Meet The New Girl

Forever is a Promise You'll Keep

Wooyoung was already sitting on his chair, waiting for class to begin when he heard the scraping of the chair next to him. He looked to his right and found Seulong smiling at him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Wooyoung hyung!" Seulong greeted cheerfully.

"Ah, annyeong, Seulong," Wooyoung greeted him.

"How was your summer, hyung? I'm sorry I only stayed for 15 minutes during your parents' anniversary, hyung! I was supposed to help clean up the house since we just moved to a new neighborhood but I begged my mom to let me go because-"

"Whoa! Slow down there, Seulong,"Wooyoung laughed. "First of all, my summer was great. And second, stop apologizing! I understand your motive on staying only for a short period of time and it's okay," Wooyoung reassured his dongsaeng.

"Thanks, hyung! You're the best!"Seulong let out a dramatic sigh while swiping the back of his hand to his forehead, exaggeratedly.  Wooyoung laughed at Seulong's gesture though, it was cut off by the door slamming open. In walked Taecyeon with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Seulong asked worriedly while still looking at Taecyeon while he took the seat behind them.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm fine. Just happy, that's all." he grinned.

Wooyoung seemed suspicious in the way Taecyeon was acting but was pulled away from that by the sound of Ms. Park's voice, greeting them.

"Good morning, class! Please take your seats." She said cheerily. 

"Ugh," Seulong groaned. "one more hour before we can leave this classroom."

Wooyoung just chuckled and patted his dongsaeng at the shoulder, murmuring a "You can do it Seulong-ah! Fighting!~" to him.


After class ended, Wooyoung said goodbye to Seulong and Taecyeon, jogging to his next class when he bumped into someone.

"Aahhhh!" the person squeaked.

"Whoa whoa!" Wooyoung said frantically while trying to steady himself but failed miserably.

"Aigoo! Mianhe!" Wooyoung apologized frantically while helping the person get back to their feet.

"Ahh, it's okay," the person replied, blushing.

"I really am sorry. I'm Wooyoung by the way. You are?"

"Ah, I'm Tiffany." the girl replied, finally looking up to meet Wooyoung's eyes.

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prinzginger #1
Chapter 18: Its a good story! Hope u can update and domt leave the story