Missing Baozi (Xiuhan)

3.6.5 XOXO

Missing Baozi

Pairing: Luhan & Xiumin

Plot: Luhan loses himself when Minseok went missing for the whole day. 

Genre: PG - Fluff, Slight!crack?

Word Count: 1.3k+

Author's note: One-shot based on this [prompt]





Half of the day is already gone but Minseok is nowhere to be seen. WHERE IS MY BAOZIIIIIII? Luhan silently wailed inside of him.

It’s an off day for EXO and Luhan usually spends it with Minseok. Sometimes they would go shopping, sometimes they would play soccer. Either way, they will always end it with coffee; iced on a hot day and a warm cup on winter days.

They never really had promised to spend their off days together but they spent it together so many times on so many occasions it became a norm for Luhan, like an unsigned agreement. But where the hell is Minseok?

When Luhan woke up today, Minseok is already gone. He asked everyone in the dorm but no one seemed to know where he went. Tao said he went missing as early as 6 in the morning cause he didn’t see him in his bed when he was up to use the toilet. 6? 6 IN THE FREAKING MORNING? If he went for a morning jog, he would be back by now! Did he fell into Han river or something?

Luhan drummed his fingers on the dining table, his handphone in front of him. He kept staring at Minseok’s KakaoTalk chatroom until the screen dimmed. He unlocked his phone and stared at it again hoping for a reply. And he repeats until his battery runs low. Is he ignoring me now?  The last two messages were both from Luhan -- Where are you? What time are you coming back? ㅠㅠ -- but there was no reply. He tried calling as well but no one picked up.

Pacing back and forth in the dorm, Luhan earned a few complaints from the members. Kris especially, is being extra mean towards him today. “CAN YOU JUST FREAKING SIT DOWN FOR A MOMENT? I’m having a headache just watching you go back and forth like that!” But his words just fell on deaf ears.

When Luhan can’t stand it anymore, he stormed into Minseok’s room, trying to get a clue on where he went. Or if he packed everything he had and ran away from home. Or dorm. Or.. whatever. But what he found after flipping everything Minseok owned is his phone, hiding under his pillow. Luhan is not sure if he should be happy that his baozi is not actually ignoring his texts and calls or if he should be worried that he has officially lost all means of contact with his precious baozi. WHAT IF HE’S IN AN EMERGENCY? WHAT IF HE LOST HIS WAY HOME??? WHAT IF HE REALLY FELL INTO THE HAN RIVER?!

He wanted so badly to report a missing baozi to the police but Kris reprimanded him from doing so -- ARE YOU ING CRAZY? Do you want the whole world to know that Minseok went missing? He called their manager but he doesn’t seem to know where Minseok went as well -- Don’t worry too much deer, I’m sure he’ll be back later. So Luhan pouted and sulked for the whole day, moping around the dorm hoping Minseok comes through the door the next second.

But he never did until later that day, Minseok comes back around 7 in the evening. Luhan who was watching TV (more like staring into the TV) on the couch tensed up the minute he heard the key being fished out from Minseok’s bag on the other side of the door. He wanted to open the door and hug his baozi so badly and ask if he’s okay, checking his face if he had any scratches or if his clothes are ripped. THERE MIGHT BE GAY OUT THERE YOU KNOW?! OR FANGIRLS!! OR HUNGRY HOMELESS MISTAKING HIM AS A BAOZI! But he stopped himself and reluctantly willed himself to not get up, still pretending to watch the TV like no storm is going on in his head right now.

“I'M HOME!” Minseok chirped cheerfully, not realising the bunch of thundering black clouds hanging over Luhan’s head.

Luhan tried so hard to glue his eyes to the TV. Don’t look. Don’t answer. Don’t. Just don’t.

“Luhan ah! What are you watching so intently? I’m home!” Minseok sets his bag on the floor and threw himself on the couch beside Luhan. He glanced at the TV, trying to figure out what caught Luhan’s attention more than his presence. This is definitely not the usual Luhan he knew.

