
Just Another Day

It was happening again. The back of my eyelids were blurred my weird images as I tossed and turned in the blankets, kicking my feet out from under. I felt so agitated, I felt so hot, and so anxious. I felt like I was itching all over my body. Then it hit me; the pain. I brought my knees up to my chest as I groaned. It was that time of month again.

I pressed my arms against my lower stomach as I kept groaning. Why the hell was being a girl so hard?

I started sweating, and I felt a rush of emotion flow through me and I felt like crying. Why was this happening to me?

I peeked my eyes open slightly, adjusting to the brilliant light that seeped through the windows. What the hell. It was too early and too inhumane to be up at this time. I turned my head slowly to the other side and finally saw, through blurry, sleep-ridden vision, his face.

He was watching me, slowly reacting after just waking up. He blinked the sleep from his dark eyes. “Good morning, babe,” Yongguk’s deep voice murmured.

I grimaced as I tried to reply but was suddenly overtaken with more pain as I pulled my knees up closer, tightening my stomach. “Ugh, bad morning,” I groaned into my pillow.

Yongguk suddenly sat up, leaning on his elbows as he hovered over me. He hand came to my forehead, then went to my hair. “What’s going on? You feelin’ okay?”

I pouted, shaking my head. “My stomach hurts like hell,” I grumbled, looking up at him with the saddest eyes I could muster.

Yongguk bit his bottom lip in thought as he pushed himself higher. He pressed his lips against my forehead and left it there. I sighed as his warmth distracted me.

“What happened? What it something you ate?” He whispered, his big lips brushing against my skin.

“Um…no. It’s, well…it’s that time of the month. You know, the girl’s thing?” I answered, still slightly shy of the topic.

He abruptly leaned back, looking into my face. Noticing my expression, he chuckled slightly, a deep, hearty sound.

He moved closer to gather me in his arms, wrapping them around me as I rested my head against his broad chest. His manly scent overwhelmed me as I closed my eyes again.

“I’m sorry I can’t do anything about it babe. I really wish you could just, I don’t know, transfer some of the pain to me. Is that weird to say?” He hesitated, nuzzling his nose into my hair.

I paused, thinking of what to say. “No, actually. That’s really sweet of you.”

I pressed my lips against his chest, breathing in his scent. His intoxicating smell enveloped me as the pain in my stomach ebbed away.

I let his large hands play with my hair as I tried to sleep more. I scowled as I felt him shuffle underneath me. “I’m going to go bring you some food and medicine. This looks like a bad one,” he answered my deep frown.

I sighed as I let him off the bed, standing in his natural glory. He was about to turn away before I poked his smooth stomach, seeing the muscle tighten as I hit his ticklish spot. I giggled as he leaned down, glaring at me. “What?” he asked.

I puckered up my lips, waiting. He gave another laugh and pressed his lips against my cheek before letting a lingering kiss on my mouth. He stayed like that for a couple seconds before standing up straight. “I’ll be right back. Wait for me?”

I nodded. As cheesy as it sounds, I would have waited forever.

But then again, I thought as my stomach pain started to return, this man better hurry the hell up.

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hyogyeong #1
Chapter 1: Great great great storyyy ♥
hyunnie18 #2
Chapter 1: Aww..neomu kyeoptaaa~