be his fake date and he's fallen

One Minute One Second

One Minute One Second

/ Try to impress me in one minute one second. /

 “Be my date.”

That was what Jongin saying to Sehun when they were in the locker room.

Sehun—which is drinking energy drink given by Chanyeol, by so rare chance—blurted his drink and abruptly turns his body backward to face Jongin, with shocked expression plastered tightly on his face.

“What did you say?” Sehun stared Jongin fiercely. “Me, be your date? Never.

Jongin clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, “Either do I! Can’t you just listen for a minute because I haven’t finished my explanation yet!”

Like he asked, Sehun silenced for listens Jongin.

He sighs before speaks, “Listen, I have no choice. My parents asked me to bring boyfriend or girlfriend to home at Christmas because they want their beloved son to hurry have date and marry and whatever. I have no choice but ask you because when I asked Luna, Victoria, and Yoona they ended up slapped me.”

Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed, “And your point is…?”

“Be my fake date. Is that clear?” Jongin sighed and leans his body to the cold locker. “In exchange, I’ll give you whatever you want, deal?”

Sehun blinked for a moment before replied, “Anything?” A nod answered him. “Even for a cheapskate like you?”

He protested, “I’m not a cheapskate! Don’t lump me with someone like Tao!” Before Sehun have a chance to objects him, Jongin snorted, “I know what do you mean but no, Tao’s a cheapskate hardcore and he’s only loyal on you and his beloved lover Yifan, so count him in.” and that makes Sehun silenced.

But not long after, Sehun began to speaks, “Okay, so anything I want?”

“Yeah, as long as you don’t ask a car or a house or an apartment or a motorcycle I’ll be okay.” Jongin replied half-heartily.

Sehun nodded.

Well, that was a great deal though, but…

“But in one condition.”

Jongin knotted his eyebrows confusedly, “What is it?”

He pointed his bony index finger to Jongin, “Even you’re my friend but still, no kissing.”

The elder snorts, “Like the hell I want to kiss your ugly lips.”

He just shrugs and ignores his snorts.

In the end he can buy games he wanted for a long time if this deal succeeds, without caring Jongin’s usual bad mouthing.

It’s not like he’s not used of him though.

“Deal then.”

“Okay, deal.”

But Sehun didn’t expect Jongin will send him a message that invites him shopping for Christmas.

Sehun frowns.

When he replied why should he goes with him, Jongin answered that he won’t goes to a Christmas party with empty-handed, so he should get his from bed because he has waiting in front of Sehun’s house for ten minutes in cold breeze out there.

Then Sehun replied before he snuggles inside his blanket and closes his eyes.

(Then can’t you just get in?)

“Well, I’m here.”

Jongin opened the door with his shivered breath strikes Sehun’s eardrums after twenty minutes he replied his message.

The younger only looks at him for a moment before cover himself with his blanket. “Go away.”

He sighed before took his coat off and walks closer to Sehun’s bed, “You’re the one who has deal with it, and so can’t you just be an obedient boy and go shopping with me?”

Sehun shuts himself, “Don’t wanna. It’s cold outside.”

“And you made me almost died of hyperthermia.” Sehun snorted and rolled over. Jongin sighed before shoved the younger’s blanket and placed his cold hands to Sehun’s cheeks, “See?”

The younger abruptly shoved Jongin’s hands and shrieked, “It’s so cold!” and puffed his cheeks to warming himself. “Yah! Are you out of your mind?”

“I’m not, you .” Jongin rolled his eyes before flicked Sehun’s forehead and leans closer, “I’ll give you ten minutes to ready or tomorrow you won’t be safe at college.”

“What a lame threat.” Sehun snorted before cover himself with his warm blanket.

But the elder smirked, “Well, I think tomorrow all of the entire college will have a good show about Oh Sehun cross-dressed and serving food as waitress.” and leaves Sehun’s room.

Sehun murmurs “Whatever, they already knew anyway.” before back to his sleep, with his heavy eyelids began to shuts.

And Jongin made his comeback with slams the door open—fortunately, Sehun’s parents went out right after he visited his house—and whines desperately, “Sehun, seriously, get your out of bed!”

“You should offer something good for get my out of here or just chill by yourself.” Sehun murmurs to reply Jongin and wraps himself tighter in blanket. It’s really cold and it still 9 am in the morning for God’s sake.

Jongin sighed for uncounted times and pulling his hair back, getting slightly frustrated over Sehun’s responses.

Sehun takes a peek and saw Jongin was thinking, in (surprisingly) his good poses.

He really never paid attention to this elder because they rarely had chance to make a conversation or two except when it comes about dancing of their extra—even in the fact they’re from the same class and (not so) often throws insults at each other, that didn’t mean they’re close.

And to be honest, the thing that Jongin asked him for being his (fake) date really surprised him.

He means, hello, Jongin who always getting chased by all over girls on his college asked him for being his (fake) date?

It must be joking—or there’s something wrong with his head.

And when he said that he was slapped by girls that he asked for being his (fake) date, to be honest Sehun didn’t really believe him. Like duh, who wants reject his offer to be his date?

Kim Jongin is as popular as Oprah, literally, at their college. They said (obviously not Sehun, note that) that he has charming smiles, gentle attitude towards girls and women, fun to play with, and list A to Z wouldn’t be enough for them to listed his charms—

“Do you like bubble tea?”

Sehun jolted and shook off his thought before stares him, “I beg your pardon?”

Jongin sighs before repeated, “I asked do you like bubble tea or not.”

“You pay, I’ll go.” Sehun smirks. Jongin’s expression changed. “Kidding, yeah I am, why?”

He points his thumb outside and says, “I’ll wait outside, so please get ready for ten minutes or I’ll really do something that you’ll regret.” and lazily walks outside the room, and stopped because Sehun replies “You wouldn’t dare.”

And Jongin only grins smugly before throws words to Sehun before slowly closes the door, “I’ll spread news and say you’re my boyfriend and we did so many things that you don’t even able to stand it but you like it rough and asking for more—“

Sehun’s cheeks grown red and throws his pillow to Jongin, which getting blocked by the door, and he cursed in embarrassment, “You’re such an .” before forcing himself to get out of his (comfortable) bed and get ready for go shopping with Jongin.


