Chapter 20

Players of Deception

Raymond stood outside of Charmaine’s office silently watching while she worked. She was so engrossed in her work that she wasn’t even aware that he was standing there and had been for the last several minutes. Raymond shifted in his stance and that small movement caught Charmaine’s eye. This morning they have gone their separate ways the moment they entered the office building to avoid unnecessary speculations from those who knew them. The sight of him now leaning against the door frame, watching her made her nerves jump all over the place. It must be those dark probing eyes of his that seem to see right through her. Or perhaps it was just his overall physique that attracts her to him like bees to honey. When you combine his outer beauty with his charm and intellect, Raymond was a force to be reckoned with. Hoping that he wasn’t able to read her feelings on her face she said lightly, “I didn’t expect to you here so soon.”

Raymond smiled lazily at her and said, “Were you hoping that I’ll forget about taking you to see a doctor?”

Charmaine smiled mischievously at him and said, “Sort of.” That earned a chuckle from him.

Still standing at the door Raymond asked, “Are you ready to go? I’ve already made an appointment for you at my friend’s clinic.”

“You really don’t have to take me. I’ll go myself.” When she saw him push away from the door to advance towards her, she added, “I swear I’ll go.”

Raymond stopped in front of her desk and said, “Then I’ll go with you to keep you company at the doctor’s office. Is that okay with you?”

“You don’t give up easily do you?” Charmaine asked and smiled when she saw the determination on his face as his answer. She closed the file she was reading and picked up her bag. As they walked out of her office together she said, “Since you took care of me last night and even bought me a huge breakfast this morning, it’s only right that I repay you by buying you dinner. Are you free tonight?”

Raymond was overjoyed by her invitation and he quickly said, “As a matter of fact I am but dinner will be on me.”

“Why when I extended the invitation?” Charmaine asked as she pressed for the elevator.

Raymond laughed then said with humor, “Because I’m a chauvinistic pig and do not like women paying for my dinner.”

Charmaine got into the elevator and teased, “Then I should invite you out to dinner more often.”

Instead of laughing along with her, Raymond turned serious and walked up to stand inches away from her. Looking directly into her astonished eyes he quietly said, “I would like that very much.”

The doors of the elevator closed surrounding them in a dimly lit atmosphere and with Raymond standing so close to her Charmaine’s breathing turn rapid. She tried to take a step back to put some distance between them but her back was already pressed to the wall of the elevator. In an effort to still her racing heart, she clasped her hands together and shakily said, “I-I bet you say that to all the girls.”

Raymond’s lips curled in a smile when he saw her fidgeting and relished the fact that he affected her the same way she did him. Still maintaining his soft seductive voice he said, “You’re the first one.”

His response brought her eyes flying up to his. Meeting his gaze was a big mistake she thought belatedly. She had forgotten how mesmerizing those eyes were and slowly she felt herself being drawn closer to him by them. With eyes locked, Raymond slowly lowered his head. Charmaine knew she was going to be kissed and in a trancelike state waited for it. Just then a loud ding broke through the silence and the elevator doors slid open. Red faced with embarrassment, Charmaine side stepped him and quickly got off. Avoiding his eyes, she said, “Let’s hurry or we’ll be late,” then walked ahead of him out the building.


Kevin stepped off the elevators and walked over to the glass double doors of the building. He glanced at his watch. Tavia should be coming down any minute now he thought.

“Hey Kevin!” Ron called out to him as he came out of the elevator. Walking towards him, he asked, “Are you waiting for Ray or Myolie?”

“Neither,” Kevin answered with an arrogant smile.

Ron quirked an eye at him and asked with curiosity, “Then who are you waiting for?”

Kevin dropped an arm around Ron’s shoulders and turned him towards the door. Gently ushering him to it, he said, “That’s for me to know. Goodbye.”

Ron made a full stop and brushed Ron’s arm off him. “I’m waiting for someone here too.”

“Hey guys!” Tavia called. The two turn to her as she advanced towards them. “Are we ready to go?”

“We?” Kevin and Ron asked simultaneously then exchanged looks of confusion.

“Of course,” Tavia said with a sly grin. She slid an arm through Kevin’s arm then one through Ron’s and began guiding them towards the doors. “You both asked me out to dinner at the same time and I wanted to be fair and since you guys are already good friends, I figured it’ll be fun if the three of us dined together.”

Ron chuckled. “I’m fine with this.” He turned to look at Kevin, “How about you?”

Kevin wasn’t fine with it but he didn’t want to appear ill-will about it either. So he gave them a small smile and said, “Sure, why wouldn’t I be.”

“Great,” Tavia exclaimed.

The three left the building together. Tavia and Ron began joking and chatting immediately and didn’t see the wounded look on Kevin’s face.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 62: Thanks for these ChaRay stories! I’m binge-reading all of them!
Chapter 62: That was a really good story!
Didn't expect it to end the way it did! (T ^ T)
Chapter 54: (´Д` ) Noooo!
Chapter 15: I'm kind of rooting for Kevin since he's so shy, it makes him cute. \(//∇//)\
Chapter 10: Lol, it seemed like Raymond changed his mind about her pretty quickly.
charray #6
Wow, Simcon, you are so wonderful. I couldn't believe in my eyes that you have uploaded this one in just one day, thanks so much. I enjoy every story you write about our lovely Charray. We Charray fan must be very lucky to have such a good writer like you. Thanks so much.