The New CEO

A Forbidden Office Romance

" OH! " Jiyeon stopped walking and stopped by the disum restaurant and widened here eyes 

" DAEBAK! " her jaw dropped as she her lips and pouted. She had only brought enough money to buy mcdonalds. 

She sighed and started walking home. Thanks to her freinds she landed an intern job in one of the biggest company in Seoul. 

Life was going great for her and she thought nothing could change it 

she opened her house and walked in to see her dog run to her and run around her 

" hey Chewey. Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? " she bend down and petted her dog like how everyone pets dogs 

" let's go take a bath more you arasso? " she asked and they dog quickly ran into the bathroom and she giggled. 

She went into the bathroom and started to put on a bright blue face mask to start off the morning before she heads off to work in an hour. 


A brand new 2014 model BMW parked right infront of her house and the window rolled down. 

A handsome guy wearing shades looked at the house and smiled 

" Omma, appa. I'm back. " he said and rolled it up and got out of the car. 

His hand was caring a large yellow envelop as the other hand dragged a suitcase 

he was now the the front door and turned the knob to see that it was open 


" that adjussi must have left it opened. " I walked into the house and widened my eyes 

the house was horrifying. Dishes were in the sink, the couches pillows were thrown on the floor and I squinted my eyes to see something on the floor 

No ones POV

L bent over and picked up a cream bra and his left eye started to twitch as he was just seconds from having a anxiety attack.

he swollowed the agony and set the bra down and walked around the house and every sight that he didn't like killed him

he started going around the house and picking up clothes everywhere and threw it all outside of the door 

" at least that's better. " he rolled his eyes and started fixing the bookshelf 

each book had to be 2 cm away from the edge and all touching eachother and lined up. he swiped his fingers across the white shelf and clenched his jaw and took a deep sigh as it was dusty and sticky 

He quickly picked up the pillows and placed them back on the window side bench, each 4 pillows 1 inch apart from each other.

he sighed and headed over to the kitchen when Chewey ran out from the bathroom and jumped onto him. She was excited to see a new face but he was disgusted 

" get off of me. " he hissed at the dog and pushed it out of the way 

" Chewey where are yo- " Jiyeon walked out and stopped to see a handsome guy in her house. 

" OH MY GOD! " she shouted on the top of her lungs that he winched to the loud annoying sound. She wasn't screaming because he was there, but she was embarrassed because her hair was tied into two buns and her face looked like an avatar since it was all blue 

" Wh-who are you? " she stuttered as she tried hard to cover her face

" I'm the new owner of this house. Here's the least. " he handed it to her 

" pack up your things and move out in an hour. " he said and widened her eyes

" BW-BWOH! I'm not moving out! I paid 6 months in advance rent already. I still have 3 months" she shouted and he looked at her in annoyance. He hated loud stupid looking girls the most

" then here's 3 months of money. " he said as she took out his checkbook and wrot down numbers. He handed it to her and her eyes widened and she grew furious 

" here's also money for you to go to a hotel until you find a new house. " he sai as she have her another check and the corner of started to twitch as she gave him a death glare

her hand clenched up as she crumpled the checks and threw it at him 

" IM! NOT! MOVING! " she shouted at him and he winched and rubbed his earlobe

he sighed and glared at her and she glared back. 

" fine. 3 months. After your contract has end, I don't want to see you in sight. " he said and she widened her eyes 

" if you want to stay here, there's a slight rule you need to follow. " he said as she dropped her jaw 

" 1, all dishes must be cleaned within 5 minutes after using it. ".he said as he pointed to the sink that was filled with her dirty dishes 

" two, you must clean the house twice a day. " he said and she widened her eyes. She usually does it once a week 

" bu-" 

" 3, you can't sing or play any type of loud music in the house. " he cut her off and her heart started aching because she loved singing. 

