New Region 1\1

At No.6










No.6 has been completely destroyed by that time; the air was filled with dark ash and smoke, the fire burned every piece of life that has a chance to live. There were abandoned houses everywhere, little children's toys were left in middle of the street, and warehouses with food supplies turned to ash. Chanyeol and Yifan looked over the cliff, watching the destroyed region, No.6.

The war, their efforts and the hard time they had to fight in order to survive led to results. It was over; the battle with the region's superiors was finally over.


Feeling of satisfaction filled their hearts, all those helpless people can get their freedom back, there's no dictatorial government that prevent its people from the truth, (what is really going behind those closed doors of No.6) anymore. They both shared tears of joy and success, Chanyeol was happy and Yifan was even more.


It was one second later when Yifan decided to grab Chanyeol's arm, leading him to their imaginary dance floor— which was the cliff.


"I-I'll, I'll make you fall," Chanyeol's soft voice warned Yifan who doesn't seem to care. The younger knew he was lankly, clumsy and awkward, he would often fall but Yifan was always there, watching in order to catch him at the right time with a glint of joy.


"Let's enjoy the moment."


"We can't. I can't dance." Chanyeol's voice was trembling and so his legs and hands, clumsy and awkward.




They were sitting on the cliff, Yifan's hand in the younger's smaller one, wind blowing through Chanyeol's white hair. Yeah, white. All they heard was silence, the silence which followed a prolonged war with the regions' wicked government. It was all behind them.


Yifan is smiling at Chanyeol, standing up. Chanyeol follows.


"It's the time already," Yifan is ruffeling the younger's soft white hair, holding his hand.


Chanyeol looks so miserable at the moment; he knew the meaning behind it. Chanyeol is staring at his feet while tears immediately appear in his eyes, Yifan is going to leave me. Tears, tears are falling on Chanyeol's two precious adorable cheeks. The younger is trying to avoid from looking at Yifan , rubbing his nose cutely almost making a whine sound, he's mature he doesn't cry. Only babies cry and he's not a baby. Yifan took one step closer, placing a kiss on Chanyeol's plump red lips.





Yifan still doesn't let go which is kind of making Chanyeol feel a bit better.



Chanyeol thinks he forgot how to breathe; he makes a note to inhale some oxygen later, maybe. Maybe if he's able to collect all his thoughts again.


Twelve, they kissed for twelve seconds.

Yifan is finally taking one step back, eyeing Chanyeol's blushing face while Chanyeol is inhaling some amount of oxygen, a lot of it, just to make sure that he's alive and not dreaming or dying from lack of air or something.


Chanyeol hates a smirking Yifan. Moreover, he hates a smirking Yifan even more while he's trying to regain his breath, placing hands on his blushing cheeks. That smirking .


Yifan is taking one more step back, making an eye contact as if he's saying 'Goodbye'. He knows Chanyeol will understand, he always do.

And Chanyeol is so dizzy, "Ah-ah! Make sure we'll meet again!" he's shouting, trying sound more clear by putting his hands at each side of his mouth "Yah! Did you hear me?"  Yifan is turning back to look at him, I did.




Yifan is gone.

 Stupid abandoning giant , I hate you.




It has been six years, six years since last time he saw Yifan. Chanyeol is already twenty-two years old, one of the leaders of the new, reborn No.6 along with Dog Keeper, Luhan.


The technology is a bit lacking at the new region but everything is fine, everything goes well. Sure, they're no iphones but Chanyeol is totally fine with his own smartphone even if it's somewhat stuck at his phone menu, sometimes. Luhan is still as tough and harsh as usual but Chanyeol learned how to manage it with the older boy (Chocolate chip cookies are the secret! Shh!).


More important to announce, Chanyeol finally has his own house! It resembles the house he used to share with Yifan six years ago when they make their big escape from region No.2. Chanyeol is really really super super super missing Yifan, he notes.


His mother and his adopted sister are leaving few houses apart his. It's a young girl that his mother saved from the orphan at their old region. He looks at the mirror, testing his looks. His white hair grew longer, almost touching his hips. His eyes— yellow, bright sun like yellow. And he's still having this red scar on his left cheek and his body. He breathes a sigh of relief, there are no parasite bees anymore, they're all destroyed. He's the only proof that parasites bees were existed. The parasite bees used to live as parasites in humans. Ultimately they kill their host when they emerge. However, Chanyeol was the only host who survived from the parasite bee but in return he received a scar, bright yellow eyes and this white hair. Chanyeol thinks that long hair suits him well, Luhan just shrugs.


"Cookies!" Luhan tells him, excited as a one year old puppy.

"Call your dogs," Chanyeol's smile is sincere and warm while his right eye is making a sweet twitch "It's not fair if you're the only one I'm giving my cookies to, they'll get jealous at you and mad at me."

