Chapter 08

I Love You, Goodbye!


~~~ I Love You, Goodbye! ~ Chapter 08 ~~~








Taecyeon’s P.O.V.


Kissing her, I my hands though her hair as Yoona dug her head into the pillow, raising her hips up to meet my s. Our bodies moved together in synchronous rhythm as if they were ideal components made for one another, both writhing under our suffused heat and need. Even though every inch of me was clad with muscle, my embrace was soft and gentle. I did nothing fast and nothing hard.

My patient measured movements showed control while I took my time soaking in the moment, worshipping every inch of Yoona's body.

As our breaths mingled and danced, our mouths played over one another, our hands whispering across one another's bodies. Quickening my pace, I cupped her , filling my hands with her softness, while my ears cherished every moan that left her lips.

I dipped my lips to the hollow base of her neck.

"You're my weakness, Yoong…" I groaned, slowly sliding my tongue against her neck.

"Such a sweet weakness." ing her fingers into my hair, Yoona pulled me into as I buried myself deeper inside her warmth.

I felt her coming as she gripped my caging biceps, digging her nails into my flesh while her slick tightened around me like a vice.

Bringing my arm under her back, I pulled her up against my chest as my fingers knotted in her hair.

"Come for me, Yoong." I groaned, sweeping my tongue through . My muscles quivered with restraint to hold off on his own.

As soon as I felt her body start to fall apart under mine, I let myself go with her. Our bodies entwined in sheer ic delight as we shook, jerked, and trembled in each other's arms. Sweat against sweat and soul against soul, we soared and fell together, each wondering if we'd ever be able to come down.

When our breathing and bodies slowed, I stared into her eyes. I gently moved her hair away from her face, still in awe that she was there beneath me.

I took my time passionately kissing her, my tongue giving thanks to , her neck, and her shoulders.

As she looked up to me, Yoona's hands slowly worshipped me back, her fingers smoothing through my hair, caressing down my chiseled face, and ultimately tracing my mouth.

I had never felt so connected to someone before in my life. Holding her completed me, feeling her made me whole and I needed to let her know that.

"I love you, Yoong." I whispered over her lips. "It never go away, I still love you. I love you."

I pulled my head back slightly, and Yoona went to speak, but I placed a finger over her lips.

"I don't expect you to say it back. I just need you to know this." I placed another soft kiss along her jaw.

"I want it all, Yoong. I want to spend my nights holding hands with you…" I breathed the words into her ear.

"I want the all day texting." I kissed her temple and caressed her cheek.

"I want the laughing and the forehead kisses." I softly ran my lips over her forehead.

"I want the date nights, the movie watching, and the breakfast making." I dragged my hands through her hair, my teeth tugging gently at her bottom lip.

"I want the late night drives, the sunset watching, the screaming, the yelling, and the crying." Still kissing her, I smiled against .

"I know I'll definitely want the makeup that comes after all of the screaming and crying. I want the good, the bad, and the in between. All of it is what's going to make us amazing together."

Although she found it hard to swallow, it didn't take long for her to reply because there was no second guessing in her mind. Yoona knew clear to the depths of her soul, through every fiber of her being that she loved me, too.

My touch, the emotions bleeding behind my words, and the sincerity in my eyes cast any fear of me, of them away.

Staring at my face, she wound her hands around my neck, tears spilling from her eyes.

"I love you, too, Taec. It never go away too. I still love you." Leaning up, she softly kissed my lips, and she could feel the shock moving through me. She kissed me deeper in an attempt to alleviate that shock. It worked because she felt my body starting to relax.

"I want all of those same things too and I need them with you. I want to make you happy."

Leaning my forehead against hers, I took her chin in my hand and brushed the pad of my thumb across her lips.

"There's no way you couldn't make me happy. It's impossible."

I rolled to the side, taking Yoona with me. With that, we made love, unrelenting and sweet, through the night into the early morning hours.


Yoona’s P.O.V.


The sunlight spilling in through the window shades stirred me from one of the best nights of sleep I had experienced in months. With a long lazy stretch and a smile on my face, I pulled the mountain of tangled blankets tight around my chest, sat up, and leaned against the headboard.

My eyes scanned the expansive room for Taecyeon. The sound of the shower running in the bathroom echoed through my ears as my senses soaked in just how incredibly awesome my  body felt.

Normally, I was never one to worry about the way I looked upon rising, however, this morning was different, very different. Knowing that my hair must've looked like a rat's nest and my face was most definitely sporting last night's smudged makeup. I promptly slid from the bed, dragging the blankets along with me, in an attempt to study my reflection in the mirror.

