Til Your Last Breath

    Sehun had been nothing but an idiotic smile practically glued to his face the entire day. Normally, Chanyeol wouldn't have minded all the smiling since it was preferred over the ridiculous pouty faces Sehun made often, but his smile was stretching by the second and it reminded Chanyeol of a circus clown that was too high on ecstasy. Not to mention the creepy mumbled phrases that would occasionally slip from the latter's mouth every now and then when he was collecting orders. Finally tired of being creeped out, Chanyeol smacked Sehun across the head, hoping it'd knock him out of whatever he was going through.

    "What is up with you? Dude, all you've been doing since you got back from delivering was smile really creepily and mumble some random . Please don't tell me you're possessed. Oh god, I don't even have my holy water with me. Or my cross for that matter—" Chanyeol muttered as he cautiously eyed Sehun. The younger could only roll his eyes at the ridiculous assumption his hyung had made. Chanyeol, however, was completely serious about his so-called possessed assumption. Maybe it had been because he saw too many horror films over the past week, but anything was possible. 

    "Seriously though, whaddup with the creepy smile? You haven't dropped into that annoying pout of  yours for some time now," Chanyeol huffed, stepping out the chicken store as soon as their shift was deemed over. Sehun fell in step with the giant, stuffing his hands in his pocket with an even wider grin that only made Chanyeol even more cautious.

    "Hyung, it sounds pretty cliche, but have you ever had that moment where it was just...love at first sight? When you set your eyes on someone so breathtaking that you feel your heart racing at an abnormal pace, and you feel like it's just you two in the world and you don't even notice anyone else in the world?" Sehun said, almost practically gushing. Chanyeol stared at the floor for a few seconds before bursting out into fits of hysterical laughter, almost choking on his spit and air. 

    "I'm sorry, but that's just about the gayest thing you've ever said in your entire life, and you've said some pretty gay ," Chanyeol heaved, wiping off a tear from his cheek, "but uh, no? I mean, unless you're talking about the food or the idols on TV, then not exactly. Unless you're talking about bubble tea here, then I can understand what you're going on about." Sehun could only tut and roll his eyes, his lips curving back into his trademark frown.

    "No, you idiot. I'm talking about those really sappy moments in the movies and dramas where you lay eyes on someone and you know you're in love and all that bull that can somehow seemingly come true." At this point, Sehun was getting pretty frustrated, his hands flailing around in the air as if he was trying to form some kind of image for the idiot of a giant. 

    "Look, when I was delivering chicken today, there was this girl I saw. She's...perfect. Hyung, she's perfect I swear on my life. I mean, I know I just met her and all but I think I'm in love. I-it's not one of those dumb puppy love things that you and the others have," he sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. Chanyeol could only sling his shoulders around Sehun, feeling a bit of pity for not entirely understanding the younger boy. The last time he claimed to have fallen in love, his heart was practically crushed and he swore to lay off anything that was related to love and girls. 

    "Are you sure it was love, Sehunnie? I mean, did you even get the girl's name? And what are the chances of you two meeting again? I mean, you practically got lucky that you were the one to deliver the chicken to her place or else it could have been Jonghyun that met that girl of yours and fallen and love and all that. Be practical. If you could get her name, her number, meet her again, how exactly do you plan to profess this so called love of yours?" Chanyeol asked, his eyebrows arching up as his words came out like bullets. 

    Sehun had to admit, he hadn't thought of any of those things when he met Soojung. But something in the back of his mind nudged him to try to get to know the girl some more, to try and find her and maybe even fall in love together. It was practically a far-fetched and childish idea of course. However, nothing would stop him from at least trying to get to know the girl some more. After all, he did hear the words "He's pretty cute" coming from one of their mouths ( oh how he prayed to the gods that it was Soojung that muttered those words and not her friend. Although there was nothing wrong with that either but, Soojung was more of his preference). 

    Finally reaching the apartment the two shared, Sehun slouched down against the couch, groans escaping his mouth as Chanyeol began rummaging through the fridge for something he could try to make "dinner" out of. Usually, he ended up burning his creation and they would have to order out or drop by their friend's, Kyungsoo, house for food. It was either that or miraculously, their neighbor had made a feast and would invite them over for dinner. Furrowing his brows as countless of thoughts ran through his head, he felt something under his hands and quickly pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. Realizing what it was, he sat up and shouted as an idea came across his mind. It was rather brilliant ( although he had to admit it was also a bit creepy ) and he figured he found his way to success in getting to talk to Soojung. Chanyeol shuffled into the living room with a bottle of orange juice cradled in his arms, two plates of sandwiches with chips scattered over them and almost spilling onto the floor. 

    "Hyung, I just came up with the most brilliant plan ever. I still have her address. We...we could pretend to have some kind of promotion and call her, deliver chicken and I don't know...maybe pick up a quick chat? I mean, she's got a friend too and she's kinda tall. I think you two could talk, yeah," Sehun blurted out, nodding his head and quite satisfied at his plan. The only hard part was that he'd have to convince his manager to go through with it. Although, it wouldn't be too hard considering their manager was pretty lax and didn't mind them doing a lot of things. Dropping the things onto the table and slumping beside Sehun, Chanyeol shot a glare at him.

    "Hold up, you're dragging moi into this whole love sick plan of yours? Look, I'd love to help you and all but I do not want to get dragged to jail if your plan backfires. Do you know what they do to people in jail? Especially to someone as beautiful as me? I'm not risking it. No. ing. Way," Chanyeol sputtered, crossing his arms in complete refusal as he shook his head as much as he could, "I'm not going through with it. Go drag Jongin with you or somethin'."

    "Hyung. It's not going to backfire and you are not going to go to jail. I swear you won't even have to face a cop. Just, do it with me, please? I need a wingman there at least to help back me up and make me look good! Besides, you know how awkward I am when it comes to talking to people. I come off looking like I'm pissed at them or something!" Sehun was practically clasping his hands together and forcing a large pout to take place on his lips, his eyes practically widening. Sehun was dead serious about pulling something like this, and Chanyeol could tell. Finally giving in, Chanyeol let out the longest groan he could muster and threw his hands in the air.

    "Alright, alright. I'll help you. But if we end up in jail, I'm going to use you as my shield. As good looking as I am, I'm pretty sure the others would go after you first. So, how do you suppose we pull off this plan of yours?"

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Jungoh2412 #1
Chapter 6: for the oneshot, sestal might be great but pls no angst lol and please keep writing sestal too c:
and no worries, will be anticipating the next chapter of this fic!
Chapter 3: OMFG this is too cute for words! I've been looking for a good Sestal read and I think I've found one haha :)
Chapter 3: kyaaaa this is excellent, finally sestal and chanli in one fic thx god
chan22 #4
Chapter 3: Just started reading this, and awww its sooo cute! How could this be an angst fic? Ahaha
sndrfebriana #5
Chapter 2: Update soon yeaaah::)
Screams real hard,
and patiently waits for your future updates like a good dongsaeng I am owo < 3