Encounters of a Runaway

"...the statistics of these charts clearly show-"

I yawn lazily in my seat as I stretched my arms slowly from my desk.

"Erhm, Miss Yura, please pay attention." My statistics teacher informed me from the front of the room.

I nodded tiredly and he went on with his lesson again. I ignored him throughout his lecture as my mind burst into many thoughts. Just why are they teaching a 19-year-old girl like me, college-leveled statistics? I've spent my whole life in this one office-like room in my mansion for education with just me and this teacher. Learning business can be quite boring and tiring...aish. Though, if I keep putting up with this, I may be able to suceed like my older brothers and sisters one day. One day, but do I really want to do that?

I look to my right at the full-cleared window with a view of our large, front property with a pathway and a garden along with our large, stylish, gate ahead. Oh, the gate. When will I ever go out there again? The only times that I went out was only when my family had business meetings and boring parties. I took a deep sigh as my eyes spaced out to nowhere.

"Okay, we are done with this lesson." My teacher announced while he closed the book he was reading off of. The wooden door creaked open slowly.

"Miss Yura, it's time for Lunch." One of the maids called out to me.

"Arasseo." I said as I directed myself out of the door to go to the dining room.

I shortly made my way down to our exquisite dining table and took a seat while the maids laid down my exotic foods. I blinked and looked at it blankly.

"Not liking the food again Yura?" My eldest brother, Jinho, entered the dining room in a business suit as always, with a smirk on his lips.

"She probably just wants that cheap fast food again, heh." My second oldest brother, Taehyuk joined in with the same attire as they both took a seat at the narrow dining table.

"Eating that is just preposterous." Heejin, my sophisticated-looking older sister, commented with a disgusted face as she sat down. 

"Such food like that should never be compared to this." Taeyoung, my other older sister with similar business clothes, remarked with a straight face as she sat down.

I was used to hearing their harsh remarks to me, but deep down inside, it hurts to feel that they treat me like this. At that moment, my parents came in last as they sat down in their seats next to each other. I grew nervous as I looked down onto my weird-looking food, not saying a word. It felt weird to have a family lunch like this, well actually this is a pretty rare occasion to have us all at the table like this...

"Since we are all here, let us talk about our shares with the new companies that has offered us to sign with them." My father exclaimed.

I groaned quietly as he said that and the whole table, except me, burst into chatters about some other big new company that wants to do whatever business that I don't care with us. Gosh, not even a minute without taking a break of business to eat lunch and here they are doing the business. First off, my parents and siblings are extreme workaholics. As for me, I'm nothing, but that one daughter that is still getting schooled. I poke at my food restlessly with my fork as they talked and talked and talked about this and that. I swear, they always leave me out in these kinds of conversations. Probably because they think I don't know any better of this, which I don't. I sighed as I slowly got up from the table.

"Erhm." I coughed as I stood up and everyone stopped talking and took notice of me for once. I pushed my chair in and I left the dining room shortly followed by a few of the maids. As soon as I stopped halfway up the hall, my siblings and parents continued their business conversation as I expected. They don't care about me at all, do they?

I went upstairs to my room and I crashed my back onto my bed immediately as I puffed my cheeks in boredom. I began to stare at the ceiling for a while when I then took notice of my most trusted maid, Ae, dusting my unused bookcase.

"Yah, Ae-sshi. what else is out there in Japan?"

"Many things and places like the annual summer festivals and places like Osaka." She answered me briefly. 

"Hm, how about our Korean culture?"

"Well, Miss Yura, as you may know we are Korean, but we don't go by the traditional lifestyle. There are also many things about that topic."

"Such as?" I waited as Ae thought deeply for a minute. Well, since my whole family acts like Korean-speaking Americans, I always wonder. Throughout my time, I've always researched a lot of things. Especially the Korean culture, I got to find out a lot from it's music to pop culture. Despite my fascination of the information I've googled and read wikipedia about, I still need to confirm a lot of things and it makes me want to experience it myself. 

"You know what, nevermind."

"Arasseo." She bowed as she went out my bedroom door and closed it.

With nothing to do, I grabbed my phone on the counter and began to research more on the Korean lifestyle. I scrolled down countless articles, pictures, and blogs throroughly as my eyes were engrossed in its information. I've liked a lot of countries, but not as much as where my main roots were from, which was Korea. I tossed my phone away from me in frustration, feeling crammed from all the fascinating information I have read. I grip my head in anger as I then began to reflect on myself.

Why am I always isolated from the outside world, learning nothing, but business? Why can't my parents love me? Why can't I be treated more nicer? Why am I wasting my life and time like this when being a future heiress is not something I want? Why, just why.     

 I crunch my eyebrows together and I could feel the veins popping out of my head in anger, frustration, sorrow. I took my grip off my scalp as I sat up on my bed as the room's lighting was getting darker from the light outside my window. I take a deep breath as I thought for a minute. As I gathered my thoughts, I have decided the most important risk I am willing to take in my life.

Instead of wondering the questions I think of about the outside world, why bother to sit out and do nothing when now, is the time I should act. I am sick and tired of this complicated, business life that has controlled me ever since I was born. Now, my plan is to get to feel the simple and cultural lifestyle I've always wondered about. I need to get away from this and start anew.

I glance at my clear window with the view of the gates. I shall escape at night to start on my own to explore the world ahead of me. I'm going to go sneak my way out of this property and the gates. I'm going to run away.




Sorry no Infinite in here, yet. ^^" Next next chapter!

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Chapter 1: Wow this is good.. Update next chapter soon please! ^^