Luhan is pouting at him, not so cutely "Sure," he roars "I'll can 'em, just please," he's begging "Save me more of those chip-something cookies, okay?" he looks as dumbfounded as a lost puppy and Chanyeol want to ruffle his hair but he doesn't do that. Luhan might bark on him and steal all of his cookies away even Chanyeol's favorite, vanilla ones.




It's another regular day at the new No.6 region; Chanyeol is going to buy some ingredients in order to make some chocolate chip cookies for Luhan and his dogs. He's also buying some ingredients in order to make vanilla cookies, kimchi fried chicken and some instant noodles, Chinese style. He's looking at a very very super super cute pink stuffed unicorn, deciding to buy it "I think that she's gonna love it" he giggles while thinking about his adopted little sister; she's turning ten this week. Stuffed unicorn would make the perfect present ever.




He's standing in front of the cashier who's looking at him with a bored expression; it's the usual treatment he gets from the gloomy cashier anyways. "What's the matter, Sehun-sshi?" Chanyeol is asking politely, his mother thought him that every person should be treated with a polite, happy expression, but instead of that, Chanyeol is offering a goofy smile, full of white clean teeth. "Nothing," Sehun looks annoyed, sighing "The supermarket's manager yelled at me yesterday." Chanyeol is titling his face in question.

"It will cost you a fifty-hundred won."  Chanyeol hands the money to Sehun; he thinks that the best way to cheer Sehun up is—

 "Come over to my house later."

"Why?" Sehun really wants to stop this unnecessary conversation with his long haired, goofy hyung.

"Luhan hyung is coming with the dogs; we're eating cookies at my house." Chanyeol is winking at him as if there's a secret he knows.

"W-why would I care i-if Luhan is there?" Your voice isn't convincing, Oh Sehun.

"So, I take it you don't want to—"

"I'll come, l-let me just, umm." Sehun is looking at the notebook beside him "What a coincidence I'm free today so I'll come!" Not. Convincing. At. All.

Chanyeol is waving Sehun goodbye, poor kid and his teenage love.




It's late at night while Chanyeol, Sehun and Luhan (The dogs are outside eating some kimchi fried chicken leftovers from Chanyeol's lunch.) were watching some horror movie. Luhan and Sehun are hugging and cuddling and when there's a scary scene they're both screaming their lungs out while Chanyeol doesn't seem to mind as long as his vanilla cookies are safe.


The woman is screaming in terror, trying to escape as fast as she can from the killer in mask. Sehun eyes are opening wide while he's holding Luhan's hand too tight, it doesn't really matter to Luhan.


On the other hand, there's Park Chanyeol who's going to the kitchen in order to put more popcorn in the bowl and maybe he really wants to make sure the killer in the movie didn't ate his vanilla cookies, he's just checking it to make sure that his precious vanilla babies are safe. The killer looks like a mean person who's going to eat Chanyeol's precious babies.  


At the flash of the moment, everything goes dark.


"Yah ! Park Chanyeol!" Luhan is screaming his name in panic. "There's an electrical blackout!" Chanyeol is shouting back "Stay there with Sehun and keep him safe! I'll go outside to check it out!"

Skillfully he finds the flashlight, God thank you for making me put it in the kitchen since the last electrical blackout. And Chanyeol is opening the door, it's so freaking dark outside. Chanyeol sees that the whole region is having a problem, (Well, I did mention before that their technology is lacking a bit, it includes the electricity too.) this is the worst timing, Chanyeol groans. And this is Jongdae's fault, maybe. Last time they had an electrical blackout it was Jongdae's fault, he didn't check if there's enough power batteries that day.


It's really dark and cold and Chanyeol is feeling someone breathing on his neck, weird. Chanyeol swallows and the figure is putting a hand on Chanyeol's mouth "Do not dare to scream," he whispered as a warning. Chanyeol is feeling so insecure at the moment, he tries to fight back but the man (Chanyeol assumed this is a man because of ,well, deep voice.)  The man isn't seemed to let go, what makes it even worse is that the man's hold is tightening over Chanyeol's waist and it hurts. "Relax, no one's gonna eat you up, yet."




There's a light again, but Chanyeol isn't at his house anymore. He looks around him, noticing there's a tall figure standing in front of him. His eyes go wide by an instinct and his mouth is open at the very big surprise "Yifan? Y-your hair i-it's dark-blonde, when?" Yifan laughs " Chanyeol," he's taking one step closer "Please," Yifan really missed their touch "Don't try to stop me" they both are sharing their third kiss. Yifan hands are on Chanyeol hips, treasuring every moment while Chanyeol's hands are circling Yifan's neck; Chanyeol is letting out a soft moan, he really missed Yifan.


It was twenty-one, Chanyeol counted. The kiss lasted for twenty-one seconds this time. Chanyeol looks so dazed, feeling his heart beating so fast making him feel all bubbly inside. "It's, it was a 'Long Time No See' kiss, isn't it?" Chanyeol is asking just to make sure. He doesn't want to get his hopes up; he doesn't want to get excited as a teenage girl in love— to get hurt, he doesn't.




