Big Fight

Only in the End...

All 11 of you went walking and talking to each other happily to Let's Fly.

"Looks like you guys are getting along just fine" You said looking at BEAST and B1A4.

"Did we ever say we won't?" Kikwang said.

"We're here!" Eunmi said breaking your talk with Kikwang.

"Lets GO!!" Baro and Gongchan said happily.

Once you got in, the room was very dim; there were disco balls and everything. Colorful lights were shinning everywhere, the volume of the music was on max, and you saw DooJoon handing out some "drinks," to a couple.

"DooJoon OPPA!!" You yelled out of the top of your lungs.

DooJoon heard you and rushed over as fast as he could.

"Oh...You came!! DID YOU COME BECAUSE YOU MISS YOUR LOVEABLE OPPA?!?!" Doojoon said happily.

"NO....I can here for the boys....Of course I came here for YOU!! You silly oppa" You said smiling.

Doojoon said nothing but pinched your cheeks.

"Stop oppa it hurts." Yu said while whinning.

Baro cleared his throat making DooJoon look up.

"Who's he and...........them?" DooJoon said while eyeing B1A4.

"They're B1A4 hyung." Dongwoon answered DooJoon's question.

"Are they your new friends ~~~~~??" Doojoon asked you.

"Yeap...since you guys left...i was so bored...until I met them." you said smiling a bit.

"So.....Should we go in and have fun?" Sandeul said.

"YEAH!!" Kikwang said while running to the dance floor.

"Wait for me!!" Hyunsung said while running to where KiKwang was.

"Agioo here they go again." Yoseob said while covering his face.

Soon everyone left except You, Yoseob, and Jinyoung.

"Should we find a place to sit down?" Jinyoung asked you and Yoseob.

"Sure but where?" You asked.

"There!" Yoseob said pointing to a place far away from the loud speakers. He knew that you didnt like loud music, it gives you headachs.

"OK.Oppa." You said

You, Yoseob, and Jinyoung sat down and talked about random things to catch up with each others lives and so Yoseob can know Jinyoung better.

You excused yourself and left to go to the restroom. 

You were heading toward the sink to wash your hands when a vampire popped out of no where. He looked at you as if you were a prey.

"Umm..This is the girl's restroom, the boy's restroom is next door.." You said in a trembling voice.

"Oh I know but I came here for you..." The man said while smirking.

"Why is there a human in a vampire place?" He eyed you from head to toe.

" I'm not human..I..."You freezed because you didnt know what else to say...You weren't really a vampire nor human.

" I know you're a human so I'll make this really fast." He said while approaching you.

"You won't feel a thing." He said while comming closer to you, when you heard a door slam open.

You looked up and saw Yoseob and Jinyoung standing there furious.

Yoseob went all crazy and attacked the man.

Jinyoung came by your side and help you.

Yoseob literally beat the man out of his wits until you stopped him.

"Oppa, that's enough, leave him be" You said in a calm voice while holding on to his arm.

"You heard that mister! She's nice enough to have any sympathy towards you. Don't you dare touch her again!" Yoseob yelled at the man now lying on the floor cluching to his stomatch.

"Come on oppas let's get out" You said while pulling on Jinyoung and Yoseob.

"Thanks oppa for helping me up, and thank-you Yoseob oppa for beating him up, thank-you both for saving me." You said while sincerely looking at them in the eye.

"It ok ~~~~~, we're glad we made it on time, or somthing would have happened" Jinyoung said while looking at you.

"Yeah, that dude better not appear in front of us again! I'm glad we made it on time" Yoseob said while hugging you making Jinyoung look away.

"Let's go back out with the other oppas" You said in a cheerful voice and tugged both of them along.

On the way out to the dance floor, you bumped into someone so you said sorry; the person just walked away, so you shrugged it off.

"What's with that dude?" You turned around to see Junhyung.

"I don't know, maybe he's having a bad day." You said smiling at him.

