Scene 4: Don't You Ever Forget About Me

If you were a Movie this would be your Soundtrack

Day 0.

TaeYeon stood out the door to her best friend's dorm room. About 3 hours ago she, SeoHyun, Yuri, Jessica, Sunny and HyoYeon had come out of the closet, which resulted in Tiffany, SooYoung and YoonA to react... well, they did not take it very well. TaeYeon knocked for the third time, hoping Tiffany would open the door. 

After 20 minutes of waiting, she decided to give up. When she turned around she saw Tiffany approaching her, she held her breath in and watched as the other girl ignored her. 

"Tiffany..." She muttered, when the girl was next to her, looking for the key to her dorm room.

"Save it Kim, I don't want to see you" Shot back Tiffany, before entering her room and closing the door loudly, making it clear that she was not in the mood. TaeYeon sighed, knowing she had no chance, at least not today, in apologizing to the angry girl.

"That won't stop me from coming tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or the day after that! I won't stop coming until you are willing to talk to me!" Screamed TaeYeon in direction to the door, hoping Tiffany heard her.

Day 1

Today was Saturday, so TaeYeon stood outside Tiffany's door at 8 a.m. a big pink Totoro plushie.

It was silly, she knew. People would wonder, "Why are you apologizing for? For being gay?" and somehow throw insults towards how "homophobic" Tiffany was being, but TaeYeon knew better, she knew Tiffany wasn't actually mad at the fact that she was a lesbian.

She used to live in the states for god's sake. Over there was waay more common, and of course, way more accepted.

Tiffany was mad because I just told her I was gay. Also, that I came out to all of them, not only to her first.

Selfish? Not really when you consider they have been friends ever since Tiffany came to Korea. They have been the very best friends ever since. They had shown to eachother that they trusted the other one with everything they had. Yet, she didn't have the guts to come out to Tiffany. She came out to SeoHyun first, only because she once decided to go on a blind date. Only to find later SeoHyun was her blind date. Both of them laughed at the sillyness and decided to pour their hearts out to eachother. That was something TaeYeon only did with Tiffany.

But she was scared as hell to come out, because she knew it would lead to something else, she knew Tiffany would ask her if she liked/loved anyone. And God knew TaeYeon didn't have the heart to lie to Tiffany.

She just loves her too much to lie to her. Not the sisterly/friendly love. It was the kind of love that made her wish she was a man so Tiffany could fall in love with her.

She was hopeless.

 TaeYeon waited outside Tiffany's door for hours, before she knew it, it was already 2 p.m. and there was no sign that Tiffany would open up the door for her. 

It was around 3 p.m. when Tiffany finally opened the door.

"Leave." She said harshly to TaeYeon, which caused the shorter girl to wince slightly.

"If you need more time to clear your thoughts... then okay, I'll leave. But I'm not giving up on you, not yet." Answered TaeYeon, as confident as she could.

"I don't want you to ever come back, I hate you." Tiffany spat. "Leave me alone, I don't ever want to see you again." Tears started to fall on TaeYeon's cheeks.

"Don't do this to me Tiffany...I'm your best friend" She held Tiffany's hand, looking straight into her eyes.

"Best friend my . You are everything but a best friend." Tiffany answered bitterly. "Leave. me. alone." Her gaze could've scared anyone, except TaeYeon, she was just surprised of how much rage and hatred was visible. No love, no compassion. She sighed, knowing she had screwed up big time.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Asked TaeYeon. She let go of Tiffany's hand.

"Yes, Kim." 

"Ok then..." More tears rushed down her babyface. "If it's for the best... then I wish you well." She muttered softly. "Take this... it was for you anyway." She said as she handed Tiffany the pink Totoro. "You can do whatever you want with it, burn it, throw it away, whatever, just... wait until I leave, please?" Tiffany just nodded, a flash of guilt appeared on her face.

"Just leave" Muttered Tiffany, her voice broke a bit. TaeYeon grimaced, she turned around, facing away from Tiffany.

"I might as well tell you, since you already dispise me." She murmured loudly enough for Tiffany to hear. "I am in love with you, that's why I didn't tell you that I am a lesbian, because I didn't want you to know I'm nuts for you." She heard Tiffany gasp, a nonverbal way of expressing her knowledge of her feeling. "I won't ever forget about you Tiffany... don't forget about me, okay?" Those were the last words Kim TaeYeon said to Tiffany, who just fell to the floor on her knees to cry and sob when TaeYeon couldn't hear her anymore.