" 4, " 

" there's a four?! " she shouted as her jaw just couldn't stay closed 

" 4, you can't leave any expired food in the fridge. " 

" 5, clothes aren't suppose to be left around, that includes your bras. 6, I shower first at all times. 7, don't touch my stuff, my food, or my clothes. Don't even dare wash your clothes with mine. " he said and she sighed and her eyes were about to pop out 

" 8, after using the washing machine, you must clean it. 9, when finish showering the bathroom must be dry. I hate it being wet, so clean it. " he said and she glared at him 

" is there anything else?! " she shouted 

" 10, NO DOGS! " he shouted and she widened her eyes 

" yah! Chewey is family! " she shouted 

" you're dog, has to go. And if your dog does not go, then you, gotta go. " he said loud and clear 

" yah! That's too much! " she's shouted 

" then pack up your things and go. " he said 

" stupid bastard. " she mumbled as she took off her house slippers and wore on sandals and opened the door and widened her eyes

" YA-YAH! Did you just throw my clothes outside!?" She shouted as she bent down to pick everything up and was going to step into the house when he stopped her 

" sandals off. And it was on the floor, if it's not in your closet or the hamper, then it belongs in the trash. " she said and walked out of the house and headed to his car 

She waited for him to drive off before she groaned 

" YOU STUPID BASTARD! " she shouted and headed to the laundry room to put the clothes in the hamper and then wore back on her sandals and took Chewey and chewey's belongings to her bestfriends house which was just 5 houses down 

" Hyomin. " she pouted as Hyomin looked at her in confusion 

" what's wrong Jiyeonie? It's strange to see you pout. " she said

" I'll tell you. Can I come in? " she asked and Hyomin nodded

after explaining to Hyomin she giggled 

" awe poor Jiyeonie. I'm sure he's not that bad. " Hyomin said and Jiyeon rolled her eyes 

" trust me, he may look hot on the outside, but a demon inside. I just wanna strangle him after 1 minute of speaking to you. " she said in a harsh and moody tone

" well don't worry. You can keep Chewey here. Let's go to work. " Hyomin said as Woohyun just texted her and she nodded 

" do you need a ride from Woohyun too " Hyomin asked 

" anni. I'll jut ride my bike. You guys have fun. " she wiggled her eyebrows an gave a pedo look 


Jiyeon finally got to the office when the girls were all squealing and talking Ina group 

" oh Jiyeonah come here! " Naeuan called her over and she went to the table 

" what's up? " Jiyeon asked and IU starts to giggle and squeel 

" did you hear? A new CEO just bought this company. " she giggled 

" and? What's so special about it? " she asked and IU and Naeun widened their eyes

" I hear he's like SUPER HOT, YOUNG, And SMART. " IU fangurl squeeled 

" yah IU! Shutup! " Woohyun shouted as he went back to listening to music

" He also bought like 10 hotels in Soeul and renamed them all. " Hyomin said

" SUPER HOT GUY HUH? " she smirked

" I hope the new boss desmt have a personality of an like that other guy. I swear he's the most complicated guy in the world. Acting like he owns the place with his ray band sunglasses and suit? " she huffed

" who? " IU asked

" this one crazy guy. " she said and turned around and widened her eyes and dropped her bag as she saw L come out from the elevator

" YAH! Why are you following me?! " Jiyeon shouted at him and he took his sunglasses off and eyed her

he started walking towards her and smirked

" pass this out. " he handed her a stack of blue poster paper and she looked at it and widened her eyes

" what kind of boss is this?! He wants us to rearrange the office using this blueprint?! Who do she think he is- " 

" pst. Jiyeon! " Jiyeon whispered 

" what? " she turned to look at IU that was giving her the signal to shut up 

" I think he's the new boss. " she quietly whispered 

" HUH?! " she still couldn't here what IU was trying to say 

" Hi everyone. From today, I'll be the CEO of this building. The name is being changed to Infinite Coperation. " he said and everyone widened their eyes and Jiyeon dropped thee blueprint and widened her jaw as the corner of twitch 




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farhaatiqah #1
Chapter 2: update please it so interesting
NamWoomin #2
Chapter 2: update please.
aigoo poor woohyun and hyomin. L should change that love rule later! you're so mean
sandraphan #3
Chapter 1: Please update this story. It has such an amazing story line I would love to read it till the very end
Update soon plz <3
Chapter 2: hi! New reader here :) please update soon
Chapter 2: please update soon ...^.^
Chapter 2: Hwaiting ~~
parkjiyeon_Lkim #8
Chapter 2: So, Myungsoo forbade office romance. Poor WooMin.. ;( Go, Jiyeon! Fighting! Even if he thinks you're not worth to work with him, show him what you've got.
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 1: Hahahahhaa ! Update soon
cericeria #10
Chapter 1: lol so funny! XD poor jiyeon...her life's going to change w/ myungsoo's living in d same apartement