31 Days With Mr. Frost

December 17, 2013

Yesterday was an embarassment for you. You cried in front of him, you don't want people to see you cry even though he is not human. Yesterday, you realized that you already opened your heart to someone. Your emotions are in a jumble and now, you are feeling confused. However, you are certain that you are used to his company, his quirky perks especially when he greets you first thing in the morning by barging in without knocking, his sharp yet pretty eyes when he looks at you that gives you tingle in your spine, the way he surprises you with his magnificent events, and it is almost everything - it's countless and endless. He made you overcame almost everything in your life.

I guess I have to thank him over and over again.

"Soowoo! I want to go out and play!" He shouted from the living room.

You shook your head but you plastered a smile on your face.


"I take a liking to coffee. It's so great!" He said in excitement as he took a sip of his hot cappucino.

"It's not really obvious, really." You commented sarcastically. You really love to hangout in a place like this, there is this jazzy and relaxing feeling. It's really cozy too especially when you wore a thick yet comfortable coat with you and a scar wrapped around your neck.

"And you're being sarcastic right now. Meanie." He pouted. He and his aegyo, you will always fall for his charms and now you realize to snap yourself out from that thinking.

"What do you want to do after this?" You asked him. You wanted to spend this day on where he wants to spend his holiday.

When you recalled that he will be just living with you for 31 days, you saddened at the thought. You don't want to be alone anymore since he came to your life.

You forgotten it in a flash. 

"Hm, is there somewhere place fun?" He gazed his sight at the ceiling like there are lots of choices up there.

"Molla. I've been living in my room for a year." You shrugged but try to think of where.

"Well, that's no fun. Let's just stroll at the park." He suggested.

"Fine with me." You agreed quickly and he grinned back.

"Can I buy another cup of coffee?"

You mentally facepalmed in your mind, coffee addict.


Even though the cold winter shivers you to death, it doesn't matter. You feel warm when you walk with him to the isolated park near your apartment. You don't know why but you feel good in a way there's a fluttery feeling dancing in your tummy.

"Woohoo!!" Xiumin raised both of his hands in the air as he ran around the park, well, almost all of the area. You just walked slowly from your place as you tried to enjoy the scenery of the park blanket with a thick white snow. It makes it like a winter wonderland, so magical. When you glanced at the running snow fairy from afar, you smiled at the sight of him.

He is still Xiumin, a hyper active kid-like snow fairy from another realm. 

Suddenly he ran back and appeared beside you, "What are you thinking about?"

You snapped from your thoughts and glanced up to him.

"Nothing, aren't you tired from running around?"

"Nope!" He answered energetically.

"Gosh, you are one bun full of energetic kid in you." You teased.

"I'm not a bun nor a kid. I was born like this." He corrected.

"But I see you as a bun and just like a kid. How old are you anyway?"

"Older than what you think." He grinned widely. Your eyebrows creased in thinking but you just understood on what he meant.

"Don't need to tell me. I don't want to know." You waved your hands while shaking your head because it is embarassing that he looks younger than you.

"Okay." He quickly complied as he tuck his hands in his coat pockets.

"Let's go to the playground." He suggested again and you just nodded.


"Oh my gosh, so these are swings!!" Xiumin swung back and forth very high up in the air.

"Hey, be careful!" You panicked on how high he is swinging.

"Ara, arass-aah!!" He accidentally slid off from the swing and fell on his .

"Xiumin!" You stood up from the swing you are sitting on and went to his side.

"Aigoo, I told you to be careful." You scolded and flicked on his forehead.

"Ouch, that hurts even more." After rubbing the pain from his rear, he rubbed the sore part on his forehead. He glanced up to look at you and he noticed your worried face.

Aish, why am I even worked up? He just fell from the swing. You always make me worried.

"Don't worry, it's not that painful Snowflake." He replied from what you thought.

"You just read my mind, didn't you?" You glared at him.

"Yeah, at least I'm not hiding it anymore from you. I'm an honest person now. So don't worry about me." He propped himself up and dusted off the dirt from his clothes. You followed.

"Fine. I'm not angry but don't call me Snowflake. Why do you even call me that?" You removed the remains of the snow from your coat.

"Well, because a snowflake is very beautiful but cold. Also, it's very fragile when you touch it then it melts as if all the coldness will go away." He explained that while looking at you but you don't know what kind of feeling he is giving you right now.

You really have nothing to say right now, you are speechless by how he expressed those words to you. You kind of understood on what he meant. You're not that very oblivious but you feel a loud thump from your heart as it hits on your ribcage so hard.

Suddenly, his face made way to yours and your breathing stopped when he is suddenly closing the gap between you two. You don't know what to do at this moment so you closed your eyes tightly. He stopped midway when he noticed how uncomfortable you were feeling right now. Your cheeks is tinted with cherry red color, you felt the heat rise up to your cheeks even though the weather is very cold.

He does not want to make you feel uncomfortable so he retreated and looked away from you. The tip of his ears began to redden, now what did he do? He must have lost his mind again. He can't help but recall again with those lip of yours, it's very inviting to him.

You suddenly felt a gush of cold wind swept on your face, you slowly open your eyes and saw that he is not in front of you anymore.

That was embarassing. You felt your face heat up.


December 18, 2013

You were working on your story again even though you're on vacation right now. So when you will come back to work again, you will just have to submit it. No hassle and it will lessen the workload.

You stopped midpoint when you suddenly recalled yesterday's events. You ruffled your hair in embarassment and frustration, you don't even know if it is really frustration though.