"Hmmmm okay, come on are you just going to stand here the whole time we're here, you gotta be on that dance floor and be dancing." Junhyung said.

"Yeah, he's right. Come dance with me ~~~~~-ah!" Kikwang nudged you.

"No, dance with me ~~~~~-ah!! I'm better!" Sandeul said out of no where.

"I'll think i'll take on from here thank-you." You turned around and saw Jinyoung. He guided you to the dance floor with him and you followed. Your heart seemed to be beating faster but you thought it was just the loud music.

"Hyung!!! That's not fair!! I wanted to dance with ~~~~~!!" Baro started to whine!!

"Hey me too!!! I asked first!" Kikwang started to sulk. Junhyung slapped him on the side of the head.

"Be quiet man!" Junhyung said being agitated.

"OWWWWW!!!!! Stop slapping me!" Kikwang whined again.

On the dance floor, you and Jinyoung exchanged looks for a while until he broke the silence.

"So, are you okay now? I mean from earlier in the restroom?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yes, I'm ok, thanks to you and Yoseob oppa." You said smiling up at him.

"That's good." He said while loooking deep into your eyes.

Both of you were having a staring contest for awhile until Eunmi came and broke the contest between you two.

"Come on ~~~~~ come and dance with me." She said being a little bit drunk now.

"ummm~ Yeah, I think she drank a little too much for her own good." Hyunseung said while trying to hold her up.

"We should go home now, it's almost sunrise." You said to Hyunseung.

"Okay, let's get everybody and head home." Hyunseung told you while trying to carry Eunmi.

"You take care of unnie,me and Junyoung oppa will get the others." You said while walking away with Jinyoung following you.

Soon everyone was gathering around the front with Doojoon and CNU since it was almost closing time anyways. After everyone got out, CNU closed up Let's Fly and everyone headed home.

"I'll see you again in school tomorrow ok ~~~~~~!" all the BEAST members said except Doojoon, since he is going to be at work with CNU.

"I'll see you again when we see each other" Doojoon said while coming to you to hug you.

"Ok!! Bye oppas!!!" You said while waving at them.

Reluctantly, they left; Now it was just you and B1A4.

"We'll take you home since we live right next door anyways. No...I take that back, we should go to your house and stay with you and Sooji" Sandeul said.

"It's okay oppa, I can handle it." You said smiling.

"We should stay at you house again! It'll be fun!!" Gongchan and Baro said.

"Is that okay with you ~~~~~?" Jinyoung asked while CNU was just looking at you.

"Ummm..sure I guess." You said smling at them.

You got home and were greated by the caretaker of the house, and the nanny that took care of Sooji.

"Thank-you everyone, and I'm sorry I came home late." You said while bowing to them.

"It's alright miss" They all said and bowed at you too.

"Thank-you, I really appreciate it. You can go rest now, and I'll see you tomorrow." You said and they bowed then left and handed Sooji to you.

After a while, before eveyone could settle in to go rest, there was a knock on the door.



OHHHHHHH!!!!!!! who knocked on the door????????!!!!!!! woooooooooooo!~ Another update weeee

>.< Thank-you for all of the love our readers are giving us :D thank!!!!! <3 lots from babixx_tokki94 ........ and probably So_Mi97 too :D


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Teganjayne #2
Update soon please!!!!! ^_^
"but though you act strong, you are actually sensitive. You are pretty much nice to everybody, but once they get on your bad side by hurting your friends, they'll have to answer to you."<br />
Omg thats meee rite there.
i like it! update soon!
Please update soon!!<br />
I can't wait till Infinite and Boyfriend to appear
Update soon please!!!!!i really like it....hope you'll update the next chapter soon!!!!
@SHINHYUNKI thanks for your awesome support :D we will try!! we will be away in Texas soon..but we'll write while we're there :D
update soon please!!!!i really like it....can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!
I like it :)