One of his precious holiday was gone because of human creature so-called by Kim Jongin.

“You better don’t tell that or I’ll make your life really miserable.”

Their steps matched in cold snows.

“Yes, yes, whatever you say princess.”

Sehun snorts before lightly kicks Jongin’s calf and commented with heavy sighs, “I don’t know our kingka’s personality really splits up.”

And Jongin grins before replied, “You just don’t know me that well.”

Well yeah I do so what. But none of them came out from Sehun’s lips. He only sighed before remembered what Jongin had said yesterday.

“… My parents asked me to bring boyfriend or girlfriend to home at Christmas because they want their beloved son to hurry have date and marry and whatever. …”

Boyfriend or girlfriend?


Something’s weird here.

“Jongin, wait.” Sehun frowns. “I remembered that you said your parents asked you to brought boyfriend or girlfriend to home.”

“That’s your use.” Jongin replied without looking at him, which is makes Sehun slightly annoyed.

“You , I haven’t finished yet.” He sighed before continued, “I mean, boyfriend or girlfriend? Like, seriously, isn’t normally parents would expect their son to brought girlfriend home?” His frowns deepened.

Jongin shrugs, “I don’t know, they were the one who said that. I just recapped their words.”

“And why did you take me as your fake date?” Sehun curiously asked. “You’re close with that Kyungsoo boy right? Why don’t you just ask him then?”

He never hears Jongin’s reply because they have arrived at department store and he mouthed “We’ll split here; we’ll meet again at here in two hours.” before left Sehun speechless right there, with his eyes squinted jerkily.

That damn jerk kingka.

In the end Sehun wanders around the clothes shop, confused what should he buy for that jerk kingka. He doesn’t know what Jongin’s favorite—he never cared about what does he like anyway.

Does he like dolls? Nah, he never imagined that manly kingka likes dolls and swims in a lake of various dolls with face full of happiness.

That was just gross.

(But Sehun likes dolls especially plushies. Okay that’s out of topic.)

He enters one of clothes shops and wanders around scarf section; either looking and sometimes grab the scarf to know how thick it is or rubs the fabric to know how’s the material feels like on his skins. Bored, he drags his feet towards men clothes’ section and seeking through hoodies and jackets, but none of them catching his eyes.

Why he agreed to be his fake date anyway.

It's really a hassle...

“Good morning, can I help you?”

He was greeted by one of staffs’ warm smiles.

Sehun silenced for a moment before scratch his nape and replies, “Uh… I need something for Christmas present…” he looked at his (or her? She’s too manly to be he) nametag before continued, “Amber, isn’t?”

“Yes, I am. Fyi, I’m female.” Sehun murmurs “Sorry.” and she laughs, “No problem, I get that a lot. A Christmas present, isn’t?” He nodded. “What kind of presents are you looking for?”

He stopped for a moment before uncertainly answers, “I don’t know, maybe something weird but nice?”

Amber stares him confusedly, “For your girlfriend… or rather, boyfriend?”

“It's for my fake date, to be exact.” Sehun rolled his eyes and buried his jaw to his scarf before asks, “Do you have any good recommendation?”

She nodded before asks him, “Is there any thing that he usually wears?”

Sehun tries to remember what thing Jongin usually wears these days. Maybe a coat looks good? Well, it’s cold so it’s common to wear coat. How about hats? He often wore those though, but hat’s so expensive…

“Maybe you have a beanie?”

He unconsciously asked her with his flat face.

Amber silenced for a moment before grins and pointed to a direction, “Of course we do. You can search your favorite on that section. We have various kinds of beanies, so you don’t have to worry about choices.”

He grins before bowed as thanks and walks excitedly towards beanie section, planning to have some fun for that damn kingka as payment for ignoring him earlier.

Maybe a beanie with giraffes spreads around its surface sounds fun.

It’s been one hour and a half since they’re apart and Sehun already got his presents.

Now he’s at café near the department store store; in his favorite bubble tea’s café with a slice of cheese cake for dessert while he observes people who wander outside and inside the department store.

He checks his wristwatch.

Twenty minutes before the meeting.

He sighed before took a sip of his chocolate bubble tea and checked his presents before throws his gazes outside the window, back to his recent action; observing people.

So now his state is Jongin’s (fake) boyfriend, isn’t he?

If he tells Tao about this, maybe he’ll screams—no, squeals—and stuffing his eardrums about how lucky he is to be his (fake) boyfriend and will asks things like Gucci or—

But then his eyes catch similar figure was walking towards his directions; went out from the department store store with a hand full of bags.

And he’s not alone.

He’s with a girl.

He bid a farewell to the girl before walks towards Sehun’s directions, entering the café without knowing Sehun was there. Sehun abruptly hides his face—thanks for his scarf—and takes the spectacles he has bought earlier in his coat and wears it, trying disguise himself so Jongin wouldn’t notice.

And fortunately he didn’t.

(But in another way it’s kind of infuriating Sehun because it makes them looks not-so-close friends.

It’s true though.)

“Can I reserve the usual cake for Christmas eve?” Jongin asked the cashier—Sehun already saw him several times, and if he’s not wrong, his name’s Baekhyun—with hints of worry in his voice.

Sehun saw Baekhyun grins and nodded, “Bûche de Noël, wasn’t it? Sure, like usual?”

“Maybe extra chocolate would do though.” Jongin chuckled in response. “I have guest coming over later.”

His eyes glisten in excitement, “Whoa, may I know who? You seem so delighted about it.”

Sehun’s eyes squinted in suspicious.

Does he mean… me?

“It’s a secret.” A rich laughs comes out from Jongin with his lips formed a big grins. “How much it is?”

Baekhyun grins back before replied, “That guy or girl must be lucky to be yours then. That would be 30.000₩.” and give the receipt to Jongin. “You can take it at December 24 at 5 pm, so you better don’t be late because we’ll close early.”

Jongin’s eyebrows furrowed while handed the money, “That’s new.”

“It’s not; you’re the one who always forget about it.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and received the money. “Don’t forget; tomorrow noon.”

