were at the San Francisco airport, staring at your plane ticket. *What am I even doing here?* you wondered. You had decided to leave the current hospital you had been working at to go back to Korea. It wasn't a problem because it was practically your job to transfer between different hospitals and work there. You were the daughter of the famous doctor, Jung Jihoon and the famous actress, Kim Taehee. All around the world, you were recgonized as the heiress of the LIFE hospital network. The hospitals were scattered all around the globe and you oftenly switched locations to work at them.

                You had graduated from John Hopkins at the tender age of 14 and for five years, had been working as director and head surgeon. Travelling a lot allowed you to make many friends but because work was very tiresome and time consuming, you had never dated anyone before.

                Being less experienced in love wasn't an extremely unimportant matter for you. After all, your family was immortal and this was only your 19th year of living, you still had an eternity to go. Your parents and your two older brothers had all been alive for thousands of years. Being the youngest AND the only daughter, you were often doted upon.

                Your oldest brother, Youngmin, had been 'alive' for more than a thousand years. He,like you, was a doctor but instead of taking over the LIFE hospitals, he decided to run smaller clinics in the United States , Korea and Japan He told you that he had married several times but still haven't found 'The one'.

                Your second older brother, Yunho, was the leader of a KPOP group named DBSK. He was your favorite because you both got along very well. You both hardly fought and he would comply to your every needs and help you with whatever he could.  

               Then there were your parents. Your dad, Jihoo, was close to 4,000 years old. Once upon a time, he had been one of God's angels. However, when the human race began to decimate from sickness and infertility, God sent him down to Earth to help procreate and guide the humans to health. But, by going down to Earth, your dad became an immortal being who lived on blood.

              A couple of hundred years after he was sent down, he met your mother. At the time she had been a mere infant but was also the crown princess of Shilla. He would tell stories about how he waited until she was older and stole her away before she was married.  He then made her the same as him and then they had your brothers and then you. Your brothers had taken on the task of procreating throughout the years before you had been born.

            Because of your young age, your blood lust was extremely high. Often, you refrained from drinking blood. You feared it because everyone else knew how to control themselves but you always feared losing control. You had to drink it often and if not, would suffer from dizzy spells.

            In order to protect the family from suscpicion, your family had a variety of powers that helped you. You could imitate the act of aging and there were several other powers such as telepathy, telekinesis and speed as well. When they  'died', they would have to regress back to looking like children again.








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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 4: please update soon
I cant wait to see how u will develop the story line
A_Nayoung #3
@kp0pmistress Aw!!!! Thanks! You're my first :) I'll try to keep you happy
Love it! Heheh waiting for me :)