Both of them shared only three kisses.

The first one was six years ago when Chanyeol kissed Yifan as a 'Goodnight' kiss, of course it wasn't just a goodnight kiss for both of them but Chanyeol was so unsure about his feelings at that time, he denied everything.

Their second kiss was a 'Goodbye' kiss, when Yifan leaned towards Chanyeol attacking the younger's lips for twelve seconds with a promise of coming back. And now, they're shared their third kiss. Which was—?


"Are you dense?" Yifan asks as if he's annoyed with the other. Chanyeol is only blinking his long lashes in return "I am?"


"Yes you are."


"I never thought you would really come back." Chanyeol's eyes filled with tears. And he's still using that bad habit of rubbing his nose "I thought you forgot everything, forgot me" Chanyeol's tears are falling on his super super cute face, Yifan notes.

"I can never forget you nor abandon you, that’s why you should have believed me that time when we made a promise,you airhead" he's rubbing Chanyeol back while tightening his hug on Chanyeol's hips. The kid is crying out loud and Yifan is secretly smiling as if he is saying 'I missed you too,pabo'.


The next day, they are at Chanyeol's house. Yifan is playing with Chanyeol's long hair while the latter is making some cookies. Chanyeol is taking a bit of the cookies' mixture with his finger, tasting it. He's a bit unsure about the taste, taking a little bit more of the mixture again just to make sure— "Let me check it out," and Yifan is his finger. "It's tasty," he says a moment later "Vanilla?" and Chanyeol in nodding, blushing from head to toe. Smirking giant , you never change.


It's night and they're watching some romantic movie, so freaking cliché. "Do you want to switch the channel?" Chanyeol is asking, he feels a bit uncomfortable because maybe, just maybe. There's a certain Yifan watching it with him. Moreover, there's a kissing scene, and gosh! This is so embarrassing to watch! (Two weeks ago, Chanyeol watched the same movie with Luhan and he doesn't remember it that embrassiing. Luhan just made a disgusted face while Chanyeol kept on being a popcorn-eating monster). As if he read Chanyeol's mind Yifan smirked at him "Why, shy?" Chanyeol is protesting in return "No no no! I'm a big boy already!" he pouts and looks away, covering his face. "Big boys don't talk like that" Yifan is laughing at him "Yes, they are!" and while Chanyeol isn't noticing Yifan is making it closer to the other's ear, he is hesitating, biting it. "Wahh!" Chanyeol expression is mixed with fear and surprise, big eyes blinking in confusion. "You asked me about the kiss before, it was an 'I Love You' kiss, you dense idiot. Even six years ago, you were so dense. You just freaked out by saying it was a 'Goodnight' kiss! I really don't know what to do with you, feelings are feelings and you don't need to be afraid and hide them, damn."  


"Then," Chanyeol is asking, still hiding his face with his hands "What are we?"

"One." Yifan sighs and Chanyeol's heart is running a marathon.

 "You're the person I treasure the most, I really liked you from the very start."

"You did? You where so nasty towards me! You looked down on me, you cold hearted bastard!" and Yifan thinks, this is the right time. He's topping Chanyeol's body, the latter is sure surprised. And Yifan starts to attack the latter's neck with butterfly kisses.




The next morning, there's a sharp pain down Chanyeol's hips. Furthermore, there's a smiling Yifan lying beside him, assuring him that from now one he's not leaving his side .


"You where amazing last nig—"

"Shut up!" the younger wants to cry from embracement.

Yifan laughs, caressing Chanyeol's soft hair "Let me tell your mom you're mine."

"O-okay" the younger buried his face in Yifan's chest.





A\N: English isn't my first language so please don't get mad at me. Also, this is my first (crappy) oneshot at aff ;; (The other story I have is going to be a chaptered one.) Thank u for reading, supporting and stuff , xie xie;;   



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mink_amiel23 #1
Chapter 1: it's really nice to read this. the romantic and fluffy thingy.
Chapter 1: I love it! So cute and romantic <3
Chapter 1: e n e huhuhuh.... sooooooo cute. I'm squealing like a grown up girl u n u
BunNamSong #4
Chapter 1: ohhh , it's very amazing :D
i love it ^~^
akahashi #5
Chapter 1: So cute!! The both of them...
About sehun and luhan, there isn't so much.. but it is okay..
Chapter 1: well, its very good to see KrisYeol finally together :)) and author-nim...thats not very ninja!hunhan you put in here..hmm... >:]
Chapter 1: oww~~ krisyeol feelzz ........

fluffy much ^~^ ,,,,,
xycouple #8
Chapter 1: wooahhh cute............. i see 'embracing to watch' maybe it should be embarrassing, right? hehehhehe
please keep writing KY fics...
yeolknows #9
Ohmygosh. This is amazing ;.; Thank u for updating author-nim ~ It was so cute and sweet sdddffgghjjhhjhjjjkjuj *krisyeol feels*