Jongin nodded, “I know.” and quickly leaves the café.

Sehun sighs, relieved that Jongin already gone. Soon he takes his spectacles off and taking a deep breath; he forgot to breathe, with weird reason.

That was a close call…

Anyway he should finish his food before meeting up with Jongin again.

Another ten minutes has gone and Sehun still waiting in front of department store’s gate.

He still couldn’t find Jongin’s presence anywhere, even with tall body of his—and that’s really weird because the last time he saw Jongin, he was entering the department store again, with that stupid grins plastered on his face.

Can’t stand to wait longer, he picked his phone and tap a message to him with slightly sighed, kind of message like where are you? and put his phone back to his pocket.

Sehun’s freezing, badly.

“Where the hell are you dammit—“ Sehun tighten his scarf and slightly trembling, “—damn, I’m forgot to wear gloves.” And shove his hands to his coat’s pockets, seeking for warmth.

All credits directed to Jongin who forced him to goes out in this cold winter like this.


Sehun was in his crouch position to prevent cold breeze seeping through his body when Jongin called him.

He looks up and found the sun-kissed skins male was breathing loudly, hold himself with hands on his knees, tried to control his breath.

He rolled his eyes, “Where have you been?” and hugs his legs tighter. Damn, it’s really cold.

“I—I was—“ Jongin tried to catch his breath before sighed and replied, “I was at bookstore, sorry, did I make you wait?”

Sehun nodded while checking his wristwatch and snorts, “Well, you’re ten minutes late.”

“I’m sorry—“

“Treat me.”

He tugged Jongin’s coat with pouts.

Jongin frowns, “What?”

“Aren’t I your boyfriend? Treat me.” He whined and tugging Jongin’s coat harder. “Treat me treat me treat me treat me treat meee! Can’t you see I’m in my verge of death here? I’m freezing because I’m waited you to come!”


“Kim Jongin the majesty and the kingka of our college please treat your boyfriend with something warm because he’s nearly fainted because of you—“

Jongin sighed before pulled Sehun’s forearms and grumbles, “I heard you okay, I heard you! Get your up!”

“Treat me—“

“I get it, I get it!” Jongin forcefully pulls Sehun up and grabs his hands, “What do you want?”

His face lightens up a bit, “Ddeokbokki, bulgogi, meat soup, sushi—“

“Sushi’s not warm you silly.” Jongin sighs. “Whatever, let’s go then.” He holds Sehun’s hand and shoves his hands to his pocket, but he got stared by Sehun—a horrifying stare, “…what?”

Sehun frowns, “What are you doing with my hand?”

“Didn’t you say you’re cold?” It was Jongin’s turns to frown.

He nodded, but still doesn’t get it, “Yeah, but is that has something to do with your hands on me?”

“So your hand won’t feel cold?” Jongin’s frowns deepened, “Aren’t I your boyfriend?”

“Literally.” Sehun warned.

He nodded, “Yes, literally. Can we go now? I think I’m begun to felt cold.”

“It’s your treat.”

Jongin smiles, “Yeah, okay, my treat, whatever”

(With no reason, Sehun began to feels warmth seeping through his body, which is sourced from Jongin’s hand that holds his hands tightly.

He wants to deny it, but it feels good.

And he’s a bit reluctant to let it go.)

“I never know you can be that whinny, Se-whinny.”

Sehun almost spurted his food right on Jongin’s face.

He forgot that he’s not with his college senior, Luhan, the one who he used to whinny of.

“Ha. Funny.” Sehun scoffed before tried to change the topic, “Anyway, why did you not answer my question earlier?”

Jongin frowns while munching his ddeokbokki before manages to answer, “What question?”

He pointed his index finger right in front of Jongin’s face, “About why did you pick me as your boyfriend.”

“My fake boyfriend.” Jongin corrected.

“Yes, that.” Sehun takes a spoonful of soup and eats it before continued, “Don’t try to dodge.”

Jongin sighs, “Sehun, I’ve told you that they all rejected me. Is that clear?”

He shook his head, “I can’t believe you. The kingka of our college—“

But unexpectedly, Jongin flicked his forehead and grumbled, “Stop with that kingka thing. It’s not like I wanted that title.” He sighed before eats the last piece of his ddeokbokki and says, “It’s your choice to not believe it, but I’ve told you that I was rejected by them.”

Sehun whines a bit about how hurts Jongin flicked his forehead before nodded with pouts lingers on his face and continue to eats his ddeokbokki in silence, trying to savor the spicy taste and warm food seeping through his body.

He never knew that ddeokbokki can tastes this delicious in winter.

“Anyway, Sehun.”

He blinked and stares the older, “Yes?”

“Sorry for make you wait.” Jongin murmured. “I never knew you hated cold that much.”

The younger’s eyes squinted and grumbled, “No one like being frozen in a cold weather Jongin, and no one would.”

“But you look ashen than usual.” Jongin softly grabs Sehun’s pale hand and slightly shook his hand, “See? Even your knuckles began a bit reddened.”

Sehun’s eyes squinted, again.

Since when did he care about Sehun this much?

Is he still Kim Jongin who always throws insults at him as soon as they meet? Or in middle of their shopping, is Kim Jongin was kidnapped by a witch and hypnotizes him with something weird that made him this kind?

It’s weird. Today Kim Jongin’s really weird.

He knew Jongin was weird since the first time they met, but today he much weirder than usual.

“Did your head bump onto something?”

Crap, Sehun unconsciously blurted his mind.

He received a confused stare from Jongin, which is made him horrified to know the answer. Luhan already told him million times to watch his mouth when he started to think bad things about someone, and maybe words old habit dies hard are too bad to be true.

Jongin stunned for a moment before tilted his head a bit and asks him confusedly, “What do you mean?”

“Nevermind.” Sehun’s cheeks feel really hot, like it’s ready to melt him in one second. “Sorry, my bad, old habit dies hard.”

He really wants to bump his head into wall until him unconscious.

Fortunately, Jongin only shrugs before let Sehun’s hand go—which is, weirdly, he really reluctant to let those hands go—and begins to eat his meat soup, ignoring Sehun’s sighs in relief.



