Like every other day...

This Means War!

Choi Kyung Soon opened her eyes to the bright light streaming in through her window. *Ahh.. new day, new beginning* she thought, as a smile began to form on her lips. She slowly krept out of her bed and walked silently down the hall into her appa's room (remember this isn't her real dad). She climbed into his bed and wrapped an arm around him.

"Appa, it's morning now. You need to get ready so i can help you set up the shop" but her appa just mumbled and pulled her in so she was cuddled tightly in his arms. 25 mins later and they were both out of bed and getting ready. Sunee ate breakfast and quickly hugged her appa before rushing to school to meet her friends. Sunee attended Seoul High as a second year and was in a specialist class for talented students.

"Sunee-ah!" her best friends Lee Minhee and Park Su- ha (nicknamed Moonie and Star) called out. She turned and smiled at them.

"Have you heard about the new game show? I think it was called "This Means War". Are you excited? Supposedly Shinee are involved!! :D" Minhee babbled on.

"Yeah... i saw that it already was getting rave reviews. Supposedly it's going to be very popular and good but i also heard that the cast hasn't been chosen yet and registrations are open until tomorrow" Sunee replied.

"Hey i have an idea! why don't we all apply?" Su-ha suggested. Sunee thought for a while and after a good deal of persuasion from Su-ha, Sunee and Minhee agreed. That afternoon, they all went to fill in the application forms as shown below.

Name: Lee Minhee

DOB: 4th February 1993 (making her 18)

Personality Traits: quiet, shy, humble, peaceful, modest

Likes: rain, books, drawing, reading, origami, icecream

Dislikes: fighting, celery, revealing clothes,  blood

Reasons for wanting to enter show: To learn how to become more open and to gain new experiences


Name: Park Su- Ha

DOB: 19th May 1995 (making her 18)

Personality Traits: understanding, optimistic, energetic, persuasive

Likes: talking, dancing, music, sport, passionfruit and yoghurt

Dislikes: laziness, snobiness, peanuts, sci-fi

Reasons for wanting to enter show: to create a memory with best friends and to learn more about life


Name: Choi Kyung Soon

DOB: 29th November 1995 (making her still 17)

Personality Traits: hardworking, resilient, humorous, understanding, witty

Likes: animals, eating, reading, listening to music

Dislikes: discrimination, eating animal organs and chicken feet, animal cruelty

Reasons for wanting to enter show: to step out of comfort zone and to take a break from my difficult life


After filling in the applications and sending them off, the three girls went to eat at their favourite restaurant called "Taste the World". This restaurant had no set menu and provided cuisines from all over the world. The specail thing about this restaurant though, was you only paid what you thought the food was worth and 95% of the money made was to go to charity while that other 5% was used to buy ingredients and support the workers who tended to be people who were having difficulties within the family relating to money.

As the three girls walked home together they conversed.

"Hey unnie, do you think we'll actually get in?" Su-ha asked Minhee.

"Hrmm... considering the current popularity of Shinee among teenage girls like us, the chances that we actually make it in are extremely low..."

"oh..." Su-ha said disappointedly. Sensing this, Sunee added on.

"Don't worry Star unnie (Sunee only used her nick name when she was feeling down) you're an amazing person and your criteria is perfect. Not many girls have the ability to pass your standards so i'm sure you'll make it" Hearing this from Sunee immediately cheered Su-ha up. The three girls reached their splitting pathways and went their separate ways.

Upon her arrival home, Sunee immediately collapsed on her bed from exhaustion and passed out. Not caring that 500km away, an extremely important person with the power to change her life was reading her application and smilng with pleasure as the thought of having her on his show sprouted so many possibilities.


Hi so um how'd you like the chapter? Please comment and subscribe cause i really need the moral support or else im not going to continue this fanfic. I will scrap it and just read other people's fan fics but never again write my own. :) so thanks

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