


“Eunyoung, what are you freakin’ doing here!?” Hakyeon asked, hand fuming inside his pocket in search of his keys. “I’ve told you I was out for lunch!”

Trembling, Eunyoung replied, “You did? I’m sorry sir, I left my phone at my house and I forgot about—”

“Get inside, hurry,” he said, with serious expression on his face. The younger nodded and ran inside, with Hakyeon following her from behind. “Are you insane, Joo Eunyoung?” His hair was dripping wet, and his shirt was also drenched in water, even though he used the umbrella—well only because he gave the umbrella all to prevent Eunyoung getting wetter (that sounds wrong though).

“I’m really sorry, Hakyeon-ssaem,” Eunyoung didn’t know what else could she say. “Why don’t you go back home when you know the house’s empty?” Asked the older.

She was taken aback. “W-well, my house is far, and I thought you’ll be home in any minute, so I waited for you.”

From the living room, Hakyeon rushed to his bathroom and took a fresh new towel from the rack. “Here, dry y-yourself,” stuttering because damn, Eunyoung’s denim shirt became goddamn see-through. The room fell into an awkward silence. Hakyeon turned the heater on and brought blanket. He rushed to his room and took a shirt of his. “You’d better change your clothes. It’s all wet, and you’ll get sick. Here, you can use mine.”

Eunyoung’s head was spinning badly. This is far, far, far beyond her expectations. Me? Wearing Hakyeon’s shirt?


“But, is it really okay?” Eunyoung hesitated. She earned a nod, “Yes, and you should. Hurry up, the bathroom is there.” She could feel her cheeks heating up. “Th-thank you, Sir.”

She went inside the bathroom and looked at herself on the mirror. , DO I REALLY LOOK LIKE THIS?

Eunyoung quickly changed. His shirt smelled so manly, she’d sleep in it only to feel like Hakyeon hugs her all night long. His shirt was over-sized on her. Her fingers were hidden, and the hem of the shirt reached her thighs, though she still wore her skirt beneath his shirt.

She opened the bathroom door only to find a slightly surprised Hakyeon. “Oh, you’re done. Are you still feeling cold?” He hasn’t even changed his own set of clothes. She walked slowly to the couch where Hakyeon was standing behind it, and replied quietly, “Y-yes.”

“Sit here and cover yourself with this blanket,” he said, without looking at the girl’s eyes. “Is the heater enough for you?” Slightly biting her lips, he cares a lot, she went closer to him and replied only with a nod. Hakyeon stopped abruptly, and found himself staring at the girl’s form. He brought his hand closer to the girl’s head and without noticing, he patted her.

“I don’t want you to do this kind of thing again, got it? You’re putting yourself to get sick.”

She felt her heart beating rapidly, and her cheeks were burning. “I’m sorry.”

Pulling his hand back, he smiled, “Make yourself comfortable, I’m going to change,” and he got a nod.


After mentally slapping himself for a couple of times, Hakyeon went back downstairs with a plain grey long-sleeves and trousers. That student didn’t even turn her head around or move an inch. Sensing that something weird—or wrong—happened to the girl, Hakyeon dragged himself closer, only to find that the girl was peacefully sleeping.

“What now, too tired to even have your eyes opened?” Hakyeon said to himself. He suddenly had this urge to her hair behind her ears—my dear he fought with that urge for only God knows how long—and let himself fulfill that urge. Eunyoung stirred from her sleep. Hakyeon was ing surprised he ran away to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, to grab something to eat.

, did I sleep for a long time? Gosh, I was so tired, what time is it now?

She turned around and found Hakyeon—in grey long-sleeves—closing the fridge with a carton of cereal in his other hand. “You hungry?” Asked the older.

Eunyoung wanted to nod, but instead she just stared at the guy and opened —but nothing came out! “Come here, I’m sorry I don’t have anything, but a bowl of cereal sometimes will do.” She unwrapped herself from the bundle of blanket and hopped to the kitchen. Miss Too Energetic Joo Eunyoung, she is.

Hakyeon made two bowls of cereal for them. They ate at the small kitchen island, and sometimes Eunyoung was caught stealing glances to the older—or maybe the opposite?

“Uh, by the way, what time is it now, Sir?” asked the brunette. Tilting his head to the side, he saw the digital clock hanging on the wall behind Eunyoung, “It’s 4:21 P.M.,” he said. Eunyoung almost choked on a spoon full of oat cereal, “Holy sh—I mean, it’s pretty late, I think I should get going.” Hakyeon finished his bowl and nodded, “I think so, too. Come on, I’ll get you home.”