“Oh, shut it, Jong-out.”

At least they still insulting each other like usual.

(But Sehun starts to doubt what Jongin’s intention was for asked him to be his fake boyfriend.

Why, you ask?

There’s a slightly doubt on Jongin’s eyes when he answered Sehun’s question.

It’s like… he’s hiding something from him.)

Oh right.

Sehun still doesn’t know what time the party will be held.

“Jong-out—I mean, Jongin,” Sehun almost called him in insulting way—fortunately Jongin didn’t notice. “You haven’t told me when the party will be held.”

“Oh, right.” Jongin stopped eating his soup and picked something from his pocket and gives it to Sehun. “This is the invitation card. My sisters made this.”

He received it humbly before opens it curiously. He read through the card before blinked and asks Jongin confusedly, “In Christmas eve?”

“You sure asked a lot today don’t you.” Jongin chuckled before nodded, “Yeah, my parents have their own plan during Christmas day.  Right, before I’m forgot, you better bring some clothes, because I’m afraid my parents won’t let you go home at night—“ Knowing that Sehun will protests, he continued, “—even you’re male, and ask you for stay.”

Sehun hugs himself and began to sits backwards.

“I won’t do anything; it’s not like you have a good body or whatever.” Jongin snorted and stretch his arms, with slightly yawns. “Can we go home? I’m sleepy.”

Sehun nods before drinks the last drop of his cider and gets up from his seat and walks outside, followed by Jongin who tighten his scarf and began to reach his arms, again, and hold him arms in arms.

And this time, Sehun just let him to do so.

It was already night and Sehun in the middle of preparing for tomorrow, stuffed his clothes to his old travel bag with yawns sometimes slips out from his small lips.

He’s tired and yet his doing is not done yet.

He has told his parents that he’ll away on Christmas Eve night (without telling the reason was being a fake boyfriend), and his parents approved, with saying that he should bring some food for the landlord, since he’s the guest. Sehun only nods before walks upstairs, getting ready to preparing his kits.

What a pain what a pain what a pain

And he throws the shower kits before pulls the zipper up and sighed in satisfaction.


He throws himself to bed before began to think why is he so willing prepared this much for Jongin. Besides, they’re not that close; Jongin has Kyungsoo, and he has Tao—to be honest it’s Zitao but he can’t pronounced it in more Chinese way so he decided to call him Tao instead.

Shouldn’t Jongin asked Kyungsoo instead of him?

There’s a rumor that they’re going out too; too-close skinships, and much more as proves of their relationship were spreading around colleagues.

But it seems like they didn’t care at all and keep doing it in public, ignoring weird stares from people around them.

Jongin’s the one who initiates the skinship though.

He shrugs the thought off and picking his neglected phone on bed. He’s tired, he know it, but Sehun’s trying to play safe, just in case if someone messaged him and he happen to didn’t know it and a day later he’ll be ignored by the sender until the rest of the day (errm, Luhan) or he’ll get a ton of messages in the morning which most of them were asking why he doesn’t reply his messages (errm, Tao).

And surprisingly, there’s no message from either Luhan or Tao.

It’s Jongin.

From: Kingka Jong-out
have you got your present ready? how about your sleepover kits?

Since when Jongin being someone who so worried over things like this?

He chuckled a bit before replied his message and places his phone to his phone desk, ready to drive himself to sleep.

To: Kingka Jong-out
why are you so worried? everything’s under control; you don’t need to worry.
anyway, I’m going to sleep. talk to you later.

And his eyelids began to feels heavy.

Sehun yawned and began to pull up his blanket and wrap himself in it tightly, preventing him being cold. Screw it, he needs sleep and nobody can stop him. The one who can stops himself is him alone.

It was copy-pasted from a manga he likes though.

But before his eyes closes in peace, his phone vibrates, alarming him that a message has arrived.

He sighed before lazily picked his phone to check whose message is it, and he found himself smiling and murmured “Stupid.” before turn it off without replying and going to sleep.

And his eyes closed with his dream await him to come.

(From: Kingka Jong-out
is it weird to worry about your boyfriend, literally?
(lol I know you’re not gonna buy this so hurray for me)
you better be, or I’ll drag your body out of your house and bring you to my parents even you’re resist
okay, g’night. have a nice dream.

The first thing that Sehun did after he wakes up in the next morning is sneezing.

He blinked in confusion before pick a tissue and snorts his mucus before throws it to the trash can and glanced to his clock; it’s still 8 am—he used to wakes up at 10 am in holiday and his parents used to it.

Why is he sneezed anyway?

My beloved body who I dear so much, please don’t get sick now because I pity Jongin for can’t fulfill his parents wishes and decided to help him to be his fake boyfriend so don’t. He suggested himself in front of mirror quietly before walks lightly to his bathroom, intending to have a bath first before he have breakfast—brunch.

He should getting prepared for tonight.

He took off his clothes before entering the bathtub and slightly drown himself in it. He can't take a shower in winter; he better goes to North Pole than take a shower in winter.

Okay, that was metaphoric.

Anyway he should be quick because he hasn’t wrapped the presents yet.

After he's done bathing, he quickly dry himself and wear dry clothes (he grabs whatever he can reach in cupboard) before snuggling himself in his sweater, lightly sneezing before takes the shopping bag and lazily shook it,  which caused its contain falls out.

One, two, three, and four.

Present, present, wrap paper, ribbons.


Let's do it then.


In the card, it written that the party will be held at 7 pm, but Jongin already messaged him at 5 pm and asked him to get out.

Sehun sighs and decided to call him instead of replying his message because Jongin (suprisingly) such a worried person.

Where are you? Have you prepared yet? How about your present? Have you dressed yet? Have you got permission from your father? How about your mother?



Sehun sighs, "Jongin, seriously, stop worrying. I'm not that lazy that you should remind me like a child." And he added, “And seriously, the invitation is written that I should come at 7, not 5.”

He can hear Jongin murmurs sorry I got carried away but Sehun scoffed, "What, it's not like I'm your real boyfriend anyway."

But Sehun didn't expect Jongin will falls silence after he said it as joke.

