Who She's Not

A Favor

"Let's break up." Sungjong said and walked away. Jea smirked and giggled. "Just you wait, Lee Sungjong" she whispered and walked away. Jea is really something. Girls can't get over break up in just a day, but Jea can. She's been hurt by a lot of guys so she's used to it, but breaking up with Lee Sungjong is different for her. She didn't love Sungjong like any other ordinary guy, she loved him much more than her exes, but Sungjong just broke her heart and that made Jea turn into another person instead of being herself. 

Jea's a really lovely girl (let's say the girl in the pic is Jea), she has eyes that sparkle, a smile that make a guy fall in love with her in one glance, brown golden hair that shines under the sun and she loves nature, so she always goes in places where there are trees and flowers. She would make flower crowns with flowers she picked and place it on her head. Sungjong loved that about her, he fell in love with her innocence. Whenever it was Jea's birthday, he would always give her a flower crown as a gift. She had lots of flower crowns because of him, and she loved it. 


But everything about her changed. Her hair was now black, she never wore those peach, pink and white dresses and she never wore flower crowns again. She's turned into someone who she's not. She never smiled like how she did before. She's destroyed.


She didn't cry, she didn't mourn, she turned into a woman who people couldn't recognize. She's not the Jea people knew before, She's the new Jea.

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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 3: y does sungjong sound like a ghost or smth telling her to forget him haha