“Huh? No, I’m alright, I can go by myself, S-Sir,” Eunyoung slipped on her tongue, trying so hard not to squirm in happiness. “In that outfit? No. People will think that you’re a lost kid in your father’s shirt that got separated from him. And it’s a bit revealing.”

“Oh r-right… But, wearing your shirt… To my house… I mean, m-my aunt—mom will ask me questions about—I mean… Um…” ! This isn’t right. What if Auntie Jess asks about this? Isn’t it going to be so awkward and—

“It’s okay, I will tell her about what happened to you,” Hakyeon said as he took a coat. “Let’s go.”

“W-wait, wait, wait! S-she d-doesn’t know that y-your house is this far—I mean,” Eunyoung shut her eyes hard. “I just don’t want to make her worry about me, and problem is she worries about me a bit too much.”

 “So, what do you want me to do?”

“…Make up story?”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“I know.”


Still in Hakyeon’s over-sized shirt, Euny0ung went out from Hakyeon’s car, and walked straight to her residence. Yewon opened the door for her, and bowed. “Welcome back, Eun—Oh my—”

“Unnie, please, please help me. Is Auntie Jess around?” Eunyoung whispered. “Holy cow, Eunyoung-ie, what’ve you—I mean, why are you in… A man’s shirt?” Yewon couldn’t believe what she just saw. “Please, I’ll tell you later, but is she here? I don’t see her car.”

“The angels are on your side today, sweetheart. She just left the house with Emily, Taylor and Raven to the mall. Now tell me, whose shirt is this, Miss Eunyoung,” Yewon impatiently tapped on the floor. “Oh thank the heavens! Thank you, thank you! Okay, wait here, I’ve something superb to tell you.”

“Where are you—whose shirt is that!?” Yewon repeated her question. Eunyoung, who was walking towards Hakyeon’s car turned around and mouthed, “Sir Cha Hakyeon’s,” and continued walking. Yewon was left with dropped jaw.


“Hakyeon-ssaem,” Eunyoung called. “My au—mom isn’t here, thank God, she won’t be asking questions,” Eunyoung grinned widely. Hakyeon grinned back—maybe he forced it, “That’s good. I should go, take care.”

Eunyoung was surprised by how Hakyeon talked to her just now. She quickly shrugged it off and turned around only to find a still dumbfounded Yewon.

She chuckled, “Guess who has worn the hottest teacher’s shirt?”



“Gosh, I really don’t wanna give his shirt back, can I keep it forever?” Eunyoung said as she blew bubbles on her hand. Yewon, who was busily walking around, preparing some towels and fresh clothes, nodded in agreement.  “I feel you, Eunyoungi-ie. I envy you so bad, but I’m happy for you, Eunyoung-ie. I can’t imagine how handsome Sir Cha will be when he’s taking care of you!” she said, twirling the towel in her hand.

“I know, right? I know!” Eunyoung childishly splashed water and bubbles. “I’m going insane, for real.” Yewon put the towel and Eunyoung’s dress on the table beside the bathtub, then gave Eunyoung a squeal as a reply.

“OH, I FORGOT ABOUT THIS, THIS IS THE BEST-EST PART,” Eunyoung abruptly said, making the older turned her back. “What? Is there any better part than wearing Hakyeon’s shirt?”

“Of course,” The younger cleared , “He was worried sick about me. When I told him that I was still feeling cold, he told me to wrap myself with his blanket, and turned the heater on. And after that, he patted my head, and told me ‘Don’t ever do that again’, and I was like,” Eunyoung’s words were never finished, she continued with more squeals and splashes of water. Yewon did the same, and clapped her hands, “For real? Oh gosh, I can’t take all the cuteness!”


“Sir!” Hearing that shrilling voice of Eunyoung, Hakyeon turned around, “Hey, I’m glad to see you at school today.” Eunyoung stopped her steps.

Did I hear him wrong?

“You’re not sick right?”

Oh. I thought—

“No, I’m not, sir, thank you for worrying.” Eunyoung earned a smile.  She looked around and made sure that no one was there to hear, “By the way, Sir, here’s your shirt that you lent me on Saturday. I’m really thankful for it.” Hakyeon chuckled, “Oh, it’s nothing. And you’re welcome.”

“Um, I made this for you, please take it,” Eunyoung handed the older a bag of cute lunch box. “I remembered that you like chicken, so I made seasoned chicken for you.”

