
Dream Chaser

a/n: LOL SORRY FOR THE LONG BREAK. I really didn’t know what else to do with this fic, I was so stuck. But I spent some time thinking about the plot and I know now! I have it all planned out ‘til the ending!


Warning: this chapter will mostly be a dialogue chapter lol




Luhan and Kai become fast text mates.


“I call him Jongin, you know” Luhan says one time at the cafeteria during lunch, trying hard to wipe his wide smile off his face but failing miserably. “I call him Jongin,” Luhan sighs dreamily.


“Maybe you can let him call you Xiao Lu,” Sehun, the ever supportive best friend, teases. “No way!” Luhan protests. “Such a weird nickname. It embarrasses me so much already when you call me that.”


“Oh, so only I can call you that? I feel so special,” Sehun smirks.


“Shut up. It’s just that I’m so used to all your BS.”


“Ouch. I’m hurt Luhan. Please patch my heart up again.” Sehun rolls his eyes.


In that moment, Luhan catches a glimpse of someone waving to them from a few tables behind. “Look it’s Yura! I haven’t seen her in a while,” Luhan motions to Sehun. “Hi Yura!”


The girl named Yura bounces into Sehun’s line of sight. “Hi Luhan!” She chirps. “And Sehun,” she bows slightly and plays with the hem of her skirt nervously.


“Why haven’t I seen you around this past week?” Luhan asks innocently.


“My aunt just came back from the United States and we took her around,” Yura says.


“That’s great! Let’s hang out some time to catch up, yes?”


“It’s awesome you should ask that, because that’s actually what I was here for,” Yura beams. “I was wondering if maybe you,” her eyes nervously flit to Sehun’s direction “and Sehun would like to have lunch tomorrow. I have tons of stories, see I actually saw Min when I was in Itaewon and—“


Luhan is visibly surprised. “Min? What? That girl’s still alive? I haven’t seen her since forever! How is she?”


“She’s fine! She’s doing well. She wants me to send you her greetings,” She says. “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow! How about it? Are you guys busy?” Once more, Yura’s eyes flit towards Sehun and for a brief moment her face shows nothing but glee. This time Luhan doesn’t miss it.


“Oh. Well. You know what, I’m busy tomorrow,” Luhan says carefully. “But Sehun sure isn’t! Sehun can go.”


“No I can’t.” Sehun speaks up for the first time.


“But you can.” Luhan says through gritted teeth.


“No I can’t,” Sehun insists blankly. “I have a meeting with Professor Lee.”


“Since when—“


“No it’s fine,” she lets out a slight smile. “We can go when you two aren’t busy anymore.”


“I’m so sorry Yura, we’ll make it up to you,” Luhan says apologetically.


“No need! It’s fine! Just call me when you’re ready!” she says it just like that, she sets off.


Luhan curls his fist and glares at Sehun, “What was that? She clearly likes you! You know she’s liked you ever since you guys met! Why can’t you just be nice to her?”


“I just don’t like her back that’s all.” Sehun says, his expressionless features displaying his indifference. “But I do have a meeting with Professor Lee, you know.”


Luhan’s phone suddenly rings to the sound of EXO’s latest song.




“Well you can start by changing that blasted ringtone,” Sehun glares.


“Why do I even bother with you,” Luhan seethes. He takes a deep breath and answers his phone.




“He wants me to come over” Luhan tells Sehun a few minutes later.


Sehun chokes on his food a little but Luhan doesn’t notice. “What, to like his house or something?”


“No, backstage to one of his upcoming showcases somewhere in Hapjeong,” Luhan says blankly.


“…And? Why do you look like that? Isn’t this all you’ve ever wanted?” Sehun asks.


In an instant, Luhan’s face contorts from one of blankness to one of panic and worry. “It is! Which is why I’m so anxious! What if I mess up? What if he realizes he doesn’t like me at all? What if he—“ Luhan’s eyes bulge from their sockets. “What if he’s secretly a murderer who invites his fans over and chops them all up before the day ends-“


“Ok that’s enough,” Sehun says.


“I knew this was too good to be true… I knew—“


“Luhan shut the up,” Sehun snaps. This brings Luhan to his senses. “You watch to many horror films. And they scare you less so I have no idea why you keep watching them,” He says. “Anyway, I’m sure it’s going to be fine. You have friends who support you.”


“Which is why I asked if I could bring you along and he said yes!” Luhan chirps. This time Sehun really chokes on his food and Luhan notices. “What?” Sehun asks. As if he needed more Kai-flirting-with-Luhan in front of his face.


“Oh Sehun!” Luhan pouts. “Are you rejecting an opportunity to help your best friend out in one of the most crucial moments of his life?” He asks wildly.


They look into each other’s eyes for a moment before Sehun looks away and just sighs.


Of course Luhan takes it as a sigh of defeat. “I knew it! Ok, Saturday, three PM. You will drive me there.”




“You. Will. Drive. Me. There.” Luhan adds a small innocent smile. “Oh look, it’s 1 gotta go can’t be late bye,” Luhan grabs his stuff and sets off.


Sehun looks at his watch. It’s 12:40.


Sehun can’t pinpoint exactly what he’s feeling, but he knows it’s somewhere in the vicinity of I'm royally ed.

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I'm crying... this is intriguing and beautiful aaah Sehun you're awesome and Luhan you are so lucky!
Chapter 5: Aww HunHan please? /le sulks at the corner/
Chapter 5: OMG !!! I'm dying for all that .... Lulu is so beautiful that my heart just hurt. I long to see more moments of Kai and Luhan ...
kikikoko #4
Chapter 5: Please updateeeeeee authornimmm....
Chapter 5: so kawaii >_<
sammyblah #7
This is so cuuute!! X'DD
dingaling #9
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update!♥
Lukai is so cute but I feel sorry for Sehun ;__;