Little Misunderstanding


Sometimes you should directly tell whats on your mind. Others may misunderstand you ]:>


I wrote this story almost 5 years ago when DBSK was still a one thing. I miss them :(

Well, as I said it before this is most stupid story that I have ever wrote, but for some reasons I like it. That is why I decided to post it here. I posted it on other sites before under the name of Honeyflower, so don't worry if you read it somewhere before - its not plagiarism.

I also have to warn you this is MALExMALE story, don't like it, don't read it.

Also I don't own DBSK, their name or anything and I'm not making money out of this story. Yeah.

Happy New Year everybody!


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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.