Encounters of a Runaway

The night was dark as I ran along the road with my clothes damp.  I took a few stops from time to time to rest my energy while I traveled. My property was surrounded by grass, dirt, and a few distant neighbors, but along the road, there were many dead trees from this winter air. The cold didn't get to me one bit since I have been running for my life. My brown hair turned messy from the breezes of the wind as I moved. My breath evaporated into the cold night and my limbs started to ache as I slowed down my pace. I get out my phone and I checked the time. 11 p.m.

I have been traveling for 3 1/2 hours non-stop by just speed-walking and running. It was around 8 that I escaped and here I am now in the middle of this empty, endless road, but at least I'm free. I tiredly walked along the side of the road while my eyes glanced around the somewhat eerie atmosphere. My body stood alert as I thought in fear. It may be scary like those movies, but it's all worth it. It's not like something's going to pop up or somethi-what is that?

I squint my eyes in the distance to find a Japanese man babbling on his cellphone angrily beside his Honda. I hid behind a tree, so he won't take notice of me. Oh wait! He has a car! Will it work if I ask for a ride nicely? I peer out behind the tree a little bit more to see him crazily stomping on the ground from his anger as he babbled Japanese on the phone. This leaves me no choice then. I blame those action movies that taught me on what I should do in situations like this. I clenched my hand onto to a large, but heavy, tree bark near me and picked it up from the ground as I feel all my strength and determination gathering again.

I then began to creep up slowly towards the man with an intimidating face, which might scare him. I finally reached near him, thankfully, he was looking the other way. Now's my chance to ambush him. I have never hurt a person before, but I really need this car, so I can stop walking! My legs are killing me...As he was about to turn my way, I swung back the heavy tree bark with force, causing me to slightly stumble back. The man took notice of me and he was about to make a surprised face, until I shut my eyes and forcefully smacked the thick branch to his face. He screeched as he fell backwards and thumped on the ground with a funny, yet hurt expression. 

"Gomenasai, oji-san." I whimpered in guilt.

At least he was out cold for now, whew. As long as there was no blood or death, it's all good. I hurriedly hopped into his Honda with the car keys already at the ignition. Alright, time to get out of here. Thank god that other than my isolation, I at least learned how to drive. Soon, I began to steer the wheel onto the road in a rush. Omo, I really feel bad for doing this, but I need to get out of here! I thought as I finally drove out of the rich part of Fukuoka and then onto the freeway.

Now, I need to think of where to go next. Hmm, I glance around me as I drove through the late night. Just then, I stare ahead of the freeway to see the view of the East China Sea. My eyes twinkled at my first sight of it and I thought of something immediately. I speeded up a little more as I the radio to hear an accurate song.


"♫~Hey love, let's runaway~♫" This fits me perfectly, omo.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the nearest dock and parked quickly. I get out of the car fast as the sea breeze came blowing through me.

"Ah! So, this is the ocean!" I yelled through the wind as I ran along it's sandy, wet walkways beside the crashing, sparkling sea. Ah, so beautiful~

Finally, I reached the fisherman's spot with medium-sized boats ready to depart onto the sea to Busan, South Korea! Since in this spot, all the fishermen and cargo ships sail from here to Busan. I found out the information quickly when I heard a few men chattering while I hid behind a crate near the ships. I never really sailed through the ocean before, but it looks like fun!

Before the fishermen got onto the boats, I managed to sneak my way in by bringing the crate with me to hide myself as I moved. Though, it only covered half of my body, but they didn't notice! I slipped my way onto the ship and went towards the back part of the boat with the cargo, so no one would find me. I let out a breath of relief as I sucessfully managed to do all that crazy I planned out.

"Yes!" I quietly yelled to myself as the boat finally set sail to the sea on this cold, winter night.

"Finally, freedom..." I yawned as I stretched my arms. Traveling like this is making me tired...I quickly glance around this wet dock in hope of finding a clear and clean spot to sleep on. There was a clean spot next to me, so I laid my body down there and soon, I drfited off onto slumber.


"Chotto...chotto!" I lazily open my eyes to see two fishermen nudging at me. My eyes squinted from the bright light of dawn.

