Chapter 1

The Trapped Demon


Chapter 1
The dark tined windows covered the thin sheet of light cast over the small window inside the quiet mansion. Old lingering furniture creak and crack .
No matter how much I scrubbed away the darkness it appears like it never left ....
Trapped in this dark cursed place far from people . I can't live anymore.. I need to be freed from this curse..I feel so lonely so alone ..
The dark colors covered the room thorough out the rooms. It reminds me of how much pain I felt when that blade reached my heart to my soul . When I fell face meeting the ground , the fearful screams of mercy begging.
How much blood I lost. How I lived desperately for the sun. Oh how I wished to see the sun one more time...
My heart was filled with so much hatred , I can kill ..
I slumped down into the cold hard wooden floor grabbing myself I began to cry not caring if any souls are watching me . I cried mumbling curse words screaming as loud as I could.. They do not know the pain I felt , they don't understand..
I can hear their laughs and screams around me..they talk shameless not caring if anyone about can hear..the ugly giggles filled the air echoing down the halls . Oh I hated it so much I want to die .. How can I end this?..
It's funny how these voices belonged to my it used to be my happiness , funny that I actually loved these people.
I can't live anymore.. hearing the painful cries of death each echoing again and again ... I cringe , I need to get out of here..
I ran to the window smashing scratching fighting my way to it . No matter how much I break or smash the glass it comes back together into one piece like it was never touched...
" No!" I screamed frustrated clawing my fingers into my hair. It wasn't fair, I was trapped in this ugly disgusting dark hole for years..
I looked over to the other side and saw light ..happiness . The sun shined brightly at the other side .. and here I was trapped in a dark wasn't fair..
I looked around at all the humans on the other side of this thick black harden wall. 
They were all smiling laughing having fun ... enjoying life to its fullest..
"Ugh!" I screamed pounding my fist right on the glass wall. " It isn't fair!!" 
I was stuck in this trap hole while others are living their life , moving on to their next chapters in lives...and here I was in the first chapter staring out at them pathetically , watching how they changed from a young to adult. How they became successful in life reaching their goals... I pitted my self .. 
I kicked and pounded screaming desperately leaving claw marks in the old furniture . Not caring if I break anything.. I was the only one here and the only one who'll see this mess so who cares if I wreck anything?
  I began ripping apart all the furniture destroying all these memories . I threw the chair at the window but only to find it bouncing back almost hitting me .
" Dam!" I grabbing the chair smashing it to the floor I crushed it with my bare hands. Even after destroying the chair it wasn't enough .. I wanted to break something much more ..
I suddenly felt a small light wind out side and I saw a small petite shadow casting over the dark undead green grass in the front lawn ..
I noticed a little girl walking towards the mansion coming closer and closer. The girl dressed in a small light peach mini dress with a small bag stood out side my gate looking towards the mansion. She shook her head walking back in forth. " No..ugh! but .." She sighed.
She was quite lovely that I'd sank my teeth into her beautiful pale neck...oh..just imagine how it would feel so good .. The taste so sweet yet thirst grew as I stared at her.. I craved for her..
Her hands movements so gracefully , I became so drunk .. Her body sculpt so beautifully like a master piece..
She walked towards the mansion .
She sighed. " Yah..your not making a good choice ..." She mumbled talking to her self stomping her feet into the cement sidewalk.  " .. But what if there's people in there?..What if they need help?..." 
She stood there looking up and down the the dark cracked chipped mansion covered  in green / black vines not seeing my dark cold eyes burning her into ashes right in the spot..
I smirked knowing this girl would enter the mansion...
Happy New year!! Happy 2014 ! Thanks for reading :) 
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B-locket #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^