Luhan stiffened at the dip on the couch. Don’t don’t don’t DON’T! He felt like tears are gonna roll down anytime soon if he keep on forcing himself to not care about THE Minseok he has been missing for the whole day. THE Minseok is just right beside him, his body pressing onto his own side, face inches from his as Minseok stared intently at Luhan’s face. Not knowing how long more he can stand Minseok’s little ‘attack’, he got up without saying anything and went back to his room. He just stood in the middle of his room biting his nails, staring at his own feet while wondering if Minseok will come in. If he should talk to Minseok first. If he is overreacting. If he has the authority to be angry. If he should cry. If Minseok thinks he is crazy. If.. if…. There are just so many ‘if’s.

While at the same time, Minseok who was left on the couch had a million question marks over his head. Did I do something wrong? He got up not long after and stood in front of Luhan’s room, door slightly ajar. But he still knocked.

“Luhan ah, can I come in? Are you ok? What happened?” He went in the room without waiting for a reply from Luhan. He stood in front of Luhan and realised he had a really confused expression on.

“Luhan… What happened?”

Luhan averted his gaze from Minseok. He knew if he locked eyes with Minseok for 2 seconds, he’s gonna lose this war. This one-sided war.

Minseok tilted his head trying to meet Luhan’s gaze. “Why? Did I make you angry?”

Luhan turned his face to avoid Minseok again but Minseok followed his direction. “What did I do hmm? Why is LuLu acting like this? Why is our LuLu sulking?” Minseok bend a little and had both his hands on his knees, still trying to catch Luhan’s eyes. Luhan fluttered a little inside at his pet name but he still hanged his head low. At this point, he is not sure if he can hang on for another second. He don’t even remember the reason of all these fuss anymore. Why am I sulking again?

“LuLu….Are you angry that I went out without telling you? Is it because of that? Hmm?” Luhan remained silent. Realising his ‘attack’ won’t work from the front anymore, Minseok decided to use his ultimate weapon.

Luhan nearly lost his balance when Minseok suddenly throws himself on his back and wrapped his arms around Luhan’s neck. “What should I do to make our deer feel better? Hmm?” Minseok’s chin rested on Luhan’s shoulder and their face inches away from each other.

Luhan felt like his heart might burst any minute now. He just couldn’t ignore Minseok any longer when he is all clingy like this. He might even have a nosebleed if this continued on. He turned around and hugged Minseok, finally bursting into full fledged sobs.

“You nappeun* baozi ya!!”  *nappeun = bad

Minseok chuckled, finding this whole situation cute. “You feeling better now?” He pats Luhan’s head softly and waited till he calmed down.

“So is our Lulu hungry? Let’s go for dinner then coffee?”

“I hate you Kim Minseok. You eat alone.”

“Yah.. you can’t reject me like this! I skipped my mom’s homemade dinner just to rush back for dinner with you!”

Surprised, Luhan finally breaks from their hug and blinked his doe eyes at Minseok. “So you were at your hometown today?”

“Yes my deer. Didn’t Kris inform you?”

“....ing Wu Yifan I’m gonna kill him later. He told me he don’t know where you went!”

Luhan puffed his cheeks while Minseok grabbed his hands and laughed at his silliness. “Let’s go for dinner?”

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Chapter 1: awwww~ how cute TT__________TT can I translate it into Vietnamese ? I'll translate ít with full source ! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
xiiiumiiin #3
Chapter 2: this is way too cute it's killing me~ arggghh hehe
'HUNGRY HOMELESS MISTAKING HIM AS A BAOZI' totally got me i LOLed so hard haha
Chapter 2: Xiumin is so adorable! <3
And Taohun is so sweet!!! <3
Keep up the good work! ^3^
Chapter 2: My xiuhan feels! I'm dying from a cuteness overdose here :,))
AngAng13 #6
Chapter 2: Xiuhan is sooooooo cute~~
I'm overdose... /die/
Chapter 1: Sehun is really possessive! >•<
Oooooooooohhh!!! Jealous Sehun! Aww baby~ You heard him, Tao loves you~! :D
I like it! Update soon! >.<