"I'm in love with you too, stupid Kim TaeYeon."

Day 8 (Tiffany's POV)

I groaned, waking up with a severe headache. I shouldn't have gone clubbing last night. As I opened my eyes, I noticed everything was unfamiliar to me. I gasped. I couldn't remember much from last night. . What if...? OMG. I looked down and noticed I was just in my underwear. I looked to my right and found a guy with no shirt, only wearing his underwear. 

Seems like I lost my ity with some random guy. my life.

I stood up, silently dressing myself up as I cursed myself over and over again for my stupidity.

I heard a groan coming from the bed as I saw the guy wake up.

"Good morning Tiffany." He said as he stood up.

I just stared at him, clearly ashamed of myself.

"If you are mentally beating yourself over what you think happened yesterday. Stop." He said sternly. "Because really, nothing happened."

I looked at him surprised and he just dedicated me a very nice smile.

"Seems like you can't remember anything, huh?" He said, chuckling a bit to himself. "Want me to tell you what happened?" I nodded fastly, he just chuckled again.

"When we were at the club, you randomly took my hand and kissed me, then you pulled me towards this... girl, short but really pretty. You started telling her how you were gonna have the time of your life with me and then... you kissed me again, in front of her. The girl looked pretty hurt though." I blushed and he smiled, I wondered who the girl was, but I knew, deep down, that it was probable TaeYeon, a pang of guilt hit me when I realized that. "I was kind of drunk, so when a pretty girl like you kissed me, of course I kissed back!" He said, trying to lighten up the mood. "I don't really remember how we got here... but when we did, we started kissing, one thing led to another, and before I was fully conscious of my acts... bam! we were just in underwear." I felt like slapping myself for my stupidity. Could it get worse? "But... when we were... you know... about to take the last step. You started crying. You apologized over and over again, saying you only wanted 'her', I suppose it was the girl we met before. So... I just hugged you until both of us fell asleep." 

"Thank you." I muttered softly.

"No problem." He answered smiling. "Look, I have to get to work now, so I'll call a taxi, want me to call you a taxi too?" He asked, he was very nice, I hope I had met him under different circumstances. I shook my head.

A few minutes after that, I was left alone on this motel room. I sighed, I didn't bring money with me... so I could just hope I could call someone to pick me up. 

Mindlessly I used the phone on the room and called a number I knew all too well.

"Hello?" Said the calm voice on the other side of the line.

"TaeYeon..." I said softly. I heard a gasp on the other line.



"Umm... is there anything you need?"

"I need your help."

"What happened? Are you okay? Did that guy hurted you?" The worry in TaeYeon's voice made me want to cry. 

"No... he left, I... just need someone to pick me up, I didn't bring any money and I feel scared, I just... I just couldn't think of anyone but you to help me right now, I'm sorry." The tears spilled unconsciously, I wouldn't blame her if she turned me down and didn't help me, after all, I treated her like thrash a few days ago, she confessed her feelings towards me... only for me to kiss a guy right in front of her and basically tell her I'm going to have with him a few days after that... I... thinking about all of it, made me feel worse, I was an . 

"It's okay... just... tell me the adress, I'll just get dressed quickly and then I'll pick you up, okay? If anything happens just call me again."

I mumbled her the adress and just as she was about to hang up, I murmured, "Tae"


"Thank you, you are a great friend."

"Yes... friend..." I heard her sigh and once again I felt slightly guilty for hiding my feelings towards her. "See you soon."


It already has been an hour ever since TaeYeon's call ended. I sighed.

"Maybe she changed her mi-" The sound of a car horn interrupted my words. I smiled to myself as I saw TaeYeon exiting the porsche boxster she loved so much, a coffee and a bag of food on her hands as she approached me.

"Figured you'd be hungry." She stated rather coldly. I smiled awkwardly and accepted the things she was offering me. She opened the car door for me, like she always did, but there was something off on her. Her whole self ressembled she was... just a corpse, lifeless. 

I wanted to ask her if she was okay, but... I knew the answer. And I knew it was my fault.

"Nothing happened." I said bluntly.

"Nothing happened... about what?" Asked TaeYeon, her eyes glued on the road as she drove carefully towards, I figured, my dorm.