When my bare feet hit the cold floor, so did something else. Looking down, I found a large box with a red bow tied around it. Picking it up, I sat back down on the bed. It was addressed to me.

"Such a wiseass." I laughed.

Shaking my head, I started to open it, only to see movement in my peripheral vision. Lifting my gaze to its source, I was rewarded by the sight of Taecyeon coming out of the bathroom, a white cotton towel wrapped around his waist. Swallowing hard, I clutched the blankets around my chest and slid back against the headboard.

Running his hand over his dampened hair, Taecyeon smiled at me from across the bedroom, his tendons rippling in his abdomen as he stretched. Sheepishly smiling back, I took in the sight before me. He was magnificent to say the least. I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over him, it was simply impossible not to. He was beauteous, not just his amazing stature but also his face. That strong angular jaw that complemented his high cheekbones and the light stubble on his chin only added to his masculinity and further added to my quickened breath.

"You found your gift?" he said, smiling.

I cocked a brow and smirked. "Well, yes, I found a gift."

Chuckling, he padded over to the bed and took a seat next to me. "If I recall correctly, you're the one who said I'd never let you live that one down, so I'm just holding up my end of the bargain."

Shaking my head, I playfully smacked his arm. He laughed and slowly tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Mmm, I knew you woke up pretty." Biting my lip, noticeably embarrassed, I averted my gaze away from his.

Mesmerized by the look in my eyes, Taecyeon felt captivated by the fact that I clearly didn't realize how beautiful I was. My lips, the hue of a deep ruddy wine, alluring doe eyes, and the subtle curves of my body, all tantalized his senses. Staring at me, his heart beat as my devotee while his eyes mapped out every inch of my face. It wasn't just my physical beauty. It was everything about me, right down to the smell of my flesh, the things he would do just to obtain my scent.

I brought him warmth the entire night like an autumn's day sweater, and there wasn't anything he wasn't willing to sacrifice in order to keep me for himself. His long drawn out thoughts and daydreams of this very moment, when he would share with me his cravings and I would do the same, trusting as only lovers could, unfolded with such vibrancy as I brought my gaze back to his.


Taecyeon felt completely ing high. No amount of money could buy this feeling, and he knew it.

Placing his hand under my chin, he stared into my eyes. "You look beautiful." he whispered, gently coaxing my face toward his.

Slowly, he brushed his lips over mine, gentle, passionate, and soft. My fingers instantly delved into his hair, tugging just hard enough to make him groan into my mouth. We sat there making out like two teenagers on a date, both content in just that, nothing more, just kissing.

After a few minutes of reveling in the minty taste of his lips, I pulled back. Taecyeon looked at me, his eyes essentially making love to me in the process.

"What's wrong?" he asked, a boyish grin tipping the corners of his mouth.

"I, uh, need to brush my teeth." I said, tightening the blankets to my chest.

Letting out a light laugh, he reached for the unopened gift and handed it to me. He placed another luscious kiss on my lips. "You taste delicious to me, but here. Open it."

I smirked. "That's a pretty big box for a toothbrush."

He laughed and his knuckles along my jaw. "It is, isn't it?"

With furrowed brows and a smile, I stared at him suspiciously.

"What?" he asked.

"When did you have time to go out and get me anything?"

"Well, sleepy head, it's not that early…" he said, motioning to a clock highlighting that it was nearly eleven in the morning.

"But, to answer your question, I had this like for a week now. I was thinking of giving you something on Valentine’s Day but I don’t know how to give it to you. So here, belated Happy Valentine’s Day Babe."

"Ah. I didn’t even know it was Valentine’s Day already. I was so caught up by our comeback. Ahwwww, thanks Babe. But I don’t have a gift for you…" I said, sounding so worried.

"Just that you choose me is the best gift you’ve ever given me Babe." he whispered, the words spoken into the crease of my neck as he grazed his teeth down my shoulder. My body nearly went lax under his touch. Pulling back, he smiled. "Now open your gift."

With one hand holding the blankets against my chest, I attempted to open the box with the other. Taecyeon laughed, realizing I was trying to keep my body covered. This he found insanely cute and y at the same time. Without saying a word, he smiled and helped me.

Upon opening it, I found two medium sized boxes and one thinner box. With a huge grin on his face, Taecyeon opened one of the medium boxes for me, pulling out and holding up a cream knitted sweatshirt.

“I have the same too.” He said grabbing the other one from the bedside table. Couple sweatshirt.

"You've completely lost it." I laughed, plucking it from his hands. I shook my head and tried to give him a disapproving glare, but I was inwardly approving too much at his cute gesture. "If you think I'm going out in public wearing this, you're wrong."