"Jongin?" There’s no response. "Jongin? Earth to Jongin?" there still no response. "Kim Jongin?" Great, now Sehun began to worry. "Jongin?"

"Sorry, I just—" he can heard Jongin was sighing heavily. "I never bring anyone to my home so I guess, I just a bit... nervous."

Sehun's eyebrows knotted, "What about Kyungsoo?"

"He's not counted."


"Duh, he's my cousin; of course he's not counted! He's family after all." Jongin snorts and continued, "What, you jealous?"

He scoffed, "You wish." and he can't help but smiles. He just... relieved? He has no clue. "Well, you better don't send those kinds of messages again, do you get it?"

"Why? Is that weird to worry about you?" his head really bumped onto something?

Sehun heavily sighs before tries to calm himself, before his anger boiling up. Sehun, calm yourself down. Jongin is weird; it's not like it's the first time he did this to you, so calm down, calm down—

"See you in two hours."

And he decided to hang up on Jongin.

He has seen Jongin being weird in several times; mostly when he got praised of his dance and he's in his kingka mode. For the last one, he'll be like smiles happily and being very kind to others while Sehun was the otherwise (and Luhan really complained a lot about it).

He is kind to everyone but him.

Really, it's really Sehun's first time to saw someone that throws insult as soon as they meet.


He heard his mother called him from outside while knocking the door softly.

“What is it Mom?” Sehun opens the door while answered her softly. "Is there anything that I can help?"

Mrs. Oh smiling while lightly covers her lips, holding her giggles while Sehun frowns, "You see, Luhan’s coming. He said that you’ll have a date so he’s coming to make you over. Is that true?”

Sehun’s eyes widen.

Damn, he really should shut Luhan’s mouth up later.

“Mom, didn’t I tell you that I’ll just go to my friend’s house? Luhan just loves to making up things; don’t bother with what he says.” Sehun sighs and guides his mother to downstairs, “Please tell him to go upstairs; and please Mom, don’t buy his words, even I don’t really sure if he’s telling lies or not.”

His mother only chuckled before nodded and went downstairs, along with Sehun who go back to his room.

But not long after he closed the door, Luhan slams open the door with smug grins plastered on his face—and Sehun only could stares flatly before pinch his cheeks and grumbled, “Why did you tell my mother—“

“Well—“ Luhan groaned when Sehun pinch his cheeks harder. “It hurts! Let go of me!”


“Then in that case I can’t make you up so you can’t impress his parents!” Luhan pinched Sehun’s hands and rubs his cheeks—his cheeks really red, thanks to Sehun—before grumbled, “Enough with it, do you want to get this done or not?”

Sehun fumbled to say sorry but Luhan shook his head, and pulls him in front of mirror while picked his make up kits in his bag. “You can thank me later but let me make you looks handsome first with my magical hands.” He smugly grins—Sehun can’t deny it, but he’s really a good make-over—and tied the younger’s bangs back. “And I have date with Yixing after this, so you better don’t struggle too much so I can finish it fast.”

The younger sighed, “Sometimes I wonder why Yixing-hyung falls for you though.”

“And I wonder why you can’t be honest with your crush.” Luhan grumbled while applying the base on Sehun’s face. “You like Jongin, don’t you?”


Like the hell he will.

As Luhan like could read his mind, he continued, “Then why did you ask me for help make you over?”

Because it would be impolite if he doesn’t dressed properly?

“You have a good sense in clothing, so why should you call me?”

“Stop talking like you can read my mind.” Sehun grumbled and lightly punch the elder’s abdomen.

“I’ve knew you for years, Sehun. I know you more than yourself.” Luhan lightly smiles and began to fix his hair. “And you’re willing to do this much because you want it; and that’s mean you’re interested in him, no matter how much you denied it.”

And deep down, Sehun can’t help but agreed with him.

Luhan was right.

Maybe he interested in Jongin.


(But he can’t really sure because Jongin always piss him off.)

An hour and a half after Luhan finished fixing him, Sehun soon arrived in front of Jongin’s house with his lips pressed flatly lingers on his face.

He got 1/3 of his hair slightly pulled back by gel while the rest of his bangs were down. Sehun didn’t know what Luhan put into his face was, but he remembered he said something about eyeliner, bb cream and such and said that he should be a model with him as his makeup artist instead slacking off in college.

The last thing Luhan did is took a picture with him before kiss-bye-ed him and said he was his most masterpiece before get out from his room with his I got appointment with someone else excuse.


Forget about him, he should focus to Jongin now.

He checked his watch. Five minutes before the meeting.

Sehun sighs before lightly pressed the bell. He’s curious how Jongin’s family is looks like; maybe sun-kissed skins like him? Or maybe jerks like him? Or even, as weird as him?

He chuckled because of his thought.

The door opens and Sehun abruptly stopped chuckle. He smiles before greets the person who has opened the door, “Good evening. Is Kim Jongin here?” and when he looks at the person, his jaw almost dropped.

It was Jongin who opens the door.

“Yes, it was me. Who are you?”

…what did Luhan put on his face that even Jongin doesn’t recognize him, his immortal enemy.

Before Sehun had a chance to answers, Jongin’s eyes widen impossibly larger with his mouth agape in shock before abruptly says, “Se-Sehun?”

What Sehun only could do is blinked.

Why is he so shocked? Is he that handsome that even Jongin couldn’t resist? Or is he that stunning that he can make Jongin that shocked?

Let Sehun’s babbles floats away.

“If you’re inviting someone else too, well, maybe no.” Sehun sighs and rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Jongin, you can’t recognize me? Aren’t you the one who invited me?”

Jongin face-palmed, but Sehun can sees his cheeks flush a deep shade of red while his eyes trying to took glances at him. “Sorry, I just…”

“Mesmerized?” Sehun smugly grins when Jongin shook his head, but flushes still lingered on his cheeks. “Well, of course you do, I’m your boyfriend after all.” He joked and grins widely when even Jongin’s ears began to flush as well.

Oh boy, surprisingly it’s fun to make fun of him.

“A-anyway,” Jongin tried to calm himself down before sighs and let him in, “Come in, my family have waiting for you.”

