Say What?!


"He said what?!" Suho says loudly, practically yelling, to Luhan. I can hear him from the room even w/ the door shut, then again, i am leaned up against the door.

"He said he's not sure if we can be together." this voice, Luhan's voice, is the reason i'm against the door. He's crying, and his voice is trembling and quiet. 

"After all the nights that i stayed up with him while he was crying because of you, he had the audacity to tell you that he couldnt be with you?!"

"Suho, we just fought, and i told him that i couldnt lose him. Maybe he thinks i only confessed because i didnt want to lose him as a friend instead of because i truly love him. Don't be so hard on him." at least he kinda understands. 

"And why not?! That boy has kept me up to all hours of the night just wishing you would confess, so when you finally confess, what does he do? He says no!" Suho scoffs, and i hear a chair scoot back forcefully. i guess he finally sat down. 

"Maybe he's just afraid." 
"Of what?"

"That as soon as i'm sure i wont lose him, i'll leave him and break his heart all over again." i hear Luhan's voice waver more, and i hear him sniffle. Ugh, i cant take it anymore; i walk out to the living room. 

"Hyung?" my voice is small. 

"Hey, Sehun-ah." Luhan looks up at me, and i can see the red in his eyes and the slight puff surrounding. I look over to Suho who is giving me a stern look. 

"May i speak with you?" 

"Yes." i take his hand and lead him into my room. 

     I sit down on the edge of the bed, and Luhan hesitates before following. I can feel the tension between us more than ever now. When Luhan finally relaxes, our legs brush against each other's, and we both jump to opposite ends of the bed. We exchange an awkward glance, and i notice that is cheeks are flushed. i become aware of the warmth that fills mine. 

"Hyung, why did you tell me you love me?" i keep my gaze at my feet. 

"Because i do." i don't really know how to describe his tone. 

"Why now? Why did you confess now?" 

"Because i've never had to be without you. Ever since we met, you've been by my side. You've been my faithful Sehun-ah, and i never had to worry about losing you, until we fought. When we didn't talk for those few weeks, i realized that i was absolutely miserable without you, and whenever i would see you, my stomach would knot and my heart flutter. At first i thought it was guilt, but then i realized that i had feelings for you, strong feelings that i had been pushing down." now i hear a trembling in his voice, and i look up to see tears in my hyung's eyes. 

"Luhan-Hyung, i just don't..."

"Please, Sehun-ah, i know i have horrid timing; i understand why you're so wary of my confession, but i do love you. I want to be with you, if you would give me a chance. I want to be everything you want me to be." 

"You are everything i want you to be. You're that just by being you." Luhan and i finally make eye contact, and tears begin to seep from his eyes. I feel tears welling in my own. 

"I'm everything but your's." 

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so i subscribed :D