Hakyeon’s joy was obvious on his face, “Oh you actually didn’t need to bother, Eunyoung-ssi.” Eunyoung grinned and pushed the box further to Hakyeon. “I’m sorry if it doesn’t taste good, but please have it, sir!”

The male nodded and took it. “I’m really grateful for this. Thank you so much, I will eat it.”

Eunyoung was so happy that no word can describe her feelings. Hakyeon actually accepted the lunch she made for hours! She woke up early in the morning only to prepare a perfect meal for him.

“Next time you shouldn’t forget your phone again, okay?” Hakyeon smiled his white smile towards Eunyoung, and in instant, Eunyoung’s insides melted. She then nodded—a bit too hyped, and bid her goodbye.


“Mr. Hakyeon, can I come in?” An old lady—around her 40s—called. “Oh, yes Mrs. Jisoo, is there anything wrong? Please come in,” the younger stood up politely and gestured the lady to come in. “Are you busy?”

Hakyeon tidied his pretty messy table a bit—unconsciously smiled when he put the lunch box, that Eunyoung gavewhich tasted really goodaway, then shook his head no, “No, Mrs. Jisoo, why?”

“I wanna ask something about my student, Eunyoung, from the 3-2 class. Is she still having troubles with her English? I think she’s a bright student, but I was so surprised when you gave me her scores, which were bad.”

Hakyeon’s heart clenched a bit as he heard the name Eunyoung. “Yeah, yeah, I know about her. Though she’s having troubles, I’m trying to help her by giving her additional classes, Mrs. Jisoo. And I think it’s working, because her grades have improved.”

Jisoo sighed while smiling, “That’s good to hear. Her mother was one of a good friend of mine, back when I was still a student. I’m actually proud of her, even though her parents aren’t always at home, she still manages to concentrate and gives her best to school. It’s a bit concerning that her English doesn’t come out well.”

Hakyeon was taken aback. “Really? I didn’t know about that. To be frank she struggles to concentrate on English. She doesn’t pay that much attention at my class too, but what makes me happy is, she still tries to give her best. I guess her personality is like that.”

“It’s good to hear that her grades have improved. All thanks to you, Mr. Hakyeon,” Jisoo smiled, crinkles appeared by her eyes. Hakyeon let out an awkward laugh, “It’s nothing, Mrs. Jisoo, really. I’m glad I can help.”

“By the way, besides Eunyoung, do the others have problems with English too?” Jisoo asked. Hakyeon blinked thrice, “I guess the others were only having problems with grammatical structures and such, but this Eunyoung girl really have problem with everything. That’s why I’m concerned too about her. It’s like she’s really blind with English.”

Jisoo nodded before leaving, “Okay, thank you for your time, Mr. Hakyeon. Let’s hope for the best.” She received a nod.


“Did you bring the last quiz paper?” asked Hakyeon as he comfortably sat on the wooden floor. Eunyoung nodded, and the ponytail behind her swung. “Here. I got B for this one, isn’t it nice?”

Hakyeon found himself smiling. Without noticing, his lips always unconsciously form a smile every time Eunyoung smiles. “Yes, it’s nice. Let’s correct the remaining mistakes, have you understood why your answers are wrong?”

Eunyoung playfully looked at Hakyeon, and said, “Because… I didn’t answer them correctly?”

Hakyeon laughed—charmingly that Eunyoung had to hold her breath and secretly palmed her cheeks to prevent the heat radiates, “Okay let’s check them together.”

Eunyoung suddenly got a call from her aunt. “Sir, excuse me, I got a call from my mom.” Hakyeon nodded, “Sure,” and continued on his book—which obviously not 50 Shades of Grey.

“Hello, auntie?” Eunyoung asked in awkward Korean. “What’s wrong?”

“Noona, where are you? Are you done with your class?” Taylor’s voice was heard.

“Oh, Tay-T-Taekwoon-ie! Noona hasn’t done yet with my studies, what’s going on?” Eunyoung replied, heart beating rapidly, afraid that her secrets could be revealed in any second.

“Noona~ Why are you calling me by my Korean name, and why are you speaking Korean? Doesn’t your teacher a—”

“What happened, Taekwoon-ie?”

“Noona you’re really acting weird now. Anyways, are you at school or something? If yes, then we’ll go straight to your school and pick you up. My dad’s coming tonight, and mom said she wants to buy you new clothes for dinner tonight.”

“Oh you don’t need to, Taekwoon-ie, I’ll go home by myself. We’ll talk later at home, okay?” Still speaking in Korean, Eunyoung lowered down her voice.


