Kris Softening Up

Almost Perfection

Kris swore under his breath, drawing attention from Dr. Park.

Said doctor drew slightly away from the half Tao on the bed – Kris’s bed - cocking an eyebrow at his long-time patient and also good friend.

“Something wrong?”

Kris bit his lip and looked away. “No.”

Dr. Park sighed and put the covers back over the shivering boy.

“Is this a friend of yours? I’ve never seen or heard of him before.” Dr. Park said as he unrolled his sleeves and took out a pen and paper.

“He’s a f-friend. From China!” Kris choked out, never having been so flustered so many times in his life.

Kris Wu did not get flustered, okay.

Dr. Park chuckled lowly, ripping out a sheet of paper and handing it over to his younger friend.

“I don’t know your reason for lying but I’m not really the kind of man that would ask,” he continued before Kris could interrupt. “Anyways, for the patient I can’t prescribe anything. It’s a minor fever, probably caused by exposure to a new environment and sudden change in temperature. It couldn’t be jetlag since we’re a mere hour ahead from China but the boy could use some good sleep. Let him rest for now and when he wakes up, give him fever medicine.”

Kris nodded obediently, following the doctor out to the door. “Thanks, Leeteuk.”

Said man smiled gently. “No problem, Wu. Now you too, get some sleep okay.”

Kris nodded, waving his goodbyes to the doctor.


When Kris once again stepped into his own bedroom, Tao had kicked off the covers and lay flat on his back, showcasing his perfect bronze skin and firm torso. The businessman found the sight far too appealing for his own good.

“ my life,” Kris cussed loudly, forcing his eyes away and abruptly turning on the television for a distraction. The sudden noise caused Tao to stir from his slumber, in absolute displeasure.

“Turn it off.” Tao whined, grabbing a pillow and shoving it against his ear. Though Kris’s first instinct was to turn it off – he still felt quite guilty that his reckless actions had gotten the poor kid sick, not that’d ever admit it – the sight was kind of cute.

A leg poked Tao’s side, causing him to burst into annoyed howls of, “yah yah yah –“

“Yah?” Kris mused, climbing into the bed where Tao lay. The sick and grumpy, not to mention sleepy, Tao scowled up as Kris climbed over him, straddling him.

“Yah?” Kris repeated.

“That’s what I said! Are you deaf?” Tao blurted out, eyes still shut together. As soon as the words had left his mouth, he freaked. Tao’s eyes flung open and he sat up, bringing his face just centimeters away from Kris’s.

Kris’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. Zitao’s face had a unique glow that Kris had never seen before. Natural dark circles framed his deep, single lidded eyes. They showed so much fear yet sincerity that it made Kris want to take back all the nasty things he’d spouted. The older man’s eyes slowly moved downwards, settling on Tao’s perfect M-shaped lips, pink and fully glorious. It didn’t help that as Kris’s eyes went even farther downwards, Tao’s unclothed torso came into view. He felt the room becoming hotter as he his own lips.

“S-Sorry. I was sleepy and I didn’t know what was leaving my mouth, Yifan ssi.” Tao muttered, turning his face to the other side and hiding his blushing cheeks.

It took the businessman a moment to comprehend that the Chinese boy was apologizing not for their close proximity but for yelling. He shook his head and slowly picked himself off Tao, settling just beside him on the bed.

“It’s alright.” Kris coughed awkwardly, not knowing whether to apologize as well or ask about Tao’s health or to give him medicine or to kiss those kissable lips – wait what.

“Um, thank you for taking care of me.” Tao’s voice was hushed, his eyes fixated on a spot on the carpeted floor. “I think it was just jetlag.”

A snort left Kris’s mouth. “Beijing is only an hour behind Korea, pabo. You didn’t fall sick because of lack of sleep but because you roamed the streets. China’s weather’s much different from here and if an idiot like you decides to go breathing in the pollution that Seoul is, an idiot like you is obviously going to fall sick.” You’re also sick because an idiot like me forgot all about you and let you freeze, but I’ll leave that part out.

Tao huffed. “I just wanted to go buy new cloth – Speaking of clothes, look what I bought!” The suddenly energized boy was about to jump out of bed but Kris’s big hand pushed him back down in laying position.

“You’re not showing me anything until you get some sleep.” The big hand shifted to Tao’s consistently hot forehead. “The fever isn’t gone yet.”

A big pout spread over the teenager’s lips. “I’m always this warm, it doesn’t mean I have a fever.”

One glare from Kris was all it took for the sick boy to also become a quiet boy. Tao pursed his lips tight together and just looked up at the ceiling as the elder left the room and soon returned with medicine and a cup of water.

“Drink up.”

As the substance entered Tao’s mouth, he cringed. It tasted of grape and cherry – his two least favorite flavors. After gulping down the water fast to rid himself of the horrid taste, the boy handed back the glass. “Thank you, Yifan ssi.”

Kris took the glass and turned to put it away when Tao grabbed his wrist.

“Aren’t you going to correct me?”

Kris frowned. “On what?”

“Your name,” when the elder still looked lost, Tao continued. “I can call you Yifan ssi?”

Kris’s face softened a little as he turned away, unhooking Tao’s grip. As he walked away, Tao couldn’t believe what he’d heard. He slapped himself – later whining about his face stinging – to make sure he wasn’t daydreaming.

“Call me whatever you like, Panda,” Kris had said. 





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Chapter 9: Please update soon I love this!!
I'm so loving this hahaha❤
update soon❤❤❤☺
flyingsweets #3
Chapter 9: Oh, do you smell the wonderful fragance of jaelousy in the air ^.^
Chapter 9: Ooh I just gotta know what happens next! Tao and Kris are so cute! Ugh, the feels.

I have a question though. Tao's age keeps changing. Like he was seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen I'm different chapters. Did I read that wrong or...?

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 9: OOhhhh! Plot twist!!! Now they can go to work together ! ^^ I cant wait for the next chapter, so please update soon!
taoxotic19 #7
Chapter 9: waaaahT_T~~I like this story a lot..waiting for the nxt chappie again ^-^~~
Chapter 9: oh gossssh, oh gossssh
U left us hanging. WHY??!?! *cue in overdramatic wailing
I definitely need to know what happens next.
Oh god
I need more Taoris sweet fluffy moments/grasps empty air
Jpplove #9
OMG this story is so good. And hilarious. Keep up the good work and update please please please don't leave me suffering