Before Sehun forgot, he gives Jongin a box that he has brought for a while and sighs, “My mother gave me this when I’m going out; she said that I should bring something since I’m the guest.” And he took off his shoes before looks up and shrugs, “Sorry for intruding…?”

He grins and reached Sehun’s arms before smiles widely, “Welcome.” And gently took off his coat and hangs it on hanger. “Just place your bag at there; we can take it later.” Jongin said while pointing his index finger towards the upper part of cupboard near them.

And it was Sehun’s turns to flush while obediently place his bag at top of it.

Jongin walked to the dining room while Sehun was following him from behind. He spreads his vision through the house. It’s really cozy; minimalism yet classy. The furnitures were arranged neatly and there’s a fireplace near the living room.

It must be warm when the winter comes.

When they arrived in dining room, Jongin placed the box at kitchen’s counter before hold Sehun’s hand and guides him to where Jongin’s family has gathered. He took a glance at Jongin, and it’s really surprised him.

So he’s not the only one who nervous.

“Jongin-ah, is he your boyfriend?”

He’s startled and instantly bowing and greets them, “Good evening, I’m Oh Sehun.” And when he looks up, what Sehun could see is both of Jongin’s sisters are stares him knowingly. “…Nice to meet you?”

And what Sehun could never expect is he got his cheeks pinched repeatedly by them.

Wait, when did they get near him anyway?

“Jongin-ah! I never know that you have a good taste in picking guys!” One of his sisters lightly pokes his cheeks, “How cute! Hey, hey, how you guys met? Is Jongin confessed to you as soon as he met you? Or are you the one who confessed?”


“What’s your birthday? Do you have any siblings?”


“Has Jongin kissed you before?”


Jongin help me dammit.

“Have you guys done it?”

Sehun almost died because suffocated of the last questions.

Noona, I think that was personal questions and look, he almost falls unconscious because of you guys.” Jongin hold Sehun’s hand tighter. “And maybe you can let him sit first…?”

They pouted before back to their sits. Sehun sighed in relief before murmurs thanks at Jongin while hold his hand tighter than ever, it hurts, yeah, but both calming at the same time, and following Jongin to sits beside him. He can’t put his face right; he was flustered by Jongin’s sisters’ sudden questions.

When he looks up, he found Jongin’s father was looking at him; looking thoroughly at him like investigating him from upper to feet. He tried to avert his eyes; he found Jongin’s mother was looking at him too, with curiosity glisten in her eyes.

Is he dressed wrongly…?

Or is it because he’s a he?

Can he sink into the center of earth now?

“Sehun, wasn’t it?”

Sehun abruptly looks up and nodded, “Yes, I am.”

Jongin’s mother chuckled and greets him warmly, “Hello. I’m sorry about earlier, we never has guest from Jongin’s before so we went too overboard—mostly my daughters though.”

He abruptly shook his head, “N-no, I was the one who should apologize about the mess I’ve made. I’m sorry—“

“There’s nothing to sorry about.” She smiles and lightly poked his husband’s forearm, “Dear, you should greet him too. Come on?”

But there’s a hesitant face plastered on his face.

Of course he’s hesitant; his only son brought him a (literally) boyfriend after all, Sehun thought while unconsciously bit the inside of his cheeks. He can say that, but the thought of being not-so-nicely kicked out by him makes him a bit scared.

He doesn’t want to being kicked out in the cold winter.

“Are you serious about it?”

Sehun blinked before manages to answers confusedly, “I beg your pardon?”

“I said, are you serious about having relationship with my son?” Jongin’s father’s face hardened. “Don’t you think you can have a better partner than him? Why did you pick Jongin?”

He was the one who picked me sir, and to put it frankly, I’m not your son’s boyfriend. But Sehun didn’t dare to say it. Otherwise, he tried to answers him, “I—“

But Jongin interrupted him.

“I was the one who picked him, Dad.”

His father looking at Jongin with even Sehun would feels hurt when see it, “Why did you?”

Jongin answered it confidently, “Because we fated to be together, isn’t that enough?”


“Is there any difference to love female or male? Love is love, isn’t, Dad?” Jongin hold Sehun’s hand tighter, in a softer way, and continued, “He’s enough for me. I don’t want anyone else but him.”

His father sighed in relief before shook his head, “Jongin, what do I meant with my question is how ready he is to be with you. I have nothing against your will; it’s your choice.” He smiles warmly and his gaze ended at Sehun, “Please take care of him well.”

“Y-yes, I will.”

One of Jongin’s sisters playfully sighed and pouts, “Too bad, I was expecting to meet you earlier so I can have you though.”


All of them laughed before starts chatters comfortably like they had known each other for long ages.

And the rest of the party (gratefully, for Sehun) going well as expected.

“I felt bad for them for believing our lies.” Is what Sehun said after he took his bag and closed Jongin’s door room, with heavy sighs goes along with it. He’s terrible at lies, but surprisingly Jongin’s family didn’t realize it at all.

Jongin scoffed and throws himself at bed before replied, “Well, then just make it true?”

Sehun blinked, but he’s unable to move his body because of sudden shock.


“…you serious?”

“I should be the one who asking you,” Jongin sits down on bed and stares him intently, “What are you doing?”

“I’m standing?” He innocently answered.

Jongin face-palmed before scoffed, “Really, now, look at you, why are you dressed so damn—“


“Yeah, that… what. Wait, wait, wait wait wait, wait a minute.” His eyes widen and shook his head, but Sehun can saw his cheeks were deeply red even the lamp hasn’t turn on yet. “Where that confidence is comes from.”

Sehun smugly grins before walks closer to the edge of bed and grabs Jongin’s shoulders softly, “Well, you can’t even denied it so I guess it was true.” He shook his head jokingly and laughed, “Don’t be that stiff; I know you hate me, so don’t buy it.”

Jongin frowns, “What? When I ever said that I hate you?”

The younger scoffed, “Tell that who a person who throws insult as soon as they met.”

“And tell that to a person who dressed so nicely unlike the usual.” Jongin grabs Sehun’s wrists and looks up, “Seriously Sehun, what are you trying to pull?”

