

Yesung received a text message from unknown number.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again?

He chuckled and decided to save the funny and corny message. He’s busy with his schedule so he has to leave his cell phone for a while but when he got free time to check his cell phone, there was another message from the same number.

Do your feet never hurt ???? ... You are wondering around my thoughts all day long....

“Do you know whose number this is?” Yesung showed the number to the rest of the Super Junior members but none of them have that number in their cell phones.

“Eeteuk, you’re not the one behind this, are you?” Kangin asked and the rest of the Super Junior members looked at their leader.

“No. Why are you guys suspecting me?!?!”

“Because you’re the one who talks like those text messages.” Eunhyuk pointed out. “So corny.”

Eeteuk pouted. “I maybe be corny but I don’t give out flirty jokes like those.”

Yesung thought it could either be a fan or someone got a wrong number. He decided to text back tomorrow because right now, he needed sleep. But before he could sleep, his cell phone beeped.

When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me it will come true,'cause I did it and I found you.

Yesung’s last thought before he drifted off to sleep is the person behind those text messages.



There was already a message waiting to be read when Yesung woke up in the morning.

If I could rewrite the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.

“Yesung, eat your breakfast. The food is getting cold. You can continue staring at your cell phone later.” Hankyung said as he washed the dishes. It was only Yesung, who is left on the dining table.

Yesung placed some food in his mouth as he texted back. He wants to know who the person is. He didn’t get a reply until they were on their way to the place, where they’ll be filming a show.

Ferrari's are red, Lambo's are blue... but I am as happy in a mini with you.

He was currently in a mini van with half of the Super Junior members. He looked around to observe who it could have been holding a cell phone but it’s probably too late because whoever the sender is must have hid his cell phone already. Another thought is that it’s probably just a coincidence that he is currently in a mini van. The text only said mini, not a mini van.

Yesung: You still didn’t tell me who you are.

Unknown: I gave you a clue, didn’t I?

He observed the Super Junior members again. Ryeowook was reading a book. Donghae and Eunhyuk were playing. Kibum was sleeping. Hankyung and Shiwon were talking in Chinese. The rest of the Super Junior members are in another vehicle.

The messages kept on coming for the rest of the week but it wasn’t only those quotes, the unknown sender started to open up and send messages like “You looked great today.” or “You did well in the show.” or “You almost fell off stage. Be more careful.” And things like that.

Yesung suspected the members one by one but nobody was proven to be the unknown sender. He asked for another clue before going to sleep. He just finished sending the text when Kibum came into his room.

“Good night, hyung.” He kissed Yesung by the cheek and left.

Yesung blinked. // What was that all about? // Then his cell phone beeped. He read the text message.

I will give you one kiss to go to sleep. I give you two kisses to dream. I give you an endless row of kisses to, when you wake up in the morning, think of me.

Yesung’s eyes widened as he replied.

Yesung: Is that you, Kibum?

Unknown: Maybe.

Yesung: You better come here and give me those kisses.

He didn’t receive a reply but Kibum did come back into the room.


A/N: This fic is inspired by a text message. XD Comments please?
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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: still one of fav story even after all of these years <333
Chapter 1: this is so cuuuuute and fluffy 💙💙
Chapter 1: I liiiiiiiiiiike it! Yasss. Hey author-nim, can you go back to writing suju fics again? Maybe KyuSung ones? Hehe
Chapter 1: This was very cute~ I liked all of the cheesy texts. ^^
Chapter 1: so cute...
*im smiling like an idiot*

Chapter 1: Haha so cheesy! But i like cheese keke
naruwookie #7
Chapter 1: Corny cheesy corny cheesy, I might end up use these lines to my loved ones, otl. why you gives me this idea? xDDDDDDD
Chapter 2: Sorta want a sequel to this. THIS IS ____ING LOVELY<3
Chapter 2: Muahahahaha it has been forever but this was just to cute to not read, so I read it and I squealed like a maniac!!!:3 Muahahahahhaahha thanks Jishu-Unnie for making me smile today!!!^___^ lol