Chapter 4

The Girl Who Was Crying Wolf.

EunHee walks out of the class looking at the paper asking for permission from the parent to take a trip to Busan.

            “So are you going to that?” JungHwa asked who was leaning against the wall next to the class room door. EunHee jumps at the sight of him and starts looking around.

            “Where did you come from? How did you know I was in this class?” EunHee narrows her eyes. “Are you following me?”


            “Look, not to be conceited or anything. I know I’m pretty and all but I’m not going to be interested in you if you follow me like that.”

            “What? No! You mean you seriously didn’t notice me? I thought you were just ignoring me.”

            “What are you talking about?” EunHee stops and looks at him.

JungHwa’s face turned from confused to disappointed, “I sit right next to you in this class. I really thought you were just ignoring me.”

            “Oh… why would I do that?” EunHee took out her schedule and continues walking forward, occasionally looking up at the classroom doors.

            “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you slam the door in my face. May ask why you did that, by the way?” JungHwa said power walking, trying to keep up with EunHee. Then almost runs into her when she suddenly stops and sighs. She turns and looks at him.

             “Because you thought I was a chaebol. That’s so like everyone here. They expect everyone is rich or something.” EunHee continues to walk again.

             “Well I’m sorry that I thought you were a chaebol. I mean you’re right everyone does expect people to be chaebols here. Because, Oh, I don’t know… This is a school for chaebol, rich kids. You know, we never think that a com—“He cuts himself off when he see’s EunHee whip her head and glare at him, as if she knew the word he was going to say. “Non-rich kids, we never think that non-rich kids would come here.” He clears his throat. “Technically that’s on you, because you should have known that, since you’re the only non-chaebol here.” EunHee stops and turns to him, taking a breath as if she were about to say something back to him. But she stopped herself, and look down at her paper again, this time in embarrassment.

             “Then I’m sorry.”

             “Heh, it’s okay. So like I said before, are you going to the trip to busan?”

             “Well do I have to?”

             “Well it’s quite mandatory for all students here. And that’s you too. So yes, pretty commoner.” EunHee gets startled at the familiar voice and the sudden arm around her shoulder. She looks to her side to see the boy from her class, the one who called her a commoner, smiling at her.

              “Gosh you scared me!” EunHee said as she worms her way out of his arms.”And it’s Kim EunHee. Not Pretty Commoner.”

JungHwa sighs and shakes his head in disappointment, “This is Lee DaeJung.”

               “So you know him?”

               “Yes, sometimes I think unfortunately. We’ve been friends since childhood. He’s just trying to impress you, trust me he’s not always this arrogant and bid headed.”

               “Right. I’ll take your word for it. I’m going to go to my next class. Oh yes, if it’s mandatory then I’ll go.” EunHee turns around and walks away to find her other class.

DaeJung looks at JungHwa “Sometimes you think unfortunately? That’s hurtful; I thought we had such a great relationship.” They both laugh. “So, um hands off. I like the pretty commoner, she’s…” He looks towards her direction and then back to JungHwa, “cute.” He laughs lightly to himself. He searches the hallway and finds EunHee popping her head into classrooms. He smiles, pats JungHwa’s shoulder and start running toward EunHee, “Wait pretty commoner!! I’ll help you out!!”

               “Cute? That’s what you think?” He looks at their direction, shakes his head and walks away.

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Hitomie #1
Chapter 6: why did i find this FF just now^^ really nice written :) sub and waiting for more <3 <3
arkz88 #2
Chapter 6: looks like eunhee gonna have tough life there when the fangirls start bullying her..
Ooooooh this sounds awesome!! I love the title :D