“I should ask you the same. What was your intention, really?” Sehun sighed and leans closer, “To be honest I didn’t really believe that you’ve rejected by those girls; are you even asking them?”

Jongin blinked and his mouth slightly opens in shock, “Wait, how did you know that I’m not asking them?”

“Your eyes said otherwise.” Sehun scoffed and sighs. “It feels weird.” Sehun sighs for the second time. “I just can’t understand you. If you love me then just say so.” He meant it as joke, again, but Jongin’s hand reached his chin is beyond of his expectation, “Kim Jongin-ssi, what are you doing with your hand?”



“How about we try it?”

Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you want to try?”

“Make it true?” Jongin asked back.

“But we have deal that no kissing included.” Sehun softly shove Jongin’s hand from his chin, “And I think I heard someone said that he doesn’t want to kiss my ugly lips and wouldn’t want to do anything to my body because my body’s not nice.” He smirks when Jongin slightly grumbles and tried to reach his chin again. “And I think I dislike someone who insults people as soon as they meet.”

Jongin sighed before looks up, with determination fills his eyes, and stated “I’m sorry.” before softly hold’s Sehun’s pale fingers and continued, “I was—I just, I don’t know how to describe it, but I think I was confused because of you.”

Sehun tilted his head confusedly, “What I have done?”

“Can you please stop being cute, jerk, y, and handsome at the same time?”

He rolled his eyes and both pinched and pulled Jongin’s cheeks in annoyance, “Cut it out.”

“I wasn’t kidding!”

“Then spill it out! Don’t make things even more jumbled than before!” Sehun snapped and pulled Jongin’s cheeks harder without cared his groans, “Or I’ll pull your cheeks wider and tomorrow you’ll aging like my old grandpa.”

“I don’t even know who your grandpa is!” Jongin groaned before tried to shove Sehun’s hands from his cheeks. “It’s hurts! Let go!”

And Sehun does as he told.

Jongin rubs his cheeks and groaned before sighed and get up from his bed, walks to his desk—Sehun only stares, confusedly. He opens his cabinet and fished a wrapped thing from it before throws it to Sehun.

Sehun received it in confusion.

He played with the wrapped-by-cute-paper thing (lightly squish, shook it lightly, and playfully throw it on the air) before one of his eyebrows raised and asks confusedly, “What is it?”

Jongin shrugs, “Try to open it.”

He obediently opens—wrecks—the wrapped paper and slightly frowns before it shows it’s contain. Sehun blinked before lightly shook the item. It's a book; an anthology of poem, and a scarf.

So he was at the bookstore to bought this, Sehun hummed and looks up, stares at Jongin flatly, “So is it the reason why you were late yesterday?” Jongin nodded. “Who’s that girl?”

Jongin frowns, “What?”

“Weren’t you with a girl yesterday?” He still remembered when Jongin parted with a girl in front of the department store. “I saw you guys when I was at café.”

“Well… that’s…”

“Is that your girlfriend?”

And Jongin, unexpectedly, throws a pillow right on Sehun’s face.

“If I had one why should I asked you here?” Jongin grumbled and walks closer to Sehun while sighed heavily, “Just how dense are you?”

Oh… right.

“Sorry.” Sehun said flatly.

“She’s your colleague, don’t you remember her?” Jongin caught Sehun’s blank expression and pinch Sehun’s cheek, “Really, you—at least remember your colleague and socialize, and don’t hang out with the same people too often.”

“All blames could be directed to Luhan-hyung.” He groans and lightly shoves Jongin’s hand.

“You’re not initiative enough.”

“I’m not interested.” Sehun rolled his eyes while trying his new scarf. It’s a black scarf, and warm. “And then?”

“I happen to met her at there. She’s one of your fanclub’s members and I asked her what does you like, and there, you got it.” Jongin fixed Sehun scarf and sighed when he got blank stares, again, from Sehun, “You called me kingka thousand times but you never realize that you’re kingka too?”

“Don’t care.”

“Really, you—“


Jongin stopped talking.

He can felt his cheeks getting hotter, but he would never declare it, he’s a male, and he’ll never will (and he hides himself with buried his face in his scarf), but he manages to speaks—murmurs, to be exact, “Thanks for the book, and the scarf.” and secretly glanced at Jongin. “Even my parents didn’t know that I like poem.”

“Your face didn’t really show any interest after all.” Jongin scoffed, half-heartedly. “What about mine?”

Sehun stares him blank.

“You didn’t get anything for me?”


“No, I didn’t.”

He lied.

Jongin’s eyes widen, “You must be kidding.”

I am, “No, I don’t.” He smiles playfully—his embarrassment was gone—before hugs the book tightly, “But in exchange, you can ask me anything.” But to be honest I’ve bought presents for you and now it’s in my bag, Sehun didn’t really say that because he just, well, found it really funny that he can joking around with him.

“Anything?” and Sehun found a hint of excitement in his tone.


Jongin hold Sehun’s fingers and looks at him with strong determination glisten on his eyes. He deeply inhales before lightly smiles and speaks, “I want to try it.”

Sehun frowns.

“This fake relationship, I want it to be true.”

His statement flabbergasted Sehun.

“All I want for Christmas is you.”

“…isn’t that a title of a song?”

“…Sehun please don’t ruin the mood.”

“But it’s—“

“I like you; will you go out with me?”

Sehun blinked before answer abruptly, “You’re not kidding?” Jongin nodded. “What about our deal?”

“I still kept my promise, my plan was success though, and so I think we can… you know?” Jongin leans closer, “What’s your answer?”

“Luhan-hyung said I have crush on you but I’m not really sure, maybe I’m interested in you but we just getting closer in a day; so how should I know? You’re a kingka that adored by girls and women at our college—even sometimes I heard there’s men who tried to confessed to you, I just an ordinary who always slacking off in my study, what’s our match?” and Sehun stopped to takes a deep breath. He never talked that long before in entire of his life—not after he met the guy who now is in front of him.

Maybe this is what Luhan meant by mentioned his unusual attitude about willing to do something that eager.


Jongin hummed happily, Sehun guesses, and speaks, “We can always try.”