"Excuse me, but why are you here?" The curious man asked as they both inspected me in confusion. I look down on myself too as I see that even if I had this casual attire, it also did look a little rich...My canvas backpack on me, a cashmere cardigan, Burgundy scarf, combat boots, and with black tights...hair in a mess too.

"Well..." I trailed off in response. I was deciding whether to tell them about my escape, but I told them anyways and they listened attentively in interest. I had to speak in Japanese, so I didn't tell them everything. Though, I got everyone on the boat to listen to me. Their eyes widened in surprise and I got a couple of Ooo 's and Ah's as I vented out my heart out to their fascinated gazes at me.

"...and so, that's what happened." I concluded and then they slowly applauded at me. I smiled to myself in flattery. So, this is what it feels like to get acknowledged.

"So, Yura-chan! How are you planning to get to Seoul!" A fisherman questioned me in concern. I thought for a minute, until my face fell. I actually didn't think of that either...

"Oh! I know! There is a train from Busan to Seoul! Take that route!" Another man suggested and my eyes lit up in hope.

"Omo, arigatou gozaimaa!" I bowed my head happily.

"Looks like we've arrived!" A fisherman yelled out as he looked behind him towards the front of the dock, laying ahead a stretch of land. I gasped in excitement as I stood up and gazed before me. My brown eyes twinkled at the sight of the beautiful port of fish market stands, bustling with many people. Finally, I'm here.

As the boat settled onto the peer, all the fishermen and I got off the boat quickly to set foot on the Busan pavement. I look around me in amazement to the Korean people and sights around me.

"Wow." I widely grinned.

Just then, I snapped back into reality when I thought about where I was supposed to go.

"Oh! Oji-san, where is the train station?" I yelled to the fisherman.

"Follow that road down there and there are signs telling you where to go!"

"Wakata! Arigatou gozaimasu!" I yelled back to him and I waved to all the fisherman as I made my way through the bustling crowd of the fish markets.

"Ganbate Yura-chan!" They shouted from afar. I smiled to their encouragement as I began making my way down the streets of Busan, smelling like the ocean...

After Busan Fansign

"Ah! I'm so tired!" Sunggyu groaned as he stumbled onto the van in exhaustion.

"Gyujiji, you're getting old~" Dongwoo cooed as he sat on him.

"Yah, go back to Kenya where you belong!" Sunggyu pushed him away and Dongwoo burst into laughter.

"Come on hyung, the fansign can't be that tiring." Woohyun said as he entered the van along with Hoya.

"Where do you think we'll go now after this?" Hoya asked as he took a seat in the back next to Woohyun.

"I heard we're going back to Seoul." L broke in as he went in the van last with Sungyeol and Sungjong.

"Yay! We're going back home!" Sungyeol jumped in his seat excitedly as he rejoiced.

"Yah, choding! Keep it down!" Sunggyu scolded him as he pretended to threaten him while Sungyeol screamed.

"Hyung...I ran out of lemon candy..." Sungjong pouted.

"Aigoo, you on like 50 of those and you sounded like you had a lisp throughout the whole fansign!" Woohyun scoffed.

"But, thill..."

Meet the busy idols of Infinite. Well, they're not so busy now that they have time to rest throughout the five hour car ride after their Busan fansign to Seoul. As their van left the fansign, the boys, except Sunggyu, fooled around in the van instead of trying to sleep. These idols haven't had any sleep since yesterday due to their packed schedules.

"Aish, keep it down. I'm trying to sleep." Sunggyu complained as he threw a pillow at s.

"Sh, let the grandpa sleep!" Sungjong joked.

"Yah! Lee Sungjong!" Sunggyu shouted while he chilled back in his sleep and shut his eyes. The other members snickered.

"So, back to what we were talking about~" Hoya mentioned.

"Oh, right! We were talking about the wonders of the world!" Dongwoo beamed.

"Ah! I wish we can go there..." L commented.

"I know right. All we ever do now is sing, dance, perform,  travel without exploring everyhing, and other busy stuff on our schedule..." Sungjong twisted his mouth to the side.

"So, are you saying that you're sick of it? Keke." Dongwoo chuckled to himself.