"Yesterday... that guy and me." I said, "We just got here and... I started crying before anything happened, apologizing to him." I closed my eyes as I felt the tears threathen my eyes once again.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, you know..." She answered, her voice softened a bit, yet it's uncharacteristic iciness scared me. "I'm noone."

"Of course you are someone!" I snapped. "You're Kim TaeYeon, my best friend!."

"No I'm not!" She screamed right back. "You blew me off the other day, you looked at me with hatred in your eyes... you ignored my feelings and made out with a guy you barely knew right in front of my eyes before literally saying you were gonna have with him!" The tears were falling down her cheeks. "I was... I was determined to do what you wanted me to do, you know?" She parked somewhere before returning her attention to me. "I was determined to move on, to ignore you, to leave you alone." She wiped her tears before continuing. "I even said all these things about not being your best friend and being cold towards you to make things easier for both of us...because if it helps to say our life together was living hell so I can let you be, then I will." Her gaze turned deeper and I could feel myself getting lost in those beautiful eyes. "But I can't bring myself to hate you... I can't stop myself from being inmenily happy because you didn't do anything with him, or to feel like hugging you and wipe all those tears. I just love you too much."

I couldn't stop myself then, with my thumbs I started wiping her tears away while she stared at me, her eyes utterly confused. 

"If you want me to move on from you and forget you... this is not helping." She said quietly while closing her eyes.

"I don't want you to move on." I answered before kissing her cheek lovingly. "And don't you ever forget about me."

I smiled before continuing. "I want to know that I'm what keeps you awake when you can't sleep... and that I'm what you're dreaming about while you're sleeping." She opened her eyes and looked deeply into mine. "I at being lonely, you know that... but I don't want just anybody." My gaze fell down to her lips.

We both started leaning in, our breaths brushing each other, and just when our lips grazed one another in an almost blissful sensation... her phone ringed.

It kind of scared both of us, making us jump apart from eachother, she grunted in obvious discomfort before answering.

"Yes?" She said.

"How can you not know where she is? You live with her for god's sake!" She screamed to the other line.

"Oh... so she.. didn't come home yesterday?" Her tone now reflected a bit of fear.

"What kind of unnie are you?...Figured you were drunk... okay, I'll look for her, don't panic."

"Yes, yes, I'll call you if I know anything"

She hung up and then she turned towards me.

"Do you by any chance saw SeoHyun yesterday?" OMG! my baby daughter is the one missing? 

"Seobaby is the one they don't know where she is?!?!" I asked, quite surprised and scared. She nodded. 

I roamed muy thoughts until I was hit with a particularly memory of where she could be.

"I know!" I screamed, all too loudly. She looked at me as if silently telling me to continue talking.

"She punched the crap out of a guy yesterday" She looked horrorized,

"Oh god! Don't tell me Seo got in trouble with thugs?!" She asked back without realizing that I wasn't finished.

"Let me finish!" I yelled at her, and she nodded, all too nervous. "The guy was trying to take advantage of YoonA so she defended her and she took her away since YoonA was really drunk, so I figure they are at YoonA's!" TaeYeon rapidly took her phone, and sent a text to Sunny, Yuri and HyoYeon, explaining them what Tiffany had just told her before starting the car again and heading hurriedly to YoonA's dorm.

Their conversation wasn't forgotten, they both knew, they would just have to continue it later.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 1: Sweet 😍😍🥺🤧
myflows #2
Chapter 5: You put thought in your writing, it shows. The storylines were so well developed that i couldn't stop reading. When i was finishing the last chapter only one thought was running through my head.... please let there be a sequel or continuation of this story hahaha!!! it was amazing, thank you for writing.
frans89 #3
Chapter 5: I love this story, especially this line : "To believe in god is one thing...but to follow
blindly texts and words written and said so many
years ago, is something really different." well written.
Keep writing more, dear author-shii. Fighting! :)
Chapter 5: Sooo gooddd story author-ssi. I love taeny, they're something.
Omg i love Sleeping with Sirens!

Do you listen to PTV as well?
Chapter 5: Ah! I enjoyed this so much! I didn't expect all of their stories to be explained, honestly I didn't know what I expected for this last chapter. Seohyun's incident was hilarious and seems like something my friends would do -_- I'm looking forward to your future works.
smirk7 #7
Chapter 5: This is awesome
I just re read all it but with the songs playing in the background. And it's's just beautiful. Really beautiful.