"Gosh, that was embarassing. Really embarassing." You banged your head on the table and groaned.


Xiumin, on the other hand, crouched in a fetal position while hugging his pillow on the bed. He also recalled also the event yesterday. 

"Why did I do that?" He sighed. He should think before he acts.

The need to go to kitchen for some water, he stood up and went to go out but when he looked up he saw you also coming out of your room. Your eyes met with him. Both of you reddened and both of you don't know why. You first looked away and Xiumin rubbed his nape.

Your heart started to beat in a rapid manner and you can almost here it with your own ears. You brought your hand to your chest.

Xiumin wanted to break off the awkward atmosphere so he put on his cheerful facade and pretend to be normal like the usually he was.

"Snowflake! Are you hungry?" He started a conversation and you felt bewildered all of a sudden for his actions.

Is he not affected yesterday? He even started it. Tch. You scoffed. You didn't look at Xiumin because you don't want to him to read your mind.

"I'm not hungry." You annoyingly declined and passed by him as you went to the bathroom to do your thing.

He just saw you passed by him and he felt shocked by your major change of behavior.

"What's wrong with her? I can't understand a girl's mind." His eyebrows creased and sighed.


"Aish, is it really the time of the month?" You muttered under your breath as you walk outside of the bathroom. You got a shock when you saw Xiumin standing there with an innocent face.

"Time of the month? What's that?" He blinked twice and waited for your answer.

"That's not for you to know." You passed by him again and it makes him frustrated again.


You continued working on your story again when you suddenly felt a pain shot on your abdomen.

"Ugh, abdominal cramps. Curse you first day." You clutched on your abdomen in pain. You try to endure it but it keeps coming. 

After a few hours of endurance, you started to feel dizzy and sweated profusely. You saw that the world is spinning round and round in your vision.

You wanted to stand up and get a medicine right away. So you struggled to get up but you managed to get out from your seat. But before you can get the medicine, you feel like your going to faint.

You suddenly out and fell there on the floor with a loud thud.


From the living room, Xiumin was bored and just watched on the television if there is something good. He kept changing the channels when he saw nothing good, he just turned it off.

"Ugh, boring." Then his stomach suddenly grumbled.

"Hungry!" But before he goes to the kitchen, he heard a loud thud in your room. He suddenly felt alerted and grew anxious. He sped off and quickly barged into your room.

His eyes widened when he saw you on the floor.

"Soowoo!!" He quickly went to your side and held you in his arms.

"Ya, Soowoo. Wake up. Hey." He shook you hardly but with care. He noticed that you are burning slightly and your face scrunched up in pain.

Xiumin decided to put you first in bed. He carried your bridal style and laid you there. You felt he was there and you wanted to say something.

"X-xiumin." You called out to him. He quickly averted his gaze to you and he held your hands tightly.

"S-soowoo, gwaenchana?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't think so." You managed to reply despite the pain from your abdomen. "I just need you to get medicine from the cabinet in the bathroom. Can you get it for me?"

"Arasseo. Stay there and rest, ok? Don't work for today." He quickly stood up and went to get the medicine and a cup of water you needed to swallow the pill.

In just under a minute, he managed to get everything and quickly went to you.

"Soowoo, I got the medicine. Drink this and here's the water." He gave you the medicine and a water. You managed to take the pill and drank it.

"Gomapda. By the way, I'll sleep. It's a side effect of the medicine. You don't have to worry." You shooed him away and gave him a faint smile.

"A-arasseo. Just call me if you need anything." He still said worriedly. He got up and walked out of the room.

When he is out, he wanted to make you something.

"Rice porridge!!" His mind lit up from the idea and started to get it ready.

All day he managed to take care of you and you felt relieved from the pain when the night comes. It's nice when someone is there to take care of you, now you have that someone with you. You thanked him again.

Author's note: Ugh, crappy chapter sorry. i'm suffering from mental block especially when using vocabulary and grammar. Mianhamnida aedula, I'll work hard next time to give you a nice chapter to read. Sorry if I'm late for updating because I'm gonna start my externship as a medtech in the hospital. I will be busy from now on starting March which is gonna be on Monday. If you like the story, please upvote an also please comment. I want to read your comments whether good or bad. Kamsahaeyo. Annyeonghi kaseyo.

Xiumin a saranghaeyo. Neo neukdaego na minyeo. Hateo hateu <3

I really don't know how Xiumin can be so cute, handsome and y at the same time? Do you agree with me? ^^~

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tsuukyuu #1
Chapter 2: I could say lot on this first chapter... But moving it aside it is okay...
blanktaetae #2
Chapter 11: When i read this story i listen "baby don't cry" its so touched.. and made me got goosebumps. This great story i ever read i love it♡
starfire143 #3
Chapter 2: Omg I really really love this story!! ♥♥
Chapter 19: Yey!!! He came back!!!!
Chapter 17: wow. good chapter authornim. fighting. xiumins voice is so beautiful.right.
tamacutez #6
Chapter 17: And I love you too, author-nim~
Too bad this story is about to end~ *sighs* but I really love it. Gomawoyooo~ <3 <3
floffycloud #7
Chapter 3: I bet i'll be sad when they have to be separated i guess authornim make this a worth fanfic ever to read! Hwaiting ♥
caffeine_cat #8
Chapter 16: oomg omg omg omg please make them stay together!!!!!
Chapter 16: waaaaahhhhhh.... waiting for the update.... i wish they could be together