“See you later, Taekwoon-ie.”



“Sorry for the wait, it’s my brother,” Eunyoung got back to her previous spot. “Let’s continue where we left off.” Hakyeon looked up and again—unconsciously—smiled.

“By the way, Sir,” Eunyoung said, “Are you going somewhere on the coming holiday?”

Hakyeon closed his book and focused on Eunyoung, “I don’t think so. How about you?”

Maybe Uncle Max will surprise us with 5 exclusive tickets for a full week trip to either Greece or Japan, but I don’t know, last year he did that, he wouldn’t do a same surprise for twice like—“Don’t know, I guess I’m just gonna stay lazy at home,” she said, zipping it up with a sweet giggle.

“Being lazy at home is the best thing,” the older—which was wearing a really simple white v-neck and his biceps were clearly showing—said while sipping his milk tea. “But don’t forget to study.”

Eunyoung laughed and her pearly white teeth showed up, “Sure, if I don’t forget about that.” Hakyeon nagged, “Huh? So I’m even forgettable?”

Both suddenly realized what they were talking about. Rolling their eyes to the innocent table, they became suddenly awkward. “T-that’s not what I mean—b-by the way, I’m finished, please check my answers, Sir.”

Hakyeon stole an awkward glance towards his student, then feeling a bit less-awkward after 2 seconds, he scooted closer to where Eunyoung was sitting and took her paper.

Mumbling something like “Correct” after finished reading every answer, Hakyeon then smiled after marking 9 questions, “So far you’ve got 90% correct, that way you can achieve an A.”

“Really? I’m so happy with this! I can’t believe I actually improved, Sir!” Eunyoung giggling in happiness, her ponytail swung again. Though Hakyeon didn’t tell his brain to, he smiled.

“Um, do you have another plan or something?”


“I mean, do you have to go somewhere? Did your mom tell you to go home?” Hakyeon asked, eyes looking straight to Eunyoung, and Eunyoung could see herself in those dark orbs. She found it hard to answer a simple No, it’s nothing.

“No, um—actually yes, but I still want to be here,” Eunyoung replied. What?

Hakyeon raised an eyebrow as a reply, and bit his lower lip from smiling secretly. Panic, Eunyoung blinked thrice and corrected her answer, “I mean, I still want to study. That’s what I mean.”

“I think it’s enough for today, Eunyoung-ssi. You can go home now. Should I drive you home?” asked the male teacher. Eunyoung knew she was teased, she knew. “No, thank you very much, Sir. I will go by myself. Thank you for today! Be seeing you on school.”

“Sure, see you at school,” Hakyeon beamed, eyes unknowingly locked on Eunyoung’s slim form who was walking gracefully towards the door. Hakyeon’s eyebrow twitched. He then added, “Take care, and be careful on your way.”

“Thank you for that.”


“Eunyoung-ie, your English has gotten better nowadays, and it’s pretty fast to be honest,” asked one of her classmate, Seyong. “I’d have to agree with Seyong, that’s impressive, Eunyoung-ie,” Jinhee, another classmate of Eunyoung’s said.

Grinning and forming her index and middle finger into a V, Eunyoung answered, “Aren’t I cool?” in English.

“Yeah, did you take some pills or something? You used to be the worst in our class,” Seyong said while chuckling. Jinhee giggled. The brunette stomped the ground while pouting, “Yah~ I didn’t take pills, I studied, s-t-u-d-y.”

“See you even can spell the word study correctly,” the male continued. Eunyoung hit her guy-friend continuously with her palm, and the male could only laugh.

Suddenly a low-voice was heard saying a surprised ‘oops’ behind the two. Both students turned around, only to find their English teacher. “Watch out guys,” Hakyeon continued, “Oh, how romantic.”

Feeling that her heart dropped to the ground, Eunyoung pulled her hand back, and zipped . Seyong retorted back, “Sir, please! Aish.”

Taking a small glimpse at Eunyoung, Hakyeon then raised an eyebrow. Like—really? Seyong?

“Sir, Eunyoung’s improvements in English is terrific, don’t you think?” Jinhee commented. Hakyeon shifted his gaze towards Jinhee, “Yeah, I think so too. Keep up the good work,” Hakyeon said, smiling to Eunyoung. Eunyoung’s inside went instant jelly, and her lips unconsciously formed a thin smile.


That noon, inside Eunyoung’s spacious room.

