Chapter 2

The Girl Who Was Crying Wolf.

EunHee woke up earlier than usual to get ready for tour of her new school. Her mother said he would be at the door by 6.

                  6? Seriously? What time does this school start? She thought as she washed her face. She walks out of the bathroom and quietly walks into her bedroom where her little sister was sleeping on the floor. She tiptoed to her closet, and picked out her clothes.

As soon she walks to the kitchen to eat breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Know it was the person who was going to give EunHee the tour and starts putting her shoes on. She opens the door to see and very tall man in a black suit standing in front of her door. He looked like his life was miserable.

He looks down at her and raises an eyebrow, “Kim EunHee?” he said with a deep voice.

                  “Um yes?”

                  “Lets go then.” He turns around and started to walk toward the elevator. Knowing that he wouldn’t wait for her, EunHee quickly grabbed her bag, locked the door, and ran after him.

Entering the private school, EunHee dropped her jaw looking out the window, dozens upon dozens of private cars parked, so many students in uniform walking all around the campus. She looked at the tall quiet man, “This is the front of the school? It’s huge!”

                  “This isn’t the front of the school. This is the school parking lot.” He said while the car was being parked. He stepped out of the car expecting her to follow quickly. She stepped out of the car still in awe. EunHee followed the man to front of the school where there was even more students hanging around.

                  “This is the front of the school.” Said the man standing there, with his chest out as if he was very proud of it. He quickly snap and continued to walk before EunHee had the chance to say anything. As the continued the school tour, EunHee got her uniform fitted, textbooks and class schedule. And of course walking around with her hands full, there were students staring at her, whispering.

                  “This is going to be fun…” EunHee whispered to herself. We entered the cafeteria, seeing the gourmet food, EunHee’s stomach began to growl reminding her that she had skipped breakfast. She quickly sets her textbook on a table and walked toward the food.

                  “This smells amazing!” She said as she sniffed everything. She then looked down to see the prices of the food. EunHee backed up gasping at the price, then she looked at the man. “Who on this earth can afford this food?”

                  “Everyone who attends this school. Since you came through a scholarship, you wouldn’t know. The school is paying everything for you. As a student you receive a student card like everyone else, you can use the card on everything that the school owns.” He hands her the card.

                  “So I can use this to buy food here?”

                  “That card holds an account with money in it. You have 2,000,000 won in that card for this semester.”

                  “Semester? Who needs 2,000,000 won for a semester?”

                  “You, everyone else has their money put in by their parents, so they get between 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 won a semester.

EunHee looks around to see some students using their card, others sitting eating with their friends, some were staring at her, and some looked like they could care less about her existence. “People are ridiculous here…” She said quietly that only the man could hear.

By the end of the tour they got back into the car, before leaving the same lady to fitted EunHee for her uniform came to the window. The man rolled it down and grabbed the school bag and rolled the window up again. He handed to the school bag to EunHee.

                  “Your uniform is in here.” He said while he drove out of the parking lot.

                  “Well that was really fast.” EunHee said while she looked into her bag.

EunHee walks into her house kicking off her shoes. Barely entering the living room she’s almost tackled by her mother.

                  “So! How was the tour? Did you meet new people? Any possible friends?”

                  “Mom relax, the tour was… something. I really don’t think anyone would want to be my friend. All of them just stared at me as if I was some kind of alien. Oh! MOM!! Look!” EunHee quickly drew out the student card that the man had given her. “This! This is my student card. This has 2 million won in it! Can you believe this? It’s ridiculous! These people are just a bunch of snobs.” EunHee said more relaxed as she tossed the card onto the coffee table and laid on the couch.

                  “You’re still going.”

                  “Dang it!” EunHee yelled as she threw a pillow onto her face.

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Hitomie #1
Chapter 6: why did i find this FF just now^^ really nice written :) sub and waiting for more <3 <3
arkz88 #2
Chapter 6: looks like eunhee gonna have tough life there when the fangirls start bullying her..
Ooooooh this sounds awesome!! I love the title :D