"It's not that hyung, it's just-"

"Maknae's right. Being an idol is all we ever do. Why can't we do something else in life, you know? Like being secret agents or something!" Woohyun brightened to the thought of that.

"Why can't life be more thrilling?" Sungyeol broke in while his gaze was fixed on the window.

"Yeah I know right!" Hoya exclaimed.

"I want to feel the thrill of being an alien! Or a king!" Dongwoo trilled.

"Uh hyung, that's impossible!" Sungjong commented.

"Then how about exploring the wonders of the world as aliens that fly and are disuguised as secret agents?!" Dongwoo burst into his ideas.

L face-palmed himself and everyone burst into laughter.

"What? Wouldn't that be cool?" Dongwoo eagerly said.

"Uh hyung, you just made it more impossible." Hoya nudged him and everyone cracked up.

"Pabo." Sunggyu smacked Dongwoo's arm playfully.

As Sungyeol gazed through the window to peer at the sight of Busan, his eyes widened in interest when the van halted at the stoplight. While the other guys played around, he intently averted his gaze to a girl near the bus stop, looking at a direction board. 

"That girl, she looks different from everyone."  Sungyeol thought as he inspected her semi-dirty, expensive, but casual-looking clothes.

"Long brown hair, with her cute face puffing her cheeks out, not to mention, nice s-lines too. She's pretty."  He watched her as she checked the time on her phone.

Without realizing it, Sungyeol's face was pressed up against the car window with his mouth slightly open.

"Sungyeol-ah! What are you doing?" L nudged him.

"Guys, there's a pretty girl over there." Sungyeol mumbled as he pointed.



All the guys yelled, including Sunggyu who was trying to sleep.

"Now you're awake gyujiji~" Dongwoo cooed.

"Where!" He repeated again and then all the members of infinite pressed their faces against the window like Sungyeol.

"W-woah!" Dongwoo stuttered from her beauty.

"Nice...s-lines." Hoya marveled.

"Yah, yah! She's really cute!" Woohyun broke into a wide smile.

"Ah, but why is she dirty?" L raised a brow.

Yura stared at the train routes on the board deeply.

"Hm, it's 11 a.m. So, if I get from here then..." Yura drifted off her thoughts when she felt like someone was watching her. 

Her body stiffened and her eyes widened. She felt a presence coming from her left, so she slowly turned her head. Suddenly, she met multiple eyes of the seven weird-looking men with their faces hideously pressed against the window of the van. Yura looked at them strangely.

"Uhhh...I know I'm dirty right now, but it doesn't mean to stare..." Yura blinked at them with her brows furrowed.

"Oh, look. She's looking at us." Sunggyu sang.

"She's looking at us like we're terrifying..." L reckoned.

"Yeah, you're right. We probably look ugly like this right now." Sungyeol blinked as he grinned childishly.

'Thank the lord for this long- stoplight." Woohyun muttered.

"Amen." They all chanted together.

As soon as the stoplight turned green, Yura started running along the sidewalk in a rush. The Infinite guys stumbled back from the window when the van started moving.

"Yah, why is she running?" Dongwoo speculated.

"Oh no! The train leaves in 10 minutes! I need to hurry!"  Yura thought as she ran.

"Manager-hyung! Speed up the van!" Sungyeol ordered.


"Yah! Hyung! Step on the gas, quick!" Sungjong called out and the manager drove a little more faster than the speed limit.

"Damn! She runs fast!" Sunggyu added.

"She's even going the same speed of the car!" Hoya pointed out.

"Her running is getting a little crazy..." L intoned as he watched Yura flailing her arms out for speed with a funny expression.

"Haha, derp." Sungyeol laughed to himself.

"You know what, maybe she's not cute after all?" Woohyun shrugged unsurely as he said that.

"Wow, what a crazy woman." Sungjong smiled.

"Eh, crazy women don't fit my tastes." Sunggyu scoffed as he chilled back down into his seat.

"That's because only grandmas fit your taste!" Dongwoo joked hysterically and Sunggyu pretended to threaten him.

"It may suit my tastes though~" Sungyeol quietly murmured as he still watched Yura running for her life from afar.









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Chapter 1: Wow this is good.. Update next chapter soon please! ^^