Food For Thought


Title: Food for Thought

Pairing: kaisoo

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Fluff

Word Count:1.2 k

Summary: In which Kyungsoo is a world class chef but Jongin can taste more than just his 5 star credentials 


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kumodere #1
Chapter 1: ive been squealing in my room for minutes now. good job authornim!!
Curlylooks14 #2
Chapter 1: *rolling around in puddle of feels* *regrets nothing*
So sweet I almost got cavities)) I love cheese kaisoo
unknown009 #4
This was so cute! OMG just a short story but the amount of cheese is overwhelming!
T-araFans #5
Chapter 1: Woah!!!that so cheesy....
Anyone want to buy cheese...hahahaha....
Chapter 1: so cute :3
silversea108 #7
Chapter 1: Awww so cheesy, but this is absolutely what I need after tons of sad story. Love it ♥
Chapter 1: cheeeeeeeeeeesy >//////<
cheesier than pizza
do u want some cheese
dragonmafia #9
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cuteeee♡
Chapter 1: So cute^^ <3