Chapter 8

Players of Deception

Raymond walked into the large conference room and took a seat around the oblong table besides Ron. “Every department head is here,” he commented. “This is big.”

Ron rubbed his hands in anticipation to what was to come, “I know. I can’t wait to hear what this is all about.”

Kevin who sat on the other side of Ron chimed in, “I have a bad feeling about this. Looks like a takeover if you ask me.”

Mr. Sheh walked in with Myolie by his side. Instead of taking the seat at the head of the table, as expected, he opted to sit on the right of it.

“That’s strange,” Ron whispered to Raymond. “Why isn’t he sitting in his usual spot?”

Before Raymond could answer, Damien Lau walked in and closed the door behind him. Mr. Sheh frowned and asked eagerly, “Where is she?”

Damien smiled reassuringly at him and said, “Let me make the announcement first and we’ll talk later in private.” That seemed to appease Mr. Sheh for he sat back and his features relaxed. Damien pulled back the chair from the head of the table but he didn’t sit down. Instead he remained standing and placed his hands on the marble table as he spoke. “I’m here today to make a very important announcement about the future of L&T. First of all, let me say that L&T’s true heir has finally returned.” There were gasps and murmurs buzzing around the table and Damien held his hands up for silence. “As many of you know, L&T belongs to the family of Mr. Sheh’s first wife, who is sadly no longer with us. Mr. Sheh was only running it on her behalf until the return of their daughter, who is the sole heiress of the company. My second announcement is that effective today, Miss Charmaine Sheh will undertake the position of running President of L&T.”

“What?” Myolie shrieked. “What does that mean? Is she kicking my father out?”

Mr. Sheh squeezed Myolie’s arm, “Sshhh… It was never mine’s.”

“Daddy!” Myolie cried out but her father gave her a stern look and she didn’t pursue further.

Looking back at the group at large, Damien continued. “Miss Sheh insisted that I thank each and every one of you for your part in building L&T to what it is today. She hopes that you will continue to give L&T your best efforts to help it grow and expand. She will meet with each of you individually throughout the day.” He opened a folder and began passing a stack of papers down. “On this paper is the time of your meeting with Miss Sheh. She hopes that all of you will be punctual to be fair to the others behind you.”

“First day here and already giving out orders and how to obey them,” Ron muttered to Raymond. Raymond didn’t answer but kept his attention on what Damien was saying.

Clasping his hands in front of him Damien said, “Miss Sheh has also read your reports and wish to discuss them in detail with each of you. She praised highly several of you but I will not give the names of whom. You will soon know yourself when you meet her.” Smiling at the group, he said, “That is all. Any questions before we adjourn the meeting?”

Kevin raised a finger, “Will there be any major changes in the operation of L&T? Meaning personnel or staffing?”

Damien shook his head and said with a chuckle, “No.” He glanced at the group, “None of your jobs are at stake so you can relax. As I mentioned, Miss Sheh only wants to see the company grow and expand and eliminating employees is not on her list.”

“Any more questions?” he asked.

Myolie spoke then despite her father tugging her arm. “If she is now the President of L&T then what about my father? What position will he hold?”

Damien cleared his throat awkwardly and said, “Miss Sheh is grateful for all that Mr. Sheh has done for the company. To award him for all his efforts, time and devotion, she believes that the only way she can truly express her gratitude is to award him with an early retirement.”

Outraged, Myolie stood up from her seat. With annoyance on her face, she heatedly said, “That’s the same as kicking him out! She can’t do that!”

“Myolie!” Mr. Sheh reprimanded. “Sit back down!”

Hearing the anger in her father’s voice, Myolie sat down but the fury was still in her.

Mr. Sheh’s features were relaxed and casual, in contrast to Myolie’s outspoken ones. In a serene voice he addressed the group, “I have been meaning to retire for some time now but couldn’t find an excuse. Now that we have someone who is more capable to run L&T I can retire in peace knowing that the company will be in good hands.”

“But Daddy…” Myolie started.

Mr. Sheh patted her hand and said softly, “It is what I want. It is,” he reaffirmed.

“Are there any further questions?” Damien waited a few seconds and when no one spoke, he said, “The meeting is now adjourned.” He thanked everyone for their time and waited for them to file out of the conference room before turning to Mr. Sheh. “She is now in your office.”

With a bright smile on his face, Mr. Sheh quickly got up and headed for the door.

“Wait,” Damien said. “She doesn’t want to see you.” When he saw the sadness on his long time friend’s face reappear, he added, “Give her some time.”

“I’ll wait as long as I have to so long as she’s willing to forgive me,” Mr. Sheh said miserably.

Myolie’s heart ached seeing her father in such a state. She thought it was unfair of her sister to kick her father out just like that and thought her sister cold hearted for doing so. Her father may be willing to let her sister do as she please and get away with it, but she wasn’t. If her sister wanted a fight, she was going to get one. Myolie is not going to let her push her around. Although she knew from the very beginning that L&T belonged to Charmaine’s mother’s family, Myolie had worked here since graduating from college. She had come to think of the company as her own and she will not sit back and let someone take it away from her.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 62: Thanks for these ChaRay stories! I’m binge-reading all of them!
Chapter 62: That was a really good story!
Didn't expect it to end the way it did! (T ^ T)
Chapter 54: (´Д` ) Noooo!
Chapter 15: I'm kind of rooting for Kevin since he's so shy, it makes him cute. \(//∇//)\
Chapter 10: Lol, it seemed like Raymond changed his mind about her pretty quickly.
charray #6
Wow, Simcon, you are so wonderful. I couldn't believe in my eyes that you have uploaded this one in just one day, thanks so much. I enjoy every story you write about our lovely Charray. We Charray fan must be very lucky to have such a good writer like you. Thanks so much.