We Decay
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They sat around the coffee table, neither one of them saying a word. Bom's mother gripped the phone in her hand while she sat on the sofa. Ji Yong watched her nervous movements. Her eyes tried to stay calm, but every now and then they would fill with tears. Suddenly the phone rang, everybody shuffled in their seats as Bom's mother answered. "Hello?" her voice was hoarse.

Seung Hyun and Ji Yong glanced at one another. So many things that could have been said to each other, but they looked away.

"Verifying my address." Ms. Kim told the others when she hung up. "Anybody want something to drink?" Seungri shook his head as he rested on Ji Yong's shoulder.

"No thank you." Ji Yong gently smiled at her. Seung Hyun shook his head apologetically. Ms. Kim nodded slowly as she stepped out of the room.

"He's in no condition to be here." Seung Hyun whispered.

"I told you, he's staying at my place tonight. Do you want me to drop him off like this?" Ji Yong muttered.

"Why did you give him alcohol anyway? You know how bad he gets."

"Could you shut up?" Ji Yong glared.

"Both of you...shut up. I'm fine." Seungri said, his eyes still closed. "Besides, you know your fight isn't really about me."

Just then the doorbell rang, everyone except Seungri stood. Ms. Kim appeared quickly and opened the door. Two police officers stood by the door. "Mrs. Park?" one of them asked.

"Ms. Kim. I'm divorced." She explained.

"You reported a missing person?" the officer asked.

"Yes, my daughter." She stepped aside to let both officers in.

Once inside, they continued. "Are all of them your kids?" the officer asked.

"No! I only have Bom, that's my daughter's name. These are her friends."

"I see." one of the officers stared at them suspiciously.

"You got a problem?" Ji Yong said.

"Ji!" Seung Hyun pushed him back.

"How old is your daughter?" the other officer asked, changing the subject.

"She's 16."

"Could you describe her for us?"

Ji Yong took a seat, still glaring at the officer.

"This is her." Ms. Kim walked over to her mantle and took a silver rose frame, she showed the officer.

With furrowed eyebrows he looked at her, "Could we talk in private?"

Ms. Kim nodded slowly, "We can talk in the kitchen." She led them the way. She placed the frame on the coffee table.

Bom's dark eyes stared back at Ji Yong, her lips slightly smiled from the corners of her lips. An older man smiled wide, his arms around her. Her long hair lay on one side of her shoulder; she wore a thin black sweater and shorts. What really got his attention was her small smile. He glanced at Seung Hyun, he wondered if Bom has given him that smile. He quickly looked away as Ms. Kim rushed back into the living room.

She quickly grabbed her jacket, "I'm going to the hospital. You could stay here for a while longer, if you like." she said fast.

"Wait. Hospital?" Ji Yong stood from the couch.

"I can't explain, I don't really know everything myself." The officer opened the door for her.

Ji Yong stood, "I'm coming too." he stood Seungri up by the arm.

"I'm sorry, but only the mother for right now." the police officer explained.

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kwongbom #1
Please come back and finish this T.T
tami1712 #2
Hoping that you update thisss Pleaseeeeee :)))
MizuAndKaze #3
Authornim!!! Sensei-sama!!! Shujin-dono!!! Daitoryo-ue!!! Kogo-heika!!! WHERE ARE YOU???? \( ° Ω °)/
<( _ _ )> please come back~ (¤.¤)
Pwease~ *puppy eyes* *making eyes as large as possible even though they are as small as a pea*
kwongbom #4
Chapter 27: MAKE A CURE :( i mean anything can happen in a fanfic right? Had to reread it because of such the long wait >.<
MizuAndKaze #5
SE means sad ending
MizuAndKaze #6
Chapter 27: OMG FINALLY AN UPDATE!!! (╥_╥) You have no idea how happy I was when I saw your update!!! *rolls on the floor, screaming*
This brought tears to my eyes! I love it! This is such a flawless story. But hopefully it's not SE...
Thank you Authornim! Looking forward to the next update •v• Please update soon, but don't stress yourself <3
Chapter 27: Soooo happy that up you updated. I love this story b/c it's different from anything that I've ever read. You would think its a cliche plot b/c Bom is sick but it really isn't due to what jiving's life and how they both affect each other. Anyway, great chapter. Plz update soon!
Chapter 27: Wow! It's a great story! So glad that you update! I loooove it so much...
hanhyosang #9
Chapter 8: Oh...their friendship is so cool ! I especially enjoyed the talk about those whom they like, from the beginning.