The Crown Jewels


Before the days of written history, it was said that the Arcane World was protected by four major Gemstones - a Diamond, an Emerald, a Sapphire, and a Ruby. These four were known as the 'Crown Jewels', and each protected an Arcane Virtue - the Diamond protected Discipline, the Emerald protected Knowledge, the Sapphire protected Justice, and the Ruby protected Courage. When Arcane history was eventually written down, scholars added notes about the Black Arcane - a darkness only the Crown Jewels could defeat. But when the Black Arcane was defeated, the Crown Jewels faded from history...supposedly never to be heard of again.

Skip ahead to the twenty-first century, and these Crown Jewels are needed to seal away the Black Arcane again. Problem is, all anyone has to go on about the Crown Jewels are some notes on a figure called the "Jade General". whoever that is. It seems that this figure is the link to the Crown Jewels, but with everyone looking for them - even the Black Arcane - and anything related to the Arcane dismissed as myth, it's going to take some effort...and four unrelated individuals.


Quick notes before we begin:

1) This is a twenty-first century magic!AU.

2) If I so feel like it, I will switch between the twenty-first century and the past.

3) I hope you enjoy this story!

-GuardianOfTheDawn :3

Okay, so this is moving at a speed I didn't think it could move at. Im getting to important plot points early and you guys seem to be enjoying the storyline.


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opparisgay #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
ManidiLira #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
jamesmaark #3
Great story.