“In one minute one second?”

He blinked, “What?”

“Try to impress me less than one minute one second, and I’ll answer.” Sehun nodded in blank expression and looks straight to Jongin’s face. “I’ll let you to do anything; as long as it’s not out of boundaries.” And maybe I can get my feeling right, Sehun thought.

“Is kissing allowed?”

But before Sehun manages to answers him, his lips were locked with Jongin’s.

Jongin hold Sehun’s jaw gently and softly pressed his lips on Sehun’s. “Five seconds.” His kisses began to trail on his cheeks, “Six, seven,” his eyelids, “Eight, nine,” his forehead, “Ten,” the tip of his nose, “Eleven,” both the corners of his lips, “Twelve, thirteen,” neck, “Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen—”

Sehun slightly holds himself to not get his legs weak, because his feet really felt ready to falls in one knock.

And he lost it when Jongin bites his neck.


But he ignored Sehun’s weak call and still counting while keeps kissing every inch of Sehun.


And his lips were locked by Jongin’s, again.

He tried to push Jongin away but his hips were grabbed strongly by Jongin, preventing him to go away. Jongin began to kiss him deeper, and the lower parts of Sehun’s lips before sneak his tongue into his wet cavern, all over inside his mouth hungrily. He began to play his tongue with Sehun’s, and fight for dominant.

Sehun can’t think straight anymore.

Jongin parted their lips and lightly pecks his lips before smiles and whispers softly, “How was it?”

“It’s…” Sehun heavily breathed before replied, “Is that… really in one minute one second?” Jongin nodded. “Are you even counting—” and he silenced when Jongin shows his fingers. He was really counting.

He’s serious.

“No need to be mesmerized; I know I’m a good kisser.” Jongin grinned and trying to kiss Sehun’s cheek, but his face was face-palmed by Sehun’s hand. “Yah! What are you doing?” but stopped when he saw Sehun’s face really reddened and he was at loss. “Don’t tell me…”

“That was my first! Yes! I admit it so what!” Sehun shouted in embarrassment while shuts his eyes tightly, and shove Jongin’s face harsher. “Don’t you dare to laugh or—“

He blinked and stares him in confusion, “Why should I? It’s cute.”

“What do you mean by cute—“

“The way you pouts, the way you whines, the way you being lazybones; it’s cute.” Jongin grins and takes Sehun’s off guard as chance to hugs him. “You see, I’ve watching you since the first time you entered the dance class. Even you were often forgetting the choreography, your moves really sharp and flawless.”

Sehun rolled his eyes and tried to shoves Jongin from his body while grumbled “That was ended really nicely but let go of me first.” but Jongin keeps ignoring him, as usual.

Why did they end being like this anyway?

“And the way you always show your collarbones when you move were really y.”

“Jongin please that creep me out.”

“And the way you styled your hair now is really handsome.”

“Now you’re being weird.”

“And that foul mouth of yours is really jerks. I’m older than you.”


“But really,” Jongin smiled, Sehun knows even without looking, and shuts his eyes slowly, “I think I’ve fallen for you since the first time we met; that’s why I asked you as my company.”

Sehun really can’t process what was happening earlier.

Jongin is hugging him.

He said he want him as a Christmas present.

He was kissing him earlier.

He said he was unique; cute, y, handsome, jerk, and blah blah.

And now Jongin whispers something on Sehun’s ear.

“May I have your answer?”

And (in multiple times, well, Sehun just doesn’t know how to express him well) Sehun sighed before answers half-heartedly, “Do whatever you want.”

“Can I take it as yes?” Jongin happily hugs him tighter, in a s u f f o c a t e d way, while Sehun sighed heavier and really, almost, can’t, breathe.

But well.

Maybe it’s a good start for him.


“Waaaaa! I love youuuuu!” He hugs him tighter than before—help; he’s really suffocating right now, someone—and throws their body to his bed. “Well, anyway, it’s already December 25 so… merry Christmas!”

But Sehun’s not ready to say those three magical words yet.

Sure, he likes Jongin, but he’s really not sure how to put the like feeling in a right place. It’s like, picking between bubble tea chocolate-flavored and bubble tea taro-flavored and when ether he pick one of it, he afraid he’ll regret it later.

But he needs to choose.

He decided to pretend he doesn’t heard Jongin’s confession and smiles, “Merry Christmas.”

And he decided to tell him later, when his heart is ready.

“Let’s sleep?”

“But I never know that you really have a twisted personality.” Sehun snorts before plays with Jongin’s hair, “Well, let’s.”

Both of them shared smiles before closes their eyes and slowly driven to sleeps, with dream awaits them to come.

And Sehun decided to surprise Jongin with his Christmas present in the morning.

(By the way he bought Jongin a dark green scarf and a white beanie with small Michael Jackson pinned on the right side of it.

He hopes he’ll like it though.)

I’ve planning to make a sequel but maybe’s not that soon, so well, wait for it? if you want it tho lol /shoots

anyway, thanks for reading!


sorry for the weird ending, I just like, I’m 5 days late and yet I haven’t finished it yet so I just typed in rush and yeah well I guess that was it.

hope I’ll do better in my next story!

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Chapter 1: so cute and lovely.....<333333333333
Nilde9 #2
I really liked it! I was so warm and lovely! :)
Chapter 1: PURRRFECT! Love it!
kaisoochild #4
Omg sequel please i love it aaaaaaaaaa
specialone #5
Chapter 1: Can you make a sequel of this?
I really love this. Well written ♡
xycouple #6
Chapter 1: actually, i am not SeKai Shipper... but this story is more than worth to read... cute also well written... and your writing style... ughhh i like it, ehhh no i love it...
Chapter 1: odg it was so effin cute and sekai-ish ;u; I like their personalities, they're just so them haha.
it also ended well, yes. a sequel is needed!
thank u for writing this♡
Chapter 1: Cute xD aye
Chapter 1: Awee. I like it. >< Esp how jongin change his personality. The confession part is cute omfg
Sequel is much needed asdghjkl O^O
monmon15 #10
Chapter 1: Awww its really cute! Sequel would be really niceeee XD