“Hm? To the mall? What for?” Unplugging an earphone from her ear, Eunyoung shifted her gaze from her—unimaginably interesting—comic to Taylor, her English-Korean cousin.

“Yeah, dad told me to ask you to come too,” the younger replied. “Come on, noona~”

“Sounds good, okay wait for me, I’m gonna change,” Eunyoung jumped from the loveseat in her room.


Eunyoung spent her day with her family—but without her parents though—watching a movie. “I know! That part though, when the taxi was halved and Percy’s face was like ‘WHOAH’! Please I can’t stop laughing,” Eunyoung said between her laughs. Emily, Taylor's elder sister, nodded in reply, “Percy’s one heck of a y demigod, please.” Eunyoung, clasping her hands on couldn’t help but to agree.

“Kids, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?” asked Aunt Jess. Eunyoung shrugged, “I eat everything, auntie.”

“How about Pad-Thai? I really wanna have a bite,” Taylor said. The other agreed.

“It’s been ages since I last ate Pa—”


Holy .

This is surreal.

Tell me that person isn’t Cha Hakyeon.

Oh he saw me.

He smiled at me.

Wait, did I just smile back at him?


“Hello, Sir,” words slurred out. “It’s so nice to see you here.”

“Hello, Eunyoung. Yeah, it’s such a coincidence, hm?” Hakyeon said, a smile still plastered on his face. “So, you’re with your family?”

Eunyoung’s heart was stabbed deeply. “Y-yes. Guys, this is Sir Cha Hakyeon, m-my English…”

Eunyoung never finished her words. Jessica has already let out a hand for a shake with a huge smile plastered on her face. “It’s so good to see you, Sir. I’m Eunyoung’s aunt. And he’s my husband,” Jessica said in fluent Korean, and pointed at the guy behind her. “Max, he’s Eunyoung’s English teacher at school,” she said, in English.

Hakyeon smiled widely, “Good day, sir. Nice to meet you.”


This is far beyond the line. Far, far, far beyond the line. I’ve never expected for him to know about it this soon. No, I’ve never expected for him to even know about my background.

Not like this.

Is he going to know?

Is he going to ditch me?

Is he going to stop all the additional classes?

Is he going to kick me out from his house?

Is he—


“You should study English with your family often, Eunyoung-ssi, I think it’ll be helpful.”


Is he going to hate me?


“It’s so nice meeting you all here, but I gotta run,” Hakyeon said, glancing over his leather wristwatch. “Eunyoung-ssi, see you at school.”

Eunyoung found it hard to even nod. She looked at Hakyeon, and she noticed a slight disappointment in those eyes. Did I disappoint you, Sir?

“Y-yeah, see you, Sir.”

Hakyeon nodded while smiling, hiding perfectly his disappointment. He bid his goodbye towards the friendly family before rushing to the elevator.

“Who’s he again?” Emily, brushing her red hair off her shoulder, asked. Eunyoung absent-mindedly replied, “My English teacher, Em.”

Her lips formed an ‘O’. “How old is he?”


“He’s so young for a teacher!”  Emily exclaimed in her adorable Korean-British accent.

Yeah, he is.”





hellooOOO DID YOU WAIT FOR THIS? /haha/ uwah eunyoungie got busted. anyway, i didnt see any comments from you guys, but i gained 4 subbies yeaaay. why didnt you guys comment!?! i need to know about your thoughts :( please dont forget to drop your comments below and subscribe, also upvote. love ya!<3

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Chapter 7: Wah!! /standing ovation/ that's daebak! Thank you so much authornim. You made my day ouo
xiumin120801 #2
Chapter 1: hello author-nim.. sorry i haven't been here for a long long long time... and i would like to say you're welcome :) i'm so interested with your story.. when i read this chapter i laughed because you put Eunyoung's birthday just like my birthday.... hahahahahahahahahahahaah

hwaiting author-nim! :3
Chapter 7: Omo! It's finished?? I really like this story, so sweet and cute!! Thanks <3<3<3
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww so cute ♡
castam #5
Chapter 7: I can't believe it's already the end!!! I totally enjoyed the fic nonetheless! I'll be sure to check out your other fics!!
Chapter 5: YAYYYYYYY Update soon!!!
castam #7
Love the fic, hope you update soon :)
Chapter 4: OMG this story is so sweet!!! I would like to have a teacher like This!!!! Update soon <3
Chapter 4: oh man poor eunyoungie :-(
Chapter 2: This is all too cute ^^
Eunyoung is adorable (I love her picture in your poster) and N is so wise haha