WANTED: Verbal Filter for a Mr. Jang Wooyoung

Forever is a Promise You'll Keep

Chapter 11

“N-n-ne,” Taeyeon hiccupped. “I’m fine, Wooyoung-ah.”

“Are you sure?” Wooyoung questioned, his face masked in one of concern.

“N-n-ne. I’m sure.” She replied, trying to smile but failing miserably because of the throbbing pain in her left cheek. “Ah!” she squeaked while touching the spot.

“Will you stop lying, Taeng?” Wooyoung smiled sadly. “I can clearly see the red mark on your cheek is hurting you.”

“Aish~ this guy.” Taeyeon laughed while trying to console her best friend. “I’m fine, really.”

“Are you sure?” Wooyoung asked again. “And don’t try to lie to me this time.”

“Ne! I’m fine, Wooyoungie. See?” Taeyeon stood up and began doing a silly dance.

Wooyoung laughed at his best friend’s silliness and just nodded in response.

“Well, we should go inside the classroom now, the bell’s about to ring any second,” Taeyeon reminded.

“Yeah, sure. Let’s go Taengoo.” Wooyoung answered while putting his arm around Taeyeon’s shoulder and guiding her toward the classroom.

“Oh! I almost forgot! Thank you for saving me back there, Mandu!” Taeyeon leaned up and kissed his cheek before rushing to the nearest empty chair, which was beside Wooyoung’s, and placed all her stuff under it.

Wooyoung remained frozen on the doorway, touching the spot where Taeyeon’s lips had touched his skin.

Aigoo. What’s this tingly feeling I feel? Wooyoung asked himself.

“Yah! Jang Wooyoung! Are you going to keep standing there, or are you actually going to sit?” his best friend teased.

“N-ne. Coming,” Wooyoung blushed while walking toward the seat next to Taeyeon.

“Are you okay, Mandu?” Taeyeon asked, concern lacing her musical voice.

“Huh?” Wooyoung asked, snapping back to reality. “What did you say TaeTae?”

“I asked you if you’re okay,but it seems that your reaction just answered my question.” Taeyeon said.

“Oh. Yeah. I’m fine, TaeTae,” Wooyoung said in a dismissing voice hoping to end the topic as soon as it had started. “Just peachy.”

“Well, okay.” Taeyeon said hesitantly. “Just wanna make sure.”

“I’m fine, Tae. Okay?” Wooyoung smiled at her.

“Okay.” Taeyeon replied while turning back to face the front just as soon as Miss Seo walked in.

“Good morning, students!” she said energetically. “Welcome to another school year full of fun and surprises.... with me!”

All the students giggled before chorusing a “Ne, Miss Seo!” and nodding their heads in agreement.

“Alright, alright,” she laughed. “Stop trying to soften me up! I’m still your teacher, you know.”

“Ne, Miss Seo!” the students giggled again.

Aahhh. This is what I like about Miss Seo. She’s just so cheery and kind to all of us! Taeyeon thought cheerily to herself.

“Okay, now. We just don’t directly start with lessons, right?” Miss Seo announced. “First, we introduce each other to our new students!”

Now, it wasn’t a chorus of Ne’s and giggled surrounded the class, it was a chorus of groans and “Aaawwwww. Why?” of the students.

“Now, now,” Miss Seo said in a firm voice. “You should all be thankful we didn’t start with a lesson.”

“But Miss Seo! There are no new students here!” a student shouted. “We’re all the same ones from last year!”

“Hmm...” Miss Seo thought for a while. “I guess you’re right. So I guess we shouldn’t introduce ourselves after all.”

A chorus of cheers erupted from the class.

“But first, let me take a good look at each and every one of you. You all seemed to have grown!” Miss Seo said in a shocked voice.

“Hmm... Who to start with... Ah! Kim Taeyeon! Still the same danshin, I see.” Miss Seo teased Taeyeon. “But my, you have gotten a lot prettier over the summer! And your waist got slimmer too! And that smooth, acne-free, dewy skin is to die for! How did you manage to maintain it? I should try it for myself.” Miss Seo commented while consciously touching her also smooth face.

“Ah, Miss Seo. Please stop.” Taeyeon blushed. “And you’re one to talk. Your skin is as flawless as ever!”

“Really?!” Miss Seo exclaimed. “Why thank you Taeyeon. Stay pretty, ne?”

Taeyeon blushed, and nodded in response to the teacher.

“Hmm... Now, let’s see... Ah! Jang Wooyoung!” the teacher called. “My, you have grown quite taller, unlike Miss Kim here,” the teacher teased.

“Aah... G-gomawo, Miss Seo, Wooyoung blushed.

“And you’ve gotten a lot more handsome too!” the teacher commented while circling Wooyoung’s chair. “So are you and Taeyeonie still best friends or have you decided to take it to the, you know, the next level?”

“A-ah.. Miss Seo, we’re just best friends,” Taeyeon cut her off, blushing like a tomato.

“Alright,” the teacher sighed dramatically. “But you two do look good, together.

I know. Wooyoung thought to himself.

“See?! Even Wooyoung knows that you two look good together!” Miss Seo exclaimed while the class ooh-ed and ahh-ed at Wooyoung’s sudden outburst.

Jenjang. Did I just say that out loud?!?!

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prinzginger #1
Chapter 18: Its a good story! Hope u can update and domt leave the story