King of Fanfics


The fight of becoming the best fanfic writer has begun. Jung mi the best fanfic writer will soon found out the best of all best writers. The so Called "King of Fanfics" Will she be able to stay as the best fanfic writer in OR be rank down as the worst? 


HI GUYS!!!! OMMO!! So this is the first time I'll be writing a bit of . >___< Just to make things clear It did not COPYRIGHT or steal anyone's ideas. Other than that I hope you guys like it! This is my first Vixx fanfic for you STARLIGHTS! Now here's the main characters!



~Name: Jung Taekwoon

~Member of Vixx

~love to read fanfics secretly(also writes some himself) 

~Acts cold on the outside but very sweet on the inside

~y and hawt.

~MY FEELS>>>>************

~ <3 ----/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\---/\/\/\--/\/\/\/\---/\/\/\/\/\-------------------------------


~Name:Kim Jung mi

~Age: 17

~Rank the one of the top five best fanfic writers.(second place)

~Hates losing

~Very smart and embraces ROMANCE <3




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Chapter 4: Oh no my Neo feels..~~ #hardcore neo shipper#
But then I feel bad for Ken.. >A<
Chapter 2: Some keo fanservice~ <3 thanks Jungmi ;D //gets slapped//

I like how Leo(?) imagine stories for himself LOL XDD I can't stop laughing if some kpop idoles were actually writing fanfics of themselves XDD //goes out okey//

Well then, keep going~! ('//7//') I'm looking forward to read more *///v//*)b
Chapter 1: Lol lemme guess Kingoffanfics is Leo, isn't it? I can already tell this is going to be a great story!
kpopmeme #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^