He arched a perfect brow. "Who said we're leaving my place today?"

"We're not?"

"No, we're not. I'm holding you hostage here." he replied, his voice low, as he leaned in to kiss me. “I know you’ve got no schedule today. So I’ll keep you for my entertainment."

"Sounds interesting." I replied and kissed him back. "And what do you have planned for us today?"

Nipping at my bottom lip, he smiled. "I figured we'd order in all day."

"Uh huh, food is a necessity." I half moaned as he continued to ghost his mouth over mine.

"Sleep a little since we were up so late."

"Yes, we do need to keep our strength up." I ran my hand across the back of his neck.

Still kissing me, he lifted my other arm around his neck, the blanket falling from my chest. "Curl up on my couch and watch scary movies."

"I like scary movies." I said, massaging my fingers into his hair while ual heat pulsed through my system.

Catching my bottom lip between his teeth, he slowly smoothed his hands across my now exposed s. He smiled when I moaned, loving the way I responded to him.

"In between all of the food eating and movie watching, I'd like to reenact last night's events play by play." He pulled me onto his lap, my hair cascading over his shoulders as our kiss deepened.

"Over and over and over again." he added.

Right about the same time I started peeling away the annoying barrier of the towel wrapped around his waist, his phone rang. Taecyeon showed no intentions of retrieving the call.

With quickened breathing, I pulled back and looked at him. "You really should answer that, Mr. Ok."

He threaded his fingers in my hair and guided me back down to his mouth.

"No way." he groaned as he leaned back against the headboard, his kiss becoming harder. "Whoever it is can wait."

"Uh, uh, uh…" I pulled back again with a teasing smile on my face. Though it took massive efforts, I figured I'd play a little game, one that he thought he was the master of.

"It could be your Umma calling.

He ran his palm over his face and let out another groan. His lips curled into a sensual smile. "You're killing me, Yoona, literally killing me."

I smirked, reveling in the fact that I could make such a powerful man crumble. Rolling off him, ai started to laugh. "Hmm, who's begging now?"

Shaking his head, he swung his legs over the side of bed and laughed. "Oh, you will pay for that one, I promise."

As I listened to him speak with whoever was on the other end, I smiled and ran my fingers across his back, hoping he would make good on his threat.

"Can't it wait?" he asked the caller.

I sat up on my knees and feathered kisses along his shoulders.

Loving the way I felt, Taecyeon rolled his neck to the side, inviting me into his mouth. I smiled and kissed him for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Alright, give me a minute." he groaned into his phone. Cupping his hand over it, he turned to face me. "It's Minjun. I have a few things I need to go over with him about the songs for our new album. I might be a while."

Yoona nodded.

He touched my cheek with the back of his hand, the curve of my chin. Settling his lips over mine, he kissed me tenderly.

"Open the rest of your gifts, go take a shower, and I'll make us some breakfast when I'm done talking with him."

Again I nodded, my eyes following him as he made his way out of the room. Trying to tame my heated senses, I drew in a deep breath and started going through the rest of the items.

After gathering everything together, I slipped from the bed and padded into the bathroom where I indulged in a hot, soothing shower. Though my body felt physically at ease in complete bliss, my thoughts were anything but. Overwhelmed would have been an understatement. I had a lot that I knew I had to face when got to face Seung Gi. Frankly, it terrified me right down to my bones. I ran over the things I would tell him. However, I still couldn't push away the feeling that somehow the whole scenario was about to go up in flames, torching me, Taecyeon, and Seung Gi in the process. Stepping out from the shower, I grabbed a towel off the rack and tried to push away the festering negative thoughts that were taking residence in my head.







~~~ Keep The Faith! ~~~




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Warsonic9620 #1
Chapter 11: Please update I miss this story.
Chapter 11: Others are right, Author where are you?? I want an update now!. hahahaha. Just kidding Author, but update soon please :)
risti89 #3
Chapter 11: Where are you authornim??
jesica27 #4
Chapter 11: Bad yoona wahahahaha
arshyeon #5
risti89 #6
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for updating authornim...
Chapter 11: Thanks for updating after a long time author-nim! Hope TaecYoon moments will be added soon! Thanks~
Soshisone93 #8
Chapter 11: really really thank you for updating the story... =]
hope you'll update soon~~~
LuvFFWorld #9
Chapter 11: Tiffany and Jessica is right, Seung Gi is not for her at all. I'm kind of sad that she hasnt told him the truth yet. Anyway, thank you so much for updating. I hope to see more